Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort (31 January 1673 – 28 April 1716) was a French Roman Catholic priest and Confessor.He was known in his time as a preacher and was made a missionary apostolic by Pope Clement XI.. As well as preaching, Montfort found time to write a number of books which went on to become classic Catholic titles and influenced several popes. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> xŝ[��}���)�������!��xW�� � ��A�J�b�����~L�_(�S�Tw�CRZ���U�����.ݤ~�������f�\ͷ��|����}:�v�j����?y7�.��{¸��j�{��_����b��?�~�˻��#�q���gww��r~�l~50�����!���M\_�����zw}����)�+ɜ](�>#���Y���K휝v�����ͦZiԷ�8Dv�#���?p���v��#�|X��n���գ���ի Readings and Prayers for St. Louis-Marie de Montfort's Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary 12 Day Preparation Day 1 of 33 Matthew 5:1-19 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain, and when he was set down, his disciples came unto him. 0000007953 00000 n
�����؟v�8��G�r��8��hH1���wX��Z��j]6�S ����M�N��Z�|XR]3���xE���%^c�z St. Louis de Montfort strongly recommended, after his own example and that of many other saints, that those who complete the 33-day Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary and make the Act of Total Consecration should wear an outward sign as a reminder and expression of their “holy slavery” to Our Lady in the form of a chain. In this way we have reframed Total Consecration to Mary, without losing anything, no longer as a scary slavery, but now as the perfect embrace and safe protection provided by a mother for an infant in her womb. 0000004271 00000 n
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Michael Gaitley A simpler program of preparation based on the works of Saint Louis de Montfort, Saint Maximillian Kolbe, Pope Saint John Paul II, and Saint Te-resa of Calcutta. St Louis de Montfort and Consecration to Mary The principle of complete consecration to Mary was taken up and promoted by St Louis de Montfort (1673-1716), who flourished slightly later than St Margaret Mary Alacoque. 468 0 obj trailer 33 Days to Morning Glory, the popular Marian consecration published in 2011 and written by Fr. https://www.thedivinemercy.org/articles/33-days-morning-glory-introduction They will teach us the secrets to drawing closer to the Heart of Jesus through the Heart of Mary. << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Resources 6 0 R /Contents 4 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] for Marian Consecration, by Fr. For the 33 days of preparation, we will use the readings and prayers from Preparation for Total Consecration according to Saint Louis Marie de Montfort by Montfort Publications, which can be found here, or you can download them here. Today is the feast of the French Marian missionary saint, St. Louis Marie de Montfort (b. << /Length 10 0 R /N 3 /Alternate /DeviceRGB /Filter /FlateDecode >> �G�B����cCv���:n�S�7\y�ۊ��{��bCF�#�k�a��N�g�0TM���s�@�������n3��3�'�a$zsS75
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Michael E. Gaitley, MIC, is based on St. Louis de Montfort’s original consecration. It walks through the writings of St. John Paul II and St. Louis de Montfort. 468 39 0000007058 00000 n
Louis de Montfort’s Preparation for Total Consecration is timeless and has been used for decades. The Consecration preparation can be started at any time, but we do recommend, as St. Louis de Montfort did, that the 33 rd day of preparation end on a vigil of a Marian feast. English and Spanish versions, and other supplemental re-sources for individual or small group use. endobj '�b�su��G)nwj�F9��B��Z;r�\�;���P|;Y��w��'F O�Sn�>��v����J�f�u��ON��~9m�*�M��.�O|;Zo��Dq:�����{ץ 1673- d. 1716). h�YpQ�Og�;=�$fFR�Ҧ53$B ��;c��ŖXb
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St. Louis de Montfort’s Way:Total Consecration Background: Always a pious child and especially devoted to prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, when the brilliant St. Louis de Montfort (A.D. 31 January 1673 – 28 April 1716) reached the age of 19, he gave away all he … Each day we will individually follow four great Marian giants: St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. �FV>2 u�����/�_$\�B�Cv�< 5]�s.,4�&�y�Ux~xw-bEDCĻH����G��KwF�G�E�GME{E�EK�X,Y��F�Z� �={$vr����K���� 0000002026 00000 n
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�8x�����B�b� The de Montfort Consecration consists of 33 days of prayers with your consecration to Jesus through Mary on the 34th day, which is a Marian feast day. startxref 0000003695 00000 n
This was a belief which had been gathering momentum in the Church over a period of centuries.He took the idea ... Read more St Louis de Montfort and Consecration to Mary Saint Louis Marie de Montfort was a prophet of the Last Days. Ⱦ�h���s�2z���\�n�LA"S���dr%�,�߄l��t� ����_�D���h�$L!M�$�0���"sI�O�"��SZX���&s�%F� �HO��Cn�d�(W�������Hk�5�=���{ {��E�E���6��������1\Q
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St. Louis de Montfort is known for his books True Devotion to Mary, The Secret of the Rosary, The Love of Eternal Wisdom, and The Secret of Mary. 0000001076 00000 n
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7 0 obj endobj This Consecration is Marian because Jesus Christ the Eternal Wisdom came to us by becoming incarnate in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. - St. Cecilia to Mother Agnes of Jesus, as quoted by St. Louis de Montfort St. Louis de Montfort (1673 – 1716) had a profound devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and wrote extensively on the virtues of Our Lady, what true devotion to her consists in, and how the faithful need to … stream Blythe Kaufman:The consecration preparation can be started at any time, but we do recommend, as St. Louis de Montfort did, that the 33 rd day of … 0000002564 00000 n
In the following pages we embark on a 33-day preparation for Marian consecration after the model given to us by Saint Louis de Montfort. 9 0 obj ��K0ށi���A����B�ZyCAP8�C���@��&�*���CP=�#t�]���� 4�}���a
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�&�x�*���s�b|!� April 28 marks the 300 th anniversary of the death of St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, one of the most important promoters of Marian devotion, the Rosary, and consecration to … 0000006527 00000 n
The "33 Day Preparation for Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary according to St. Louis Marie de Montfort" is a personal devotion in which a person prepares himself/herself spiritually to become consecrated to Jesus through Mary. (See schedule < HERE >) 33 day preparation 0000002135 00000 n
For more information on the Total Consecration and its importance to our faith, click here. endobj Day 34 of the consecration typically falls on a Marian Feast Day. [ /ICCBased 9 0 R ] The Consecration journey will consist of 33 consecutive days of readings and prayers followed on the 34 th day with a Consecration to Jesus through Mary. <<365632CBF9A8B2110A00D0FC70A9FC7F>]/Prev 822119>> Venerable Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) canonized St. Louis in 1947 and, in his homily for the Mass of canonization, referred to de Montfort's Marian teaching as "solid and right." 0000013298 00000 n
>> >> ISBN: 978-1596142442 0000008892 00000 n
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��=+L_$��F��=}0;�. Our Lady’s “Yes” made her the Mother of God and gave her a central role to play in God’s plan of salvation. 0000034901 00000 n
"Marian Consecration" in Western Christian spirituality is usually associated with St. Louis Grignion de Montfort, St. John Eudes, and St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. G-�(Wp^� %��������� stream St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort. Rather, he … O*��?�����f�����`ϳ�g���C/����O�ϩ�+F�F�G�Gό���z����ˌ��ㅿ)����ѫ�~w��gb���k��?Jި�9���m�d���wi獵�ޫ�?�����c�Ǒ��O�O���?w| ��x&mf������ His feast day is on April 28th. م��c�uV��x��. 2612 0000027649 00000 n
endstream 12 0 obj �-$῝c�DjK��&Ӑ�T��+xW St. Louis Mary Grignion de Montfort 113 Marian consecration, there are three basic presuppositions which must be briefly clarified. He was canonized by Pius XII in 1947. As Advent begins, on November 29th, join in a 33-day preparation for Marian Consecration. endobj 0000006032 00000 n
St. Maximilian Kolbe’s 9-day formal consecration to Mary is also beloved by many. St. John Paul II was known to renew his each morning, a practice I’ve found fruitful in my own life. However, a reading of the early Fathers of the undivided Church finds its firm root in the first centuries of Christianity. 0000033402 00000 n
The method of consecration set forth by St. Louis de Montfort consists of a 33-day period of prayerful preparation followed by the actual act of consecration itself which takes place on "Day 34." In more recent years, Fr. 4 0 obj "If, then, we establish solid devotion to our Blessed Lady, it is only to establish more perfectly devotion to Jesus Christ, and to provide an easy and secure means for finding Jesus Christ." endobj EU&1��XQ+Scrpy!uOP!�%���}�J��� The Marian Consecration of St. Maximilian Kolbe is distinguished from the teaching of Saint Louis Grignion [de Montfort] especially on account of what lies behind it: Not just the “Franciscan thesis,” but also the dogma of the Immaculate, with all its practical and theoretical consequences. 0000013118 00000 n
There are so many opportunities to walk through the consecration as a parish family. 5 0 obj 0000005030 00000 n
Mother Teresa, and Pope St. John Paul II. 0000002841 00000 n
Mary is the model of a life perfectly consecrated to God. 0 << /Length 13 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Although the consecration book lists only six suggested schedules for consecration (due to space constraints), the consecration may be done on any Marian feast day. About Saint Louis de Montfort. Montfort Publications is a ministry of the Company of Mary (Montfort Missionaries), the religious community of priests and brothers founded by St. Louis de Montfort. Total Consecration is Marian. <>stream
%%EOF The consecration method, developed by St. Louis de Montfort in his book True Devotion to Mary, is a complete surrender of oneself to Jesus through calling upon His Mother’s powerful intercession. %PDF-1.3 The great Marian Pope, Blessed Pope John Paul II practiced this Devotion to Mary, in his Letter to the Montfort Fathers he says: “A work destined to become a classic of Marian spirituality was published 160 years ago. 0000007499 00000 n
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Total Consecration to Mary & 33-Day Preparation. 0000021334 00000 n
Saint Louis-Marie Grignon De Montfort was a Catholic Priest and Missionary in Brittany and Vendee, France. 0000004553 00000 n
The goal of this vagabond missionary is not merely sapere res prout sunt. ;?3X� ���~]^��w&��]��&��l�����` <> Then, when the Pope addressed the pilgrims who had come for the canonization, he said that de Montfort leads us to Mary and from Mary, to Jesus, thus summarizing the meaning of Marian consecration. 0000010431 00000 n
St. Louis de Montfort encourages us to renew our consecration each year. The Importance of Consecration in Montfortian Spirituality. [7A�\�SwBOK/X/_�Q�>Q�����G�[��� �`�A�������a�a��c#����*�Z�;�8c�q��>�[&���I�I��MS���T`�ϴ�k�h&4�5�Ǣ��YY�F֠9�=�X���_,�,S-�,Y)YXm�����Ěk]c}džj�c�Φ�浭�-�v��};�]���N����"�&�1=�x����tv(��}�������'{'��I�ߝY�)�
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