The Catholic Center Party remained particularly well entrenched in the Catholic strongholds of Bavaria and southern Baden, and in urban areas that held high populations of displaced rural workers seeking jobs in the heavy industry, and sought to protect the rights not only of Catholics, but other minorities, including the Poles, and the French minorities in the Alsatian lands. This sheet contains the Summer Assignments and introduces you to the material we will be studying next year The Textbooks: Spielvogel, Jackson J. Bismarck's policies, especially the buildup of the Prussian army, led to conflict with the liberal-dominated Lower House of the Prussian parliament, which resisted his proposals to pay for the increase in military expenditures with new taxes until Bismarck and the crown agreed to lasting constitutional reform. The widespreadmainly Germanrevolutions of 184849 sought unification of Germany under a single constitution. Applegate, Celia. In Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang Di uses Legalist, harsh values to govern the . The king of Prussia as emperor and Bismarck as chancellor had complete authority over foreign affairs and the army. Any story of German unification must include Otto von Bismarck (181598). The career and music of Richard Wagner offer a unique interdisciplinary approach to the romantic aspect of German nationalism. He fled his U.S. Army post in the 1950s in danger of reprisals for his left-wing activities at Harvard and in Buffalo, New York. Urban middle class Like their French counterparts, wealthy German Jews sponsored salons; in particular, several Jewish salonnires held important gatherings in Frankfurt and Berlin during which German intellectuals developed their own form of republican intellectualism. Kremlin warns against more Western arms for Ukrai Bismarck resolved the crisis in favor of the war minister. Politically, the conservative order tried to limit the influence of liberal politics by making minor concessions to liberals. No amount of censorship, fines, imprisonment, or banishment, it seemed, could stem the criticism. acted as unofficial portfolio ministers. Furthermore, it was becoming increasingly clear that both Austria and Prussia wanted to be the leaders in any resulting unification; each would inhibit the drive of the other to achieve unification. This hope would prove futile since the 1866 treaty came into effect and united all German states militarilyif not happilyto fight against France. The victory over France in 1871 expanded Prussian hegemony in the German states (aside from Austria) to the international level. Giuseppe Mazzini and his leading pupil, Giuseppe Garibaldi, failed in their attempt to create an Italy united by democracy. Grand speeches, flags, exuberant students, and picnic lunches did not translate into a new political, bureaucratic, or administrative apparatus. The German Conquest of France in 18701871. Om. In the former, Bismarck manipulated long-standing Russian mistrust of Austria to form an alliance. Following adoption of the North German Constitution, the new state obtained its own constitution, flag, and governmental and administrative structures. The unification of Germany (German: Deutsche Einigung, pronounced [dt an] (listen)) was the process of building the modern German nation-state with federal features based on the concept of Lesser Germany (one without multinational Austria of the Habsburgs), which commenced on 18 August 1866 with adoption of the North German Confederation Treaty establishing the North German Confederation, initially a Prussian-dominated military alliance which was subsequently deepened through adoption of the North German Constitution. [74], The second episode in Bismarck's unification efforts occurred in 1866. Howard, Chapter XI: the Peace, pp. Constructing Class and Nationality in Alsace, 1830-1945. [81] In the day-long Battle of Kniggrtz, near the village of Sadov, Friedrich Carl and his troops arrived late, and in the wrong place. [35] He was not alone: the poet August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben wrote a poem in which he extolled the virtues of the Zollverein, which he began with a list of commodities that had contributed more to German unity than politics or diplomacy. Over the following forty years, the great powers supported the Spanish monarchy, but events in 1868 would further test the old system, finally providing the external trigger needed by Bismarck. The numerable challenges to German unification meant that, as one prominent historian of Germany observed, the making of Germany was only slightly less difficult than the making of Germans. This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 19:38. Many of the states did not have constitutions, and those that did, such as the Duchy of Baden, based suffrage on strict property requirements which effectively limited suffrage to a small portion of the male population. The post-revolutionary European world became one of dramatic nation building that ultimately set the stage for 20th century nationalistic fervor, but before we can get nationalist passions riled up, we need to make some more nations. Comparing and contrasting Wagner's views of nationalism in "Art and Revolution" with Bismarck's speech to the Prussian Lower House, what are the strengths and weaknesses of each view? Meanwhile, center-right revolutionaries sought some kind of expanded suffrage within their states and potentially, a form of loose unification. Convinced that opera and music developed a spirit of nationalism, Wagner rejected the traditional design of theaters in which the nobility and wealthy sat in the loge boxes facing each other rather than the stage. [93] He approached the Prussian king directly while Wilhelm was vacationing in Ems Spa, demanding that the King release a statement saying he would never support the installation of a Hohenzollern on the throne of Spain. Finally, in 1870 the Regency offered the crown to Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, a prince of the Catholic cadet Hohenzollern line. He opposed the antisemitic programs of Bismarck's Kulturkampf and the vitriolic text that Treitschke often employed in the publication of his Studien ber die Judenfrage (Studies of the Jewish Question), which encouraged assimilation and Germanization of Jews. Rural farmer. Among the German-speaking states, the Holy Roman Empire's administrative and legal mechanisms provided a venue to resolve disputes between peasants and landlords, between jurisdictions, and within jurisdictions. In addition, a large part of Poland had been part of Prussia since the eighteenth century. web dbq the unification of germany and italy answer all questions on looseleaf will be graded as a test introduction the 19th century was one of constant political turmoil napoleon conquered lands and united them into an empire This became known as the Punctation of Olmtz, but among Prussians it was known as the "Humiliation of Olmtz."[56]. [46] Despite franchise requirements that often perpetuated many of the problems of sovereignty and political participation liberals sought to overcome, the Frankfurt Parliament did manage to draft a constitution and reach an agreement on the kleindeutsch solution. All Germans are equal before the law. Celebrants gathered in the town below and marched to the ruins of Hambach Castle on the heights above the small town of Hambach, in the Palatinate province of Bavaria. Ukrainian forces repelled numerous Russian attacks in Bakhmut over the past 24 hours, Kyiv said on March 4, despite claims by Moscow's mercenaries that the eastern city that has been the focal . In this unit, there are two big pieces of content to cover: the unification of Italy and German, as well as New Imperialism. The Prussian cabinet saw German unity as an issue of power and a question of who had the strength and will to wield that power. There was also uncertainty as to who would best lead and defend "Germany", however it was defined. [121] According to this story, Prussia played the dominant role in bringing the German states together as a nation-state; only Prussia could protect German liberties from being crushed by French or Russian influence. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2001. Germany only unified as recently as 1871, when Wilhelm I became the leader of the German Empire following the Franco-Prussian War. This controversy, the latest phase of the German dualism debate that had dominated the politics of the German states and Austro-Prussian diplomacy since the 1701 creation of the Kingdom of Prussia, would come to a head during the following twenty years. German reunification (German: Deutsche Wiedervereinigung) was the process of re-establishing Germany as a single sovereign state, which took place between 2 May 1989 and 15 March 1991. Although an arch-conservative, Bismarck. Giant AP Euro Terms List with complete solutions 2023 - Docmerit Giant AP Euro Terms List with complete solutions 2023 $20.45 Add to Cart Browse Study Resource | Subjects Liberty University Health Care Giant AP Euro Terms List with complete solutions 2023 Exam Giant AP Euro Terms List with complete solutions 2023 Brunswick joined the Zollverein Customs Union in 1842, while Hanover and Oldenburg finally joined in 1854[32] After the Austro-Prussian war of 1866, Schleswig, Holstein and Lauenburg were annexed by Prussia and thus annexed also to the Customs Union, while the two Mecklenburg states and the city states of Hamburg and Bremen joined late because they were reliant on international trade. So, we haven't talked much about Italy and Germany so far in Crash Course Euro, and that's because prior to the mid-19th century, those two nation-states weren't really a thing. The Habsburgs ceded Venetia to France, which then formally transferred control to Italy. Recent research into the role of the Grand Bourgeoisiewhich included bankers, merchants, industrialists, and entrepreneursin the construction of the new state has largely refuted the claim of political and economic dominance of the Junkers as a social group. [89] The Austro-Prussian War also damaged relations with the French government. German liberals were justifiably skeptical of this plan, having witnessed Bismarck's difficult and ambiguous relationship with the Prussian Landtag (State Parliament), a relationship characterized by Bismarck's cajoling and riding roughshod over the representatives. With its wording shortened and sharpened by Bismarckand further alterations made in the course of its translation by the French agency Havasthe Ems Dispatch raised an angry furor in France. c. napoleon iii's army invaded prussia and overthrew king wilhelm i. d. austria annexed the northern german states of hesse . . My three part lecture on German Unification covers the complete unification process, starting with the failure of liberal nationalism after the Revolutions of 1848 and then focusing on Otto von Bismarck's domestic and foreign policies that put Prussia at the helm of a unified German state through the shrewd application of realpolitik . The other states retained their own governments, but the military forces of the smaller states came under Prussian control. Initially, the Danes attempted to defend their country using an ancient earthen wall known as the Danevirke, but this proved futile. [30] States more distant from the coast joined the Customs Union earlier. [9] This interpretation became a key building block of the Borussian myth expounded by the pro-Prussian nationalist historians later in the 19th century. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un vowed to strengthen state control over agriculture and take a spate of other steps to increase grain production . By 1870 three of the important lessons of the Austro-Prussian war had become apparent. In his first two wars, Bismarck balanced Russian and French concerns over the growing power of Prussia. For a discussion of the tonal elements of Das Rhinegold and their significance, see The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, available online by subscription (free trial is offered). Unification of Germany 1. Following the 1848 upheavals, Wagner penned his essay, "Art and Revolution," in which he argued that the task of the artist is to effect political change through artistic expression. The Franco-Prussian War. Although they initially sought to restore central Imperial power, preserving a weak and fragmented Empire was convenient for France and Sweden, and therefore, their ensuing intervention led to the Peace of Westphalia which effectively thwarted for centuries any serious attempts to reinforce the imperial central authority and petrified fragmentation, resulting in the German-speaking territories comprising on the eve of the Napoleonic Wars still more than 300 political entities, most of them being parts of the Holy Roman Empire, though portions of the extensive Habsburg Monarchy (exclusively its large non-German-speaking territories: Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen and the Austrian partition of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) or of the Hohenzollern Kingdom of Prussia (both the German-speaking former Duchy of Prussia and the non-German-speaking entire territory of the Prussian partition of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) as well as the German-speaking Swiss cantons were outside of the Imperial borders. Last edited on 22 February 2023, at 19:38, accession of South German states and constitutional adoption of the name German Empire, Principality of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, Constitution of the German Confederation (1871), dissolution of its dominant founding federated state, August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben, Helmuth von Moltke the Elder Moltke's Theory of War, Modern History Sourcebook: Documents of German Unification,, Kocka, Jrgen and Mitchell, Allan. . . Judicial System: Body of Prince electors that often fought. [86], The end of Austrian dominance of the German states shifted Austria's attention to the Balkans. Emerging modes of transportation facilitated business and recreational travel, leading to contact and sometimes conflict between and among German-speakers from throughout Central Europe. He also held a fundamental distaste for the idea of accepting a crown from a popularly elected parliament: he would not accept a crown of "clay". The ensuing furor has been dubbed by historians as the Hohenzollern candidature. Save Paper; Otto Von Bismarck - His Policies Of German Unification. The "Witch. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. On 1 May, Wilhelm gave von Moltke command over the Prussian armed forces, and the next day he began full-scale mobilization. In 1848, nationalists sought to remedy that problem. Through a combination of Bismarck's diplomacy and political leadership, von Roon's military reorganization, and von Moltke's military strategy, Prussia demonstrated that none of the European signatories of the 1815 peace treaty could guarantee Austria's sphere of influence in Central Europe, thus achieving Prussian hegemony in Germany and ending the dualism debate.[73]. For a writing assignment, ask students to write a review of the piece, including comments on its political connotations for a newspaper affiliated with one of the major German political groups (see section IV). They would have been Genoese or Sicilian or Veronese. High-performance computing with distributed processing units to build a platform based cloud solution for quantum chemistry calculations and upper layer use-case applications. AP EUROPEAN HISTORY SUMMER, 2017 ASSIGNMENTS Welcome to AP European History. Wagner hoped that by the time the overture reached its crescendo, the music would have suitably "unified" the audience. The Zollverein, the economic unity of the German states, inspired the idea of nationalism. [16], The surge of German nationalism, stimulated by the experience of Germans in the Napoleonic period and initially allied with liberalism, shifted political, social, and cultural relationships within the German states. This limited union under Prussia would have almost eliminated Austrian influence on the other German states. The negotiators at Vienna took no account of Prussia's growing strength within and declined to create a second coalition of the German states under Prussia's influence, and so failed to foresee that Prussia would rise to challenge Austria for leadership of the German peoples. The effects of the railway were immediate. [114] In the new German nation, a Kulturkampf (187278) that followed political, economic, and administrative unification attempted to address, with a remarkable lack of success, some of the contradictions in German society. Denis Mack Smith (editor). [111], Additional studies of different groups in Wilhelmine Germany have all contributed to a new view of the period. Through military victory, Prussia under Bismarck's influence had overcome Austria's active resistance to the idea of a unified Germany. Let us hope, then, that you can use your energy to overcome your moth-eaten thirty tyrants of the various German states. For a summary of this argument, see David Blackbourn, and Geoff Eley. [110], The Sonderweg hypothesis attributed Germany's difficult 20th century to the weak political, legal, and economic basis of the new empire. However, proponents of Kleindeutsch, Lesser Germany, argued that Austria should be excluded from unification due to dynastic rivalry between the Hohenzollerns and the Hapsburgs and the cultural differences between a mostly Protestant Prussia and Catholic Austria. "German History before Hitler: The Debate about the German Sonderweg. [117], The Germanized Jews remained another vulnerable population in the new German nation-state. Thus Wagner emphasizes that German identity is tied with geographical boundaries, in this case, the Rhine River. He then hoped that Austria would join in a war of revenge and that its former alliesparticularly the southern German states of Baden, Wrttemberg, and Bavariawould join in the cause. Russian Jews arrived in north German cities in the thousands; considerably less educated and less affluent, their often dismal poverty dismayed many of the Germanized Jews. Demonstrates the impact of German unification on the ethnically French region of Alsace. [19], Despite considerable conservative reaction, ideas of unity joined with notions of popular sovereignty in German-speaking lands. As a result, the Confederation of the Rhine collapsed and the French period came to an end. The revolutionaries pressured various state governments, particularly those in the Rhineland, for a parliamentary assembly that would have the responsibility to draft a constitution. For the most part, these Polish-speaking Catholics did not assimilate into German culture, and Bismarck often dealt with the Poles in a brutal manner, eventually expelling large numbers of Poles and Polish Jews in 1885. Nevertheless he always remained faithful to the ideal of a united continent for which the creation of individual nations would be an indispensable preliminary. the 2010 supreme court case, wagner v. tritch, involves the illegal distribution of copyrighted material to foreign consumers via the internet, which is a new area of law. Chapter 19 AP Euro DRAFT. This system reorganized Europe into spheres of influence, which, in some cases, suppressed the aspirations of the various nationalities, including the Germans and Italians. As the rail network expanded, it became cheaper to transport goods: in 1840, 18 Pfennigs per ton per kilometer and in 1870, five Pfennigs. A liberal professor, historian, and theologian, and generally a titan among late 19th-century scholars, Mommsen served as a delegate to the Prussian House of Representatives from 1863 to 1866 and 1873 to 1879; he also served as a delegate to the Reichstag from 1881 to 1884, for the liberal German Progress Party (Deutsche Fortschrittspartei) and later for the National Liberal Party. Concurrent with this idea, movements to preserve old fortresses and historic sites emerged, and these particularly focused on the Rhineland, the site of so many confrontations with France and Spain.[43]. [63], The Crimean War of 185455 and the Italian War of 1859 disrupted relations among Great Britain, France, Austria, and Russia. [103], Victory in the Franco-Prussian War proved the capstone of the unification process. 22 times. The French public, still aggravated over the defeat at Sadov, demanded war. [36] Historians of the German Empire later regarded the railways as the first indicator of a unified state; the patriotic novelist, Wilhelm Raabe, wrote: "The German empire was founded with the construction of the first railway"[37] Not everyone greeted the iron monster with enthusiasm. Finally, the Polish majority living in the share of Polish territory annexed by Prussia pursued their own liberation agenda. [72], Three episodes proved fundamental to the unification of Germany. While Bismarck provided some liberal concessions, such as universal male suffrage, the constitution of the Empire ensured Prussian and aristocratic dominance in the legislature. Download The Marshall Cavendish Illustrated Encyclopedia of World War I - 11 PDF This led to his brother William becoming prince regent of the Kingdom of Prussia in 1858. Prussia, of course, received the greatest number of seats in both houses. With the proclamation of Wilhelm as Kaiser, Prussia assumed the leadership of the new empire. [118], By the years of unification, German Jews played an important role in the intellectual underpinnings of the German professional, intellectual, and social life. Prussian army reforms (especially how to pay for them) caused a constitutional crisis beginning in 1860 because both parliament and Williamvia his minister of warwanted control over the military budget. There was no readily applicable definition for who the German people would be or how far the borders of a German nation would stretch. Blackbourn, David. In the aftermath of this disarray, the convergence of von Moltke's operational redesign, von Roon and Wilhelm's army restructure, and Bismarck's diplomacy influenced the realignment of the European balance of power. The wave of nationalism that raced through Europe in the nineteenth century resulted in the unifications of Germany and Italy. Wagner personally oversaw the design and construction of the theater located in the small Bavarian village of Bayreuth, the Festspielhaus, which opened in 1870 and where the Ring Cycle operas were first performed. [87] In 1867, the Austrian emperor Franz Joseph accepted a settlement (the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867) in which he gave his Hungarian holdings equal status with his Austrian domains, creating the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary.[88]. Unlike liberalism or conservatism, Realpolitik essentially rejected ideology in favor of the most efficacious political or diplomatic response, be it liberal or conservative.