Yet He "spared not His own Son."2. Into the virgin's womb. etc. The gift of God's Son assures us of the gift of all things, because of —1. The gift is infinite, but the heart of the Giver is as benevolent as ever, and His means as ample. )The wants of men, and the supplies of GodD. It is after this review that the apostle exclaims, "What shall we then say to these things?" This "all things" reacheth to heaven and earth (1 Timothy 4:8). We dishonour Christ by mistrust of the power of His saving merit. It would be a poor, shabby issue of such a great gift if it were only to be followed by the sweetnesses and prosperity of this world. The question requires for its answer only the belief in the unchangeableness of the Divine heart, and the uniformity of the Divine purpose. The past — "God hath not spared His own Son, but given Him up for us all." He might, without impairing of His justice, have kept Him still in His bosom; but as "of His own will He begat us with the word of truth" (James 1:18), so He delivered up His own Son because He would." Mercy is all our plea, and it was all His motive; and wrought in Him a will, a cheerful will.II. He was delivered to Joseph and Mary, to whom "He was subject" and obedient (Luke 2:51). The same word which is employed in the Septuagint for "withheld" is employed here. Learn more Start my trial Back . 1, "He spared not His own." When He is given, all things are given with Him — more than we can desire, more than we can conceive.(A. Let these thoughts teach us that sorrow too is one of the gifts of the Christ. THE INFERENCE FROM THIS FACT. There is a twofold not-sparing. Romans 8:32, ESV: "He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?" We are warranted to ask till we think of some gift greater than Jesus.3. "For us." If it would furnish no such aid as you lifted your hopeless eye to the opened door, you would execrate the misnamed mercy that had pardoned you! We may therefore hail every fresh discovery in science, etc., as only another helper of God's work. We read sometimes of Christ given for us, and sometimes of Christ given to us. "All things are yours. Not only shall existing agencies, however adverse, be pressed into the service of redemption; but fresh agencies shall be brought forward at their appointed time to complete the work. 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? screams the blind man, hugging this Jesus he suddenly sees. He may give sources of earthly happiness, but He gives Christ with them to make them doubly sweet, and yet to prevent their drawing off the affections from heavenly joys. (c) No equal or advantageous exchange. The first of these gifts is unmistakable; but the other is not thus definite. Is anything denied you that seems desirable? To a world that disowned Him. "Spare" has two senses. How many things could you resign before you spared a child! 2. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. Strutt.In order to grasp the argument we must understand that Paul is speaking to believers in the midst of a groaning world whose hope needed to be sustained by the strongest evidence. Melvill, B.D.It is a joint gift, so to speak, to which God has pledged Himself through the scheme of redemption — the gift of all things with Christ, but of nothing without Christ. Picture it. What oceans of glowing, light it hath poured forth since the day when God said, "Let light be"! Infidelity and impenitency only limit a proposition so general, and bound so saving and universal, and contract all into a few.IV. )The great fact and the just inferenceJabez Bunting, D.D.It may assist us in understanding the text if we take a brief view of the inventory of a believer's privileges in this chapter.1. Omnipotence is limited here; we can ask no blessing adequate to this: hence what is the pardon of sins to God? 3. But what speak we of martyrs? And I read also that "He giveth strength" to His people, and that we are to be "strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." The gift of God's Son is the beneficence of sacrifice, the gift of all things is the beneficence of sufficiency, and the former is the means of the latter. And this is the great doctrine of vicarious atonement and expiation, on which hang all our hopes, and from which flow all our legitimate comforts.II. The same arguments go to show that God will freely give these things. How the greatness of the surrender is made more emphatic by the negative and the positive. Can the Son of God be delivered further? The Divine nature could not suffer, but gave efficacy.2. AT OUR PRESENT STANDING PLACE BETWEEN THE PAST AND THE FUTURE.1. And now God hath exalted Him to His own right hand to perfect the work. HOW THE DEATH OF CHRIST IS HERE EXPRESSED.1. God has the prerogative of knowing what is best for us. (3) Yea, He is in reality every other blessing; and we have all with Him. She connected with this baby first through the morning sickness. God is for us. 1. 2. Romans 8:32-35 New King James Version (NKJV). But He who saved others could not, in consistency with the engagement into which He had entered, and with the claims of God on the Redeemer, save Himself from death.2. But note yet again that God gives nothing to His people with which He does not at the same time give Christ. Manton, D.D.I. They are but the golden dust that may be filed off from the great ingot. The most powerful eloquence is the threnody of a broken heart; for there Christ's death speaketh itself, and the virtue and power of it reflecteth back again upon Him, and reacheth Him at the right hand of God, where His wounds are open, His merits vocal, interceding for us to the end of the world.III. All things are for us, and it is our own fault if we do not possess them — mercy to pardon us, grace to help us, etc. He was surprised to find out that he had won $1.89 million. 1. This is an infinite gift, because the Son of God is an infinite being; and it is the greatest of all possible gifts because it is God Himself. The second was the living image of his father. His methods vary. To us the benefits of salvation widen and grow in value, but to God the most valuable thing has been introduced into the process.2. "Ask, and ye shall receive." The gift is related to the gifts —(1) as means to ends. Yet who of all that noble army ever cried out they were forsaken? "Christ put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself" on the Cross, so that it no longer after that necessitated the exclusion of any creature from God's blessing.2. "Who knoweth what is good for man in this life, all the days of his vain life which he spendeth as a shadow?" Strutt.In order to grasp the argument we must understand that Paul is speaking to believers in the midst of a groaning world whose hope needed to be sustained by the strongest evidence. Melvill, B.D.It is a joint gift, so to speak, to which God has pledged Himself through the scheme of redemption — the gift of all things with Christ, but of nothing without Christ. Was bestowed for the same end as that for which every other blessing will be needed, viz., to complete our happiness. If you be sincere and hearty in this, you need not doubt a plentiful allowance.(T. He distinguishes between your welfare and your wishes. 33 Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? A contemplation full of comfort, but not so easy to digest. A strange contemplation it is. Romans 5. And now, if we go to God there is nothing to hinder His mercy. "Her son died in the war.". "Spare" has two senses. The text teaches us that God's beneficence is —. The One who laid the floor of the oceans is for you. But what need had He of angels who was Lord of the angels? It was not enough to speak of God's purpose, and promise, so a more triumphant argument was used. And so they consented to starve together rather than sacrifice one. But God feels that He has already given what to Himself was of the greatest value. So that He was delivered up not only to the Cross and shame, but to our sins, which nailed Him to the Cross. This cannot be any mere equivalent for a Messiah, or for a man who was like God in purity of nature. 1. Three positions may support this inference. What? Christ came to purchase all manner of benefits — the favour, the image, the everlasting fruition of the glory of God. 2. How this mysterious act is grasped by the apostle as the illuminating fact as to the whole Divine nature.
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