Advent of HTML5 introduced many new semantic elements. Once a product is developed, obviously, there would be many versions of HTML with many new developments along the way. Besides block-level semantic elements, HTML5 has also introduced a couple of semantic inline tags, even though previous specs also included semantic inline tags such as for hyperlinks or for abbreviations. In the previous version of HTML5, the label of the main body of the page was not specified. XHTML is the next phase in the evolution of HTML. Ans: Arpanet. A combined total of 140 HTML tags have been added across the subsequent versions, the most notable of which is HTML5. It has introduced a bunch of new elements and attributes. The W3C HTML5 specification introduces numerous new tags to define semantic/structural elements, text-formatting instructions, form controls, input types, and more. 25. The predecessor of the internet was. Semantic HTML elements are those that clearly describe their meaning in a human- and machine-readable way. This tells browsers what version of HTML the web page was coded in, which helps them to know how to process the code. This page describes all of the new HTML5 tags along with updates to an existing tag. Google and Opera analysed the frequent use of non-semantic elements to create new semantic tags. XHTML stands for eXtensible Hyper Text Markup Language. Ans: CSS. Although nearly every HTML4 tag and all the HTML5 tags have semantic meanings, some tags are primarily semantic. In related books, it is often said that except for the head, tail, sidebar and other parts, the rest is naturally the main part. HTML 5 is the latest version of HTML and has a lot of improved features. The best thing and most important thing introduced in HTML5 is semantic tags. _____ is used to create rules about the color, font, and layout of our pages. ... HTML5 introduced several new tags called semantic tags. HTML 5introduced new semantic elementssuch as section , article , footer , progress , nav , aside , mark , and time . We all know the standard abbreviation of HTML; which is HyperText Markup Language.So, HTML5 is the latest and the new version of HTML. ... With HTML4 and older version, developers used their own id/class names to style elements for different sections like header, top, bottom, footer, menu, navigation, main, … HTML 4.01 is the final version of HTML, which will eventually be replaced by XHTML. HTML5 introduced the concept of Semantic elements like ,