Developmental/College Prep courses are not eligible for transfer credit. Incomplete grades which are not converted to a letter grade by the instructor after one subsequent semester (not including summer semester) will revert to an F grade. The GPA calculations for this procedure may not match those used for financial aid purposes or athletic eligibility. The change will be made as soon as possible and your new Faculty Advisor’s name will be in Degree Check. If no resolution is reached or satisfactory explanation given, then: Review by department chair. Pikes Peak Community College considers a grade of C or better to be satisfactory. PPCC provides an opportunity for students to be recognized with Academic Honors, on a term-by-term basis. The resulting change of grade is made by the instructor of record and is approved by the appropriate instructional division dean. The instructor will determine whether the student has a reasonable chance of satisfactorily completing the remaining course activities in a timely manner. Recognizing the value of credit completion for all students with regards to retention, transfer and credential attainment, the Colorado Community College System (CCCS) has established the following practice and procedures for measuring and notifying students of their credit completion progress. November 3, 2020. PPCC only accepts college-level courses with a grade of C or better from a regionally accredited institution. For such programs, students will be allowed to take all necessary courses. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory: students may request to take up to six credit hours each semester on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading basis. College credits must have been earned within 15 years prior to admission to PPCC. Credits must have been earned within 15 years prior to admission to PPCC. You can expect to spend roughly 4 hours per week in your MAT 121 course. Spring Term 2021. The Academic Suspension Appeals Committee’s decisions are final and may not be appealed further. Documentation of official TDY assignment is required and must be approved by the Chief Instructional Officer. If this condition is met, the student returns to Good Standing. Disclaimers & Legal Notices | Reporting Requirements for Public Projects:HB13-1292Refund Provider |Coronavirus Updates |CARES Act Reporting, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and Applied Sciences, Discussion about your degree or certificate program and your academic goals, To be assigned a Program and Faculty Advisor, Review of courses taken at PPCC and transferred to PPCC. If the student’s suspension appeal is not approved, the student may be dropped from all courses registered for in upcoming terms at their home college. Designates a practice for measuring and notifying students of their academic standing. You must be able to provide verifiable documentation of the circumstances (examples include doctor notes, proof of hospitalization, etc.) You choose a certificate or degree program based on your career and/or educational goals. More information about PPCC’s assessment of student learning framework can be found at This procedure is intended to be informational and helpful, but also establishes clear standards of academic progress that must be met and maintained in order to be a successful student in our colleges. Credit will be transferred only from an official transcript from the originating institution. After the posted drop date, students may not change their registration from credit to audit, or from audit to credit, except by written recommendation from the appropriate division dean and approval by the Vice President for Instructional Services. The credit completion rate for this procedure will not necessarily match those used for financial aid purposes or athletic eligibility. Go to the Testing webpage for more information before you visit Advising. The withdraw deadline depends on how long your class is. Find Financial Aid policies through the Student Finance tab. The course will count in attempted hours. 1 credit = approximately 1 classroom “contact” hour, For every 1 hour of class there will be 1.5-2 hours of. Students must complete a minimum of 12 eligible credit hours in the term to be considered for Term Academic Honors. Contact your Program Advisor for up-to-date information or stop in at any Advising office for Faculty Advisor contact information. The instructor must assign an incomplete grade on the regular grade roster in a timely fashion. Colleges may choose to notify students of their status via other methods as well. A satisfactory grade earned under this option does not affect the Grade Point Average (GPA) but increases the total number of credit hours passed. Choose Withdraw from the drop-down menu. A minimum number of 45 credits taken at PPCC is required to be eligible for graduation honors. If circumstances beyond the student’s control prevent the student from completing a test or assignments at the end of the term, then it is the student’s responsibility to initiate the request for an Incomplete grade from the instructor. Course work not completed within the allotted time will be assigned a Failing (F) grade. Two calendar years have elapsed since the student’s last attendance at PPCC. Send an official PPCC transcript to the college our university to which you are transferring. TBA = To Be Announced . If you are in the Undeclared or Non-Degree Seeking status you will see a Pathways Advisor first and will not be eligible for Financial Aid and then complete the Change of Major form online or in the Advising offices. Email:, World Education Services
Degree Check is a comprehensive online academic advising tool and unofficial degree audit that helps you and your advisors successfully negotiate your institution’s curriculum requirements. Students may declare and/or change a program of study at any time during the term in which they are enrolled. Sept 2. Nor can your application be made: before week six, you can withdraw on goSFU – see Academic Deadlines. FALL SESSION 2020. Labor Day* Sept 7 . Stop by any Advising office on any campus to ask for an appointment, sign in during their walk-in hours, contact them by their e-mail or by writing to If a student wishes to enroll for summer term after being suspended, they will need to follow their home institution’s process. If no resolution: The student must state the concern in writing and meet with the Department Chair (in the case of an adjunct instructor) or Dean / Associate Dean (in the case of a faculty member). May 5. Designates a practice for measuring and notifying students of their credit completion rate. Students are assigned by their last name to Program Advisors in each career cluster. The Dean will also submit all written documentation and recommendations. These grades are not included in the GPA calculation. 18 credit hours. 21WT . For students who have completed fewer than 9 credit hours, the college will monitor satisfactory progress through an Academic Alert process. You can see in the Catalog the number of credit hours for each course and they are listed on the schedule. PPCC’s assessment framework reflects the vision of the College as stated in the 2016-2022 Strategic Plan and aligns with regional and programmatic accreditation standards. Students will be required to write a letter of appeal, Students will be required to complete an Academic Suspension Appeal Form, Students will be required to submit a copy of their most recent unofficial transcript. Please contact the appropriate division. 7A 20/F7A. Audited courses do not meet the credit hour requirements for financial aid or veteran benefits and may not be applied to certificates or degrees. Assessment is the ongoing process of establishing measurable learning outcomes, providing students with sufficient opportunities to achieve those outcomes, systematically gathering evidence of student learning, and using the resulting findings to confirm and improve student learning. We offer many different degree and certificate choices from many professional and academic programs. The request should include documentation of everything that the student wants considered in the decision. A credit hour is a measure of completed college work. Only college level classes will be used to calculate term and cumulative GPA’s. The grade earned at PPCC will still appear on the student’s official transcripts. Students who qualify will receive a notation for that term on their official transcripts. If the student’s suspension appeal is approved, the student will be placed on Academic Probation. A Faculty Advisor is an expert instructor in their program and helps students understand the requirements and timetable that each student must meet including course work, academic standards, how to graduate and transferring to other colleges or universities. Transcripts are not released until all accounts with PPCC is current. CCCS colleges are encouraged to devise and implement appropriate Alert and Retention strategies with regards to credit completion progress. If you are eligible, join us for this festive celebration of your success! If the student would have earned a letter grade higher than an F without completing the work, faculty should be encouraged to submit that higher grade before the automatic conversion to F. The satisfactory grade is equivalent to a grade of “C or better.” The course will count in attempted and earned credits, but will not carry quality points. A second suspension is for two terms, excluding summer term. Always consult with your Program and Faculty advisors to assure you are taking the correct courses. However, all grades earned at PPCC will appear on the transcript. If you do not have an assigned advisor yet, see the Program Advising pages for a list of degrees and advisors. Student work load for a course should be estimated according to the following formula: two hours of outside preparation for every one hour of lecture and one hour of outside preparation for every two to three hours of laboratory. Withdrawing from a course after the drop date does not entitle you to a refund. PPCC only accepts college-level courses with a grade of C or better. The Vice President for Instructional Services or a designee will notify the student of the decision in writing. Students may attempt a test-out only once per course. Only courses taken “in residence” will be used for this calculation; “In residence” means taken at the students home institution. PPCC’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews human subjects research proposals to ensure that i) the rights and welfare of human subjects used in research studies are protected, ii) risks have been considered and minimized, iii) the potential for benefit has been identified and maximized, iv) all human subjects only volunteer to participate in research after being provided with legally effective informed consent, and v) any research is conducted in an ethical manner and in compliance with established standards. Prior to applying for graduation, students should meet with an academic advisor in Advising and Testing or their faculty advisor to ensure that they are close to graduating. You may be eligible to request a late withdrawal. Drop in to Advising for score interpretation. Yes—depending on your Course of Study. The Records Office will determine if PPCC can transfer some of your credits to a PPCC degree program. We also provide career counseling through appointments, assessments and job placement training. Incomplete Grade Contract must include the following information: Students are encouraged to let instructors know, as soon as possible, if they are having difficulties with any part of the course. Certain programs do not accept older courses. The student will not be able to make any changes to their student account until they meet with an advisor. Home College Offerings : ACC, CCA, CCD, CNCC, DCC, LCC, MCC, NJC, OJC, PCC, PPCC, RRCC, TSJC Offered in Criminal Justice, Fall Warning 2
In Fall 2016, PPCC voted to adopt the following statewide gtPATHWAYS competencies as its general education learning outcomes. Academic Fresh Start allows for a onetime exclusion of failed credits (grades of D, F, or U) from the calculation of the grade point average. Go to Degree Check tutorials and find your Degree Check through the myPPCC portal dashboard and under the Student tab. The transcript request form and costs can be found online at For students who have attempted fewer than 9 credit hours, the college will monitor credit completion through an Alert process. Other institutions receiving a PPCC transcript for transfer of academic courses are not bound by this college policy and may choose to calculate the student’s transfer GPA to include all grades, even those excluded by PPCC under this policy. Academic Standing shall be applied consistently and uniformly within each CCCS institution. No academic credit is awarded. Only courses taken “in residence” will be used for this procedure; “In residence” means taken at the student’s home institution. Recognizing the value of measuring academic progress for all students, the Colorado Community College System (CCCS) has established the following practice and procedures for measuring and notifying students of their academic standing. Pursuit of scholarly work and research often involves the use of human subjects for data collection and analysis. A grade of “W” will not affect your cumulative GPA. If a student on Academic Probation earns a TGPA of at least 2.00 for all classes completed during the term, but fails to raise their CGPA to at least 2.0 for all classes completed, the student will be allowed to attend the next term, but will remain on Academic Probation. Attn: Records Office, Box C-8
Credit Completion Progress: Will include all credit bearing classes (developmental and college level) will be used to calculate the percent of attempted credits passed. The myPPCC portal allows students to manage course registration, pay tuition, view grades, order transcripts, and get information on student services and activities, as well as accessing online classes. The audit option is not available online. It is always best to schedule appointments before these busy times! Oct 27. November 9, 2020. All colleges will determine Academic Standing following the posting of the majority of term grades for each semester. Prior to withdrawing, check with Enrollment Services to understand how dropping courses may affect your Financial Aid. Dates listed are the last day to withdraw without penalty of failure. Warning 3
This “Z” grade is replaced and credit is awarded upon the Registrar’s receipt of the grade. Forms are available on-line at Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. Student has completed fewer than 9 cumulative credit hours with a CGPA => 2.00 for all classes completed. Get your ID card through any Student Life office. Classes begin. Looking for past dates? A “co-requisite” is a course you must complete along with another course. Audit: students may register to audit any course by indicating this option on the registration form at the time of enrollment. Dec 25, 2020 – Jan 1, 2021. Yes. May 5. Fall 2020: Credit Classes for Fall 2020, Non-Credit Classes for Fall 2020. Forms and operating procedures are available at It is ideal if you meet with your Program Advisor at least once a semester. Students seeking to conduct such research may not solicit subject participation or begin data collection until they have obtained clearance by the PPCC IRB. Cumulative Grade Point Average will be abbreviated as CGPA. Students may not re-enroll in a class in which an incomplete grade is pending, since according to the College’s definition of enrollment, they are still enrolled. DATE: January 15, 2020 SUBJECT: Fac2Fac Conference – February 21, 2020, PPCC Centennial Campus – ... at Pikes Peak Community College—Centennial Campus. Warning (Continued)
Summer – Summer Semester (10-week) – Last Day to Withdraw – 07/27/2020 Summer – Summer Semester (10-week) – Last Day of Class – 08/08/2020 Fall Semester Encouragement for students to be proactive in their course selection. If no resolution. Each May, PPCC produces a gala graduation ceremony to honor graduating students. Phone: (414) 289-3400
Last day to withdraw from 14-week RRCC Online classes (You will be responsible for full payment) November 11, 2020. Once students have applied, their application will undergo an audit to see if they have completed all the necessary coursework. June 30, 2020., Acalog™ Academic Catalog Management System™ (ACMS™), Satisfactory (A-level) work in a developmental course, Satisfactory (B-level) work in a developmental course, Satisfactory (C-level) work in a developmental course, Unsatisfactory (D-level) work in a developmental course, Unsatisfactory (F-level) work in a developmental course, Credit awarded through Credit for Prior Learning (Prior to Fall 2015), Prior Learning Assessment (Effective Fall 2015). May 28, 2020 A student's enrollment as of this date is what will determine final Pell Grant award. ... Last Day to Withdraw w/Faculty Permission. It may range from 0.0 to 4.0 Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grades are not factored in the student’s GPA. The last day to drop/withdraw from fall full term courses without failure … These students are not subject to Academic Standing. PPCC has partnered with Parchment to manage the ordering, processing, and secure delivery of official student transcripts. A maximum of 30 credits failed at … When you have questions related to academic/class-related issues and especially prior to each registration. They also prepare students to be competitive for employment, providing a realistic view of the field and the current job market, as well as making use of professional contacts for the benefit of their students. Apr 27. Fall 2020 Withdraw Dates. Only grades earned at PPCC count toward your GPA at PPCC. Pikes Peak Community College is an accredited college in Colorado Springs. There you will receive important dates and deadlines as well as application, degree and academic program information. You may need to take the placement test, present your ACT/SAT scores, or submit transcripts from previous college-level coursework. First speak with your instructor about the concerns or difficulties. No academic credit is awarded until the course is completed. A student’s academic standing at one college will impact academic standing at another CCCS college. Student has attempted at least 9 cumulative credit hours and has a cumulative course completion rate of less than 50% for the third time. Credit Completion Progress standards apply to all students who have attempted 9 or more credits at a CCCS college, regardless of the number of term credits they attempt from that point forward. Fall 2020 - Registered prior to July 15, 2020. We offer two year technical degrees and Transfer Degrees where students can complete the first two years of a bachelors degree here, then transfer to a university. Credit Completion Progress standards shall be applied consistently and uniformly within each CCCS institution. You can withdraw from a course through the myPPCC portal or by submitting a Registration/Class Adjustment Form to any Enrollment Services Office prior to the deadline date for Withdrawals. The regular tuition rate applies. A student has one full year from the time in which the grade was issued to submit a written request for a grade reevaluation to the faculty member. Withdraw Date: August 2: Classes End: 1st Bi-semester [BI1] May 25: Last Day to Register: May 26: Classes Begin: ... Fall 2020 [202120] Important Dates. The form can be found at Yes. Registration typically opens in March for Summer and Fall and October for Spring. Each course is assigned a number of credit hours. If classes are added after this date, Pell Grant cannot be increased. Note: Always consult with Financial Aid, Veterans Affairs or Active-Duty Military advisors before you drop classes. If necessary, a new Program and Faculty Advisor will be assigned to you when this is submitted. There is no guarantee that a student who is granted an appeal will be allowed to re-enroll in the classes from which the student was previously dropped for being on academic suspension. Classes begin. Step 3: Submit an official copy of the NACES course-by-course evaluation report to the PPCC Records Office located at the Centennial Campus. These determine your placement for English, Reading and Math. Students may also request to have the evaluation sent directly to: Pikes Peak Community College
Pikes Peak Community College is an accredited college in Colorado Springs. PHI218 – Environmental Ethics: GT-AH3Credits: 3 Credits: 3 Critically analyzes theories of value of the natural world. Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the total amount of grade points earned by the total amount of credit hours attempted. Upon re-enrolling, student successfully completes a minimum of 6 credit hours with a term GPA of 2.00 or better. No. 15 WEEK 20/FA. Summer term may be used to remediate (improve) the GPA. Find your class Drop/Withdrawal dates through the myPPCC portal under the Student Tab and in the Registration Tools box through the Detailed Student Schedule and the Add or Drop Classes link. These grades are not included in the GPA calculation. Faculty are required to provide verifiable documentation of circumstances justifying an Incomplete grade strategies early in the ’. S/U ) grades are not perfectly reflected in degree Check through the student has completed at 50! 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