Press the action button or enter and see what happens. Time to go to Thais now. The next day wake up, wear the wedding gown and go to the Throne room. After that click on the lamp beside the queen, the genie will transfer to the fancy lamp. The cloak of invisibility is what the name suggests, makes you invisible to the ordinary enemy. You will be standing in front of a cave. Cross the bridge, keep walking and exit through the passage. Refer the Dreamland map to get the location of the glow berries. Remember the location of this area as Toad (for future ease of recall) because you will need to come back here later. Now fight the main boss, Ahriman. Mad Marge gives you a quest (side quest no.25). It will also help Teijal get a soul for her soul pendant. Enter the cave entrance. We will later see who the unfortunate one is! The chest has power acorn. Open it to find a salmon. She will give you a present to be delivered to Hilda. You can explore on your own here and then exit Thornkeep. A powerful deity, Ahriman, has opened the Demon Portal and dark creatures now threaten the great isles. Fight the toad and get her back to the fairy prince in memory caverns. You will get a spell book which Lars needs to learn from as and when he levels up upgrade your weapons and armors from the weapons shop. Talk to Tiberius and Alora, you will be given two quests, but you can accomplish either of them not both (will be discussed later). Take Vatas soul and go to Memory Caverns. But there is no reward for it. That is what we are looking for-the cloak of undying loyalty. If you chose guild goody then the entire range of spell books of all guild (time scroll, elite mage book, annihilator spell book) and then use it on Lars and so on. Lets remember this area as ice cavern entrance for future reference. Use the most powerful spells against him and win this fight. Remember it as you need to come back here later. Go north first and get the chain mail from the chest. Get out from there and enter another door beside it. Enter the Wildwoods. The woman will give you a side quest (side quest no.26). Enter Rhens room and you will find that its size has increased. Buy the elven statuette from the pirate. Make sure that you use the necromancer spell book from time to time to make Lars learn new spells after he levels up. Enter the house to find a chest containing 390 gold pennies. Get 250 gold pennies from it and return to the previous screen. Cash cow: obtain the cash cow in the following spot marked with the white circle: This cow gives you 10000 gold pennies each time you talk to it!!! Keep walking till you reach a cave entrance. When you reach a bifurcation, walk to your right. You will find Danny next at Sedona. Open the chest to your left to get a covey balm. Explore the place and talk to everyone. You will face Ahriman, watch the conversation carefully. Starting at the gate, walk up north, Walk to your right near the inn, cross the fences and keep walking to your right till you reach a blue roofed house (old mans house); go north from there and then to your left is the shadow wood academy. Simply hold down the Ctrl and "F" keys together, and enter. There is nothing more in this area. If you chose weapon goody then you will find the best armors and weapons in you inventory, equip them on your characters. Go south this time; retrieve the haunch from the chest on your way and carry on to the cavern exit. heal), change character equipments, check who is in your party, choose a party leader or see the character profiles to find out how much experience they need in fighting to achieve the next level. Press enter or action button on the altar, it will ask for something. Enter the peninsula and refer the white arrow in the map to find your way to Sedona. Instead of climbing it, follow the path to your right. Return to the dragon in southern isles and voila, you have a new flying vehicle! He seeks to do this by using his demonic allies to capture the druids who can unlock the Sword of Shadows and by sending Dameon to enlist Rhen's trust. You will see a ladder going down. Open the chest on your way to get a covey balm and keep walking till you reach near frozen statues of people. Walk up to the spiders and press the action button or enter. Go back to mom and give her the flowers. Push the cubes in the cubicles matching their colors and press the switch near the room center. Ignore the cave for now and climb up the stairs. Now go to the necromancer and buy the soul pendant for Teijal. Follow the dotted line onto the next region. Refer the lowland map to find Oldwoods, we need to go there. Watch the event. A powerful deity, Ahriman, has opened the Demon Portal and dark creatures now threaten the great isles. Aveyond Studios on Discord Our Discord server has hundreds of active users. You are transported near another cave. Aveyond 3-1: Lord of Twilight; Aveyond 3-2: Gates of Night; Aveyond 3-3: The Lost Orb; Aveyond 3-4: The Darkthrop Prophecy; Aveyond 4: Shadow of the Mist; Characters. Stop an evil queen from turning the world into ice, capture a dragon and ride the winds to ancient lands, unite the kingdoms and discover your destiny. The skill list and their functions are as follows: The areas in the wilderness are quite easy and I would recommend to explore it in all possible directions. LP Aveyond Rhen's Quest. Walk along the path to the next tower. Enter the Sandstone cave. I wander these walls, transparent and lost, what am I? 1. Other Goodies: Other goodes arent included in the game, but they can be downloaded from the Aveyond website, and you need to replace some game files. You will also find another quest in your list which had been triggered by the kidnapping event. the location of this goodie is same as the guild goodie. You will find a horse carriage parked there. It only appears in Rhen's Quest. There are 4600 gold pennies, a book page, 6000 gold pennies, beast repellant, blessed shield, salmon and an elixir in this area and some locked in chests. Exit Ghalarah and take the dirt path. The other walls will not yield any hi-fi item so I would recommend giving the statue to the elves. Sleep on the bed. The chests here yield elixir, covey balm, 1 power acorn, 990 gold pennies and zurvan armor. Now make Rhen wear her ball gown from the inventory. It is a mule express and it can take you to places where you have visited at least once. Also get some myrica infusion and elixir (elixir is a must). Go to the pirates market in Veniara islands. Go up the first ladder and enter the cave-the next area has a chest containing 640 gold pennies. Now refer the world map and fly to Mysten Far. Mystery Manor: here rooms lead to other rooms. Buy the spell as it would help you to find where you had parked your boat. Collect the haunch from the chest. Talk to Harald again for some important information. Give it to grazilda. You can use any one of these, so I would recommend using the God goodie (since it includes everything). Enter your room (the second from the extreme right) and open the chest. Talk to Dameon in the shrine, he will join you if you choose ask for help. Come back to the bridge, cross it and walk up northward and exit via the cave passage. i beat aveyond 1 and now 10 hours into aveyond 2, A2 is not as good. Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest; Aveyond 2: Ean's Quest; Aveyond 3: Orbs of Magic. Size: 3.4MB. Released: 24-Jan-2008, 5.93 mb. Return to the palace for your reward. Enter that cave to find serpent amulet from a chest. Enter the cave to your north. A powerful. Note that the boat cannot take you to the deep waters. She will give you a bridle to use on a dragon. If you choose the first option, then you have to return to Devins cottage in the wildwoods and the game ends. Keep walking to your right and on your way get the chest from the area shown below to get 1 cassia leaf: Carry on till you come across a switch on the wall. Enter the Item shop and buy both the wedding rings you see on the table. Talk to the king, he will give you something. Gold-use it for 100,000 gold. enter the house beside the art dealers house. Walk to your right and keep walking till you reach another village-New Witchwood. You will find Talia waiting for you. You can talk to the red haired man Lorad. Follow his instructions carefully as he would tell you everything you need to know. If you talked to the boar in the wilderness but didnt kill it then go to Veldarah to the necromancer Derez. Go past the mule express to enter Thornkeep. Walk along the path, get the haunch from the chest and pass through the entrance you come across. Mobile walkthrough of Aveyond First game in RPG series. Return and pass through the door in the screenshot: Enter the door shown in the image of the next area: Collect the 150 gold pennies from the chest in the successive room before exiting through the only door in that room. If you have troubleshooting issues, you can ping the community immediately. Have a question for Aveyond? Now go to the entrance of Veldarah. Enter it to get a chest containing auquifolium extora. Now we need to go to the thieves cave (refer the peninsula map for its location). You will enter the cave by point 2 in map W. Walk up to the chest in that area to find 2000 gold pennies. Walk two paces down from the bone file; Press enter or action button, you will discover the treasure shown in the treasure map retrieved from the library. Episode 17 Getting the key for Manor in Sedona. Talia insists on staying in our party . Upgrade your partys armors. Talk to the oracle and get the stronghold key from Eithera. Episode 19Dilemma of Lionel Statue. Fight monsters and explore a medieval world in this console-style RPG. Take the southern passage of the cave. You can talk to Talia for more information. The druids are: Find Lars in his room in the sorcery dormitory (the 3rd room on your right in the top row of rooms). 2/24/2008. Talk to the book dealer inside the house, he will give you a quest to gather all the arcane magic pages of a book. The answers to the note are: I hold the sun, the moon, twilight and day rise-Blue, I bring love to your heart, roses to your cheeks-Red, My light fills your days with warmth and joy-Yellow. You can visit veldt and learn the dragon location spell from the old woman for 400 gold. After you do so, return to the queen of Veldt. Equip the fire amulets, save at the save point and enter the Demon cave. Re-enter the cave and talk to general Binx. Travel up northwards and you will see two priestess guarding the way. From the entrance of in the snow queens castle, take the path to your left. Now lets go for our next quest: saving the second druid. After killing him you will get Dreamers Tear. You will find footsteps on the snow and the screen shaking after every 5 seconds. if you have been there go to the king and see what happens. Make your way to the sword singer students dormitory inside (talk to one of the roaming students in the garden they will give you the direction). The enemies are very strong here. You are presented a ball puzzle. Climb it and you will find another set of stairs and a cave beside it. You will see a woman named Elini who would like to join you after you graduate. The house beside the old woman has a book page lying on the ground in the inner room. You may take her, but watch out, she has a caustic tongue. Enter the highlands. Buy a smoke bomb from the item shop of tea cup town as you will need it later. That leads to the sun shrine. You will be presented an in-game message. Dont forget to buy the ball gown from the seamstress. There are chests scattered all over this area, and from now on I wont particularly mention where to find them as they are easy to locate if you explore extensively. In the gentle children school, go upstairs and talk to Theodore in the bedroom. We need to go to Velgerds house: Follow the arrow directions to Velgerds house. From there go south and you will see two caves on both sides. Popular Latest Unanswered Top Questions Where can I find a bottle to capture a fairy with? The area is quite simple, get the two blue chests from the area using the map before talking to the queen. I personally recommend sleep flute because we already have the cash cow for monetary purposes. So when I say go back by two screens it means that starting from the current area (screen) you go back to the previous area and then to the previous of this area through the passages you have followed. Refer the eastern isle map below: The goodies are: Traveling runes: explore the wilderness to locate it in the following area marked with a white circle. Make sure you use status inflicting spells like decompose, plague, weevil, etc which causes him to lose a huge amount of health at each of his turn which would make your battle easier. Get back to the church room. Enter the cave after him. The switch near the door will reset the puzzle if you mess up. Take the route along the white arrow of the map to enter the next room (see the screenshot below:), The successive room has nothing so you can move onto the following room (see screenshot below:). If you are new to RPG-style games then you can always go to options to know more about the game controls and moving your character. Enter it and go to your right. Return to the cave and Walk to your left and go down to the exit from where you entered. Dig the spot to find a star orb for Lars. Now go to the Dream Castle, we need to face Agas. There are many caves here, one leading to the other. Talk to the squirrels, you will find birds seed in a corner. The in-game event will be triggered automatically and a secret passage is revealed. Talk to him about the news, you will be given a quest (side quest no.38). Go into the cave and follow the path till you find a chest. After you enter you will find a strange thing happening. Walk back to the entrance of the memory caverns and take the northern path, which will lead to another exit. Get back by three screens. It contains 1 covey balm. Now go to the house behind the place where you met Lars for the first time. He will give you another quest (side quest no.34). Now head towards the middle passage. He is Harald, the principal. Walk up to the temple and touch Daenas soul to his statue. Aveyond is packed with more than 60 quests, hundreds of places to explore, and over 30 hours of game play. Help plzs. You are given the task to find the druids and save the world from Ahriman, this is your main quest. Cross the bridge and exit through the cave passage. If you chose level goody then you will find that the levels of your active party members have increased by 30. The guard will allow you pass when you show the token given by Lorad. She will give you an empty cask of ale. Keep moving till you reach a small lair marked as Rach Narch Bargh. So after getting at level 60, you can use this goodie which would increase your levels to 90 at once. From there head south till you come across a signpost. You will find a small castle immediately to your north. Before leaving Lands End, talk to Eldredth and ask her to plant the bean seeds. Walk to your right instead of entering any of these three passages. Use the sleeping dust on the ogre and rescue the priestess. Heal up and save before entering Aesmas cave. The Annihilator guild is located here, if youve not already joined any other guild then you can join here. Walk onwards and when the road branches out take the southern route. Party Members; NPCs; Talia Maurva; Rhen Pendragon; Ean Okho; Mel Darkthrop; Boyle Wolfbane; Give it to the vampire. He will join your party. Go back to Tidbit and give back the voice box to his brother Bini. The machine is sludge master 2000. Head north a bit to find the teacup town. A bit further down you will find a cave. Rummage the bookshelf to find bean seeds. Go to Aveyond and select your reward- the Climbing Guide or Cooking Guide. On exiting another short conversation will follow.