By the end of the series, Ezra has the full gambit of Jedi abilities, which include enhanced jumping, running, and awareness, but also more specialized abilities like premonitions, force shields, enhanced telepathy, and even the Sith version of the Jedi mind trick, which is akin to full blown possession. While the rest of the crew were heading to their cabins to ensure everything was switched off to save every little bit of fuel, Hera confided with Ezra about her prejudices towards the Purrgil in private. When Kanan discovered this, he argued with Rex whether Ezra's future lay as a soldier or Jedi, which Ezra responded that if that's how it's gonna go, he'll wish to be neither. The crew of the Ghost are Jedi in this. This bought the crew time to escape aboard the Ghost with Ezra and Kanan helping the injured Lasat. "Sabine", sliding off his bed, Ezra makes his way to the Mandalorian's side and sits on her bed before taking her hand. This led him to object to Saw's harsh treatment of Klik-Klak and his threat to destroy the last Geonosian queen egg. Ezra was separated from his companions, who pursued the Eighth Brother. Grand Admiral Thrawn arrives in Chinatown tasked by Governor Pryce and High Governor Tarkin with defeating the Rebel Phoenix Cell in New York City. Star Wars Rebels is an American 3D animated science fiction television series produced by Lucasfilm Animation and set in the Star Wars universe. Ezra and the other rebels were forced to flee into hyperspace. When Ezra suggested that they could wield the power of both holocrons, the Bendu warned them that secrets could not be unknown once they had been discovered. After Kanan and Ezra returned from Malachor everything was different, especially Ezra. Dropping down from the Phantom with Leia in tow, Ezra and Kanan took on Lyste and his men while the other rebels unlocked two of the secured ships and took off in them, knocking the supply master out cold. Bridger, then, proceeded to stun the Imperial before he could flee the arena, just before Imperial forces arrived and swarmed the arena. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Leaving Behind Chopper and Finding a New Base, Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister's TIE Fighters, Star Wars Rebels: Servants of the Empire: The Secret Academy, LEGO Star Wars Rebels Sets At The Nuremberg Germany Toy Fair, First Look: A New Recruit for Star Wars Rebels, He is the main protagonist of the series and is voiced by, Since the Grand Inquisitor threw his lightsaber at Ezra in ". Upon exiting the shuttle, the rebels found Rau on top of a hill. Using the Force, Ezra leaped towards Sabine and clung on to her. Later that morning, Hera and Kanan received word from Commander Sato that there had been a breakout at the Imperial prison on Lothal and obtained a list of the prisoners at the facility. Ezra and the others learned that Sabine had spoken out against the Empire for using weapons to enslave Mandalore. ", "Ahem", the two turn to Anakin, who is still sitting on his chair, a smile on his face "what's this about being in the past?". Upon arrival, Ezra spotted smoke coming from Tarkintown and took off on a speeder bike to check it out, with Kanan following from afar. The purrgil disappear with the Chimaera into hyperspace as the Spectres, the other rebels, and Pryce watch in shock. Ezra says Kanan told him that Anakin was the greatest warrior the Jedi Order had during the Clone Wars, and that he has been studying Anakin's holocron recordings in order to become a better duelist. As the days pass Ezra Bridger is getting more and more closer to the Dark side. After besting Kanan in the duel, Sabine broke down and wept. With Chopper, they headed to Section A2 only to discover that Thrawn had stationed sentries there. Shortly later, Sato's CR90 corvette was pulled out of hyperspace by an Imperial Interdictor, a prototype warship equipped with four gravity well projectors. Ezra and Rex were also involved in a physical altercation with Saw. A new d. Wolffe has acted on a mistaken belief that he was protecting his fellow clones from Imperial retribution, but Rex confronted him and convinced him that the rebels were their friends. After seeing a visage of Maul behind him, Ezra fainted and was tended to by Kanan and Zeb. The following day, Ezra and the other crew members returned after Zeb contacted them to report an incident the previous night. Finally, they were able to pick up a transponder signal coming from one of the Geonosis' moons, Bahryn, and headed there to find Zeb coming toward them nearby, having just worked with Kallus to survive its cold conditions. The two rebels also had their first glimpse of Thrawn and his subordinate Captain Slavin with Ezra wondering who the "blue guy" was. His left knee was padded for improved sliding. Using his Force powers, Ezra managed to collapsed the catwalk on the Droidekas. Will they ask Kanan and Ezra are on Coruscant looking for a cure for a mysterious illness that is afflicting the small towns of Lothal. Kanan became aware that Ezra was growing more stronger than he wasn't prepared for it. During their escape, however, Bossk was injured and convinced Ezra to help him by offering the boy all the content of his strongbox onboard the Tooth. The last TIE was shot down when it chased the Ghost through the hanger bay and collided with an attacking walker. Only the plot and Oc's!!!! As it turns out, neither has his former Padawan. After her ID9 seeker droids incapacitated Chopper, the Sister lured Ezra and Sabine into a hallway. how will this change the fate the force had plans for? With the assistance of fellow cadet Zare Leonis, he succeeded in stealing the decoder from Agent Kallus' office. Floating in a bacta tank while she recovers, Kanan's mind reaches out to Ezra through their Force bond, begging her to come home. The Mon Calamari in question was said to have just recently developed the B-Wing Starfighter, which could break the blockade in one fell swoop. When the commander revealed that he had sabotaged the control unit, Ezra decided to disable the station's power with his lightsaber despite the risks to everyone aboard. Max Ph [ Story Of Revenge ] With reinforcements bound to show up, the crew began the return trip back to theGhost. . While Hera waited aboard the Ghost, Ezra and his team climbed under the bridge leading to the prison. Star Wars: The Knight and The Princess - Episode IV By: Korra467. During the chores, both boy and droid received a distress call from Vizago and departed on the Phantom to locate Vizago's ship, the Broken Horn, where they met Hondo Ohnaka, who claimed to have won the ship from Vizago in a sabaac match. Preying on Ezras deeply held sorrow over the loss of his parents, Maul gained his sympathies and attempted to manipulate the younger man. In return for participating in the combat simulation, Ezra secured an agreement from Kalani to free Zeb, who had been designated as a hostage, and to give them the proton bombs if they won the match. With their attackers defeated, Zeb's escape pod still hadn't shown up, and the rebels calculated that it went off course towards Geonosis. After Zeb and Kanan lost Chopper in a game of Sabacc to the "galactic entrepreneur" Lando Calrissian, they reluctantly struck a deal to help him smuggle goods to Lothal. He found a possessed Kanan sitting above the altar. While at the Ghost's gangplank, the boy asked how they were going to get down, prompting a reprimand from Sabine for not paying attention since they were jumping into a toxic atmosphere in the planetoid below. Realizing Ezra was the Bridger's son, he told the Jedi-in-training that his parents were brave but foolish, and they should have joined the Empire to survive just like he did if they valued their lives. Theres no way you can believe that you will see your loved ones, again.. The Rebels chased him through the streets to the road that led out of the city as he attempted to evade his pursuers. However, Reklam Station had begun falling apart and the starship was knocked off by a falling crane. The Ghost crew eventually received word about Hera and Sabine's failed mission to seek permission for safe passage through the Concord Dawn system from the system's Protectors. As a generous measure for saving Zeb's life, Ezra shared a cabin with him aboard the Ghost, but both Lasat and boy often butted heads as they did not get along with each other. Ezra Bridger has a special secret. The Brother prepared to kill him, but the Sister stopped him and convinced him to use him as a bait to capture the others. While imprisoned aboard Kallus' Star Destroyer, the Lawbringer, Ezra was able to open the holocron he stole, allowing it to play a message from Obi-Wan Kenobi warning all Jedi who survived the Great Jedi Purge at the end of the Clone Wars about the collapse of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the Empire. After the events of empire day, kanan and Ezra head to an asteroid and the inquisitor shows up who will survive who will fall to the dark. Ezra led the Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper on a mission to free Hondo, from the Imperial prison on the planet Naraka. Ezra then claimed that he was Lando. Which, to be fair, is, like, 80% of the truth. While waiting aboard an Alderaan Cruiser, Ezra and Kanan received word that Sabine had managed to infiltrate the Academy. To avoid endangering the Phoenix Squadron, Kanan arranged for the Ghost to rendezvous with the Phantom in deep space, and Ezra met up with Ahsoka in her cabin. After everything they'd been through, the two of them had now developed a friendship. But what happens when the crew finds him. Despite his grief over the loss of his parents, Ezra was up for the mission to rendezvous with the Princess in Jalath City, only to find the being guarded by Imperial forces led by Lothal's Imperial supply master, Yogar Lyste. Ezras casual use of his force talents caught the attention of Kanan Jarrus, captain of the ship Ghost, after the street rat stole some Imperial cargo the crew was set on liberating for themselves. * (Will be continued), Ch3 (A Lasat Vers2 - P1) - After hearing about a Jedi and a Lasat stealing crates from the Capital, Ezra makes it his mission to find them. Later, Ezra joined the other Ghost Crew and Cham's rebels aboard the Ghost in Ryloth's wilderness. This allowed Ezra and Kanan to destroy the Droideka with their lightsabers. He eventually constructed a new green-bladed Lightsaber, this time with a traditional design. Later that night, Ezra chatted with Fenn by a campfire. Maul then told Ezra to continue his journey to the temple's obelisk while he went to "help" Kanan and Ahsoka deal with the other Inquisitors. The two rebels managed to find Cham's former office and recover the Kalikori. Money, keys, credit cards, even my own heart, but none of that mattered more than stealing lies. While awaiting Chopper's return, Ezra and Kanan were confronted by a Stormtrooper Commander and his men, who noted they were outside their allocated area. Following the failure of the first attempt which result in the destruction of a rebel transport and the death of the Pheonix leader, the crew of the Ghost embarked on a mission to contact the engineer Quarrie, who lived on Shantipole, which was inaccessible to many spacers. Ezra was nearly decapitated by his own weapon when Vader used the Force to bring his lightsaber towards his throat, but was released the moment Kanan returned to the fight. After repelling the boarding party, the rebels descended into the depths of Geonosis. Later, Ezra was in his bunk when Kanan entered. Shortly later, the rebels encountered one of Hondo's Ugnaught crew members Melch, who had survived a failed earlier attempt to board the cargo ship. Sabine and Chopper managed to gain the Squadron's trust by helping R3 to repair the ship's hyperdrive. Ezra thanked Hera for sharing this information and returned to his bunk to view a hologram of his parents. While Sabine and Chopper dealt with the Imperials behind them, Ezra used the Force to control the AT-DP's pilot, forcing him to attack his own comrades and jump off the edge of the platform. As the Sith Temple closed in on itself, Ezra and Kanan tried to reach Chopper and the Phantom but were held back by Vader. Remembering they aren't alone, Ezra thinks about pulling back, but he honestly doesn't care "good to see you're in good health. Enraged, Sidious set his Royal Guards on Ezra, who managed to defeat them using fragments of the temple. Ezra and Chopper pursued the Geonosian through the labyrinth but were unable to keep up with him. You dont need to read this to understand the entire story! Maul, once again, attempted to recruit Ezra as his apprentice by claiming that their destiny was linked to the planet with the twin suns. Almost immediately, Ezra was approached by two more Stormtroopers and stunned them with his lightsaber-blaster, but when he spotted a disguised Chopper laughing at him about the two shots, he quickly realized that he had knocked out his own master and Captain Rex, who were sent by Hera to rescue him, Sato, and Sato's crew. Unable to escape off-world or establish communications with the rest of his group, Ezra called on his master for help through the Force. Sabine assigned Ezra with the task of watching over Rau, who was handcuffed. When Hondo arrived with the Ugnaughts, the pirate told Ezra that he would guard the Imperial landing craft there in case they needed a quick escape. Still, he thought they would have at least a little tact and wait to ask, "yes; I do. The two were quickly bathed in a bright pink blaze of light. While Sabine was training to wield the Darksaber, he patiently taught her lightsaber strokes. Maul then rejected Ezra as a "disappointment" and left on his ship. ), Were you stealing supplies for the rebellion? The other looked up and crossed his arms defensively as Luke continued. Ezra's Life Continues Once airborne, Ezra along with Kanan and Chopper entered the Phantom and detached it so they head to Lothal while Hera, Sabine and Zeb stayed behind aboard the Ghost to evacuate the Phoenix Squadron off-world, even when the Liberator was almost caught in the Star Destroyer Relentless's tractor beam. Web. Unfortunately, a laser blast from the remaining guard hit the boy and sent him plummeting into the the gassy atmosphere. Realizing Tseebo's value to the Rebellion, the crew of theGhostagreed to smuggle him off-world. As they ventured deeper, Ezra took the opportunity to apologize for the recent troubles but Kanan assured his apprentice that it was not his fault. They tried to steal some, but both got caught and made a run for it. After returning to Lando's farm, Ezra and the Rebels proceeded with their plan and successfully bypassed the Imperial blockade, leaving Ezra's homeworld behind. Kanan, Fenn, and Hera wanted Sabine to use the Darksaber to rally her people to the rebel cause. Heading to the Archeon Nebula, the group encountered an Imperial Light Cruiser and a ship that Ezra recognized with dread: the prototype of the TIE Defender, piloted by Vult Skerris. and distributed by 20th Century Fox. Later on, Ezra asked her about her relationship with her father while she was fixing Chopper. When Ezra is captured by the Inquisitor. Before it could finish him, the Fighter was destroyed by the rebel's ship, the Ghost, which was the same VXC he saw being chased by Rudor months before. Maul took the opportunity to flee on the Nightbrother, but left the holocrons behind. Upon Wedge's return, they were skeptical when AP-5 voiced suspicions about Chopper's behavior until they realized that Chopper was being polite, which was unheard of. Work Search: wrench, flashlight, droid arm, and a holo-disk). Even though Ezra is learning the ways of the Dark Side, a part of him will still be light. Hera and Sabine realize that the purrgil are going to jump into hyperspace. After the ritual ended, the two were accosted by several fallen Nightsister spirits who demanded that they pay their price in flesh and blood. Ezra and Zeb found a crate of them, only to discover they had already been sold to the Empire. For the next two days, Ezra taught Sabine the basics of stick fighting. Yoda responded that the real question was how a Jedi should choose to win, to which the teenage Jedi responded that they already chose to fight. And our future is uncertain. When the Empire destroyed . The Brother then joined the fight, and Ezra opened a shut door for Sabine to escape through. Getting over an argument for failing to see the leak, Ezra discussed the situation with Kanan, who had already sensed it through the Force and heard his Padawan and Zeb arguing outside his cabin. It was there the trio found Tseebo recovering from a mental illness from a AJ^6 cybernetic implant screwed into his head that has uploaded invaluable information on the Empire's military secrets and five-year plan for Lothal, explaining why the Empire was hunting him, as Ezra went further into his past by showing Sabine the equipment his parents used for their anti-Imperial broadcasts. I do not own Star Wars Rebels!!!! Hondo asked for the payment Ezra had promised only to discover that the boy deceived him, leaving the Weequay pirate proud of his young friend. Later, Ezra remained on board the Ghost with its Twi'lek captain Hera Syndulla while the Rebels revealed they had a new mission to rescue Wookiee prisoners being sent to a slave labor camp on a Imperial transport ship. Ezra's outfit undergoes several alterations as the series progresses: After constructing his lightsaber, he no longer relies on his energy slingshot. It depicts the Galactic Empire hunting down the last of the Jedi while a fledgling rebellion against the Empire emerges. Anakin is understandably unsettled by the message from Obi-Wan and is frozen in shock. Thrawn is forced to face his past, as well as his future, all while attempting to keep Eli safe, as Ezras clouded mind falls further to the Dark Side. Anakin slowly stands and summons the Holocron to his hand. Evading the seeker droid and the Inquisitors, the Jedi rendezvoused with Zeb in an apartment room, but Ezra's presence unsettled the child since he could sense the teenager's fear, thus alerting the Inquistors of their presence. (Will be continued). "What if I was huh? By the time he hit 17, he was promoted to lieutenant and recognized by the larger rebellion as a powerful and resourceful fighter. After eleven hours greeting any embarking passenger they were expecting the phrase from, Ezra discovered that the courier was a GNK power droid named EG-86, who had come with the cargo. While Rex and Gregor are friendly, Wolffe remains hostile to the rebels. It takes her a few moments to register what he just said, but when she does, she weakly asks, "We're safe?"