Rubin is a large leafed plant best used in the background 8 in stock Ludwigia SP Red will remain red even under low light and will not require Co2. With proper fertilization, co2 and strong lighting it is one of the darkest red plants available for high and or low tech aquariums. Stems from 20-50 cm and 4-6 cm wide. Ludwigia sp. The plant willingly creates side shoots, but cutting increases the amount and the plant becomes even denser. Even a few stems make a big impact as either a neatly maintained mid ground stand or as a group of stems protruding from behind a differently colored plant in the background. Las hojas también son más pequeñas y redondas. Its color is perfectly described by word rubin, the color is not just red, but wine-red.It’s perfect! Growth rate of the plant compared to other aquatic plants. Ludwigia Sp. I have some Ludwigia Rubin coming in today or tomorrow via the mail. Their vivid color creates a superb focal point. Oval Ludwigia (Ludwigia ovalis) is an extremely attractive, yet relatively hardy and low-maintenance stem plant that is much less demanding than many of its relatives. La Ludwigia sp ‘Mini Súper Red’ es una especie más pequeña que la mayoría de Ludwigia. Small, understated flowers. When fully submerged, the leaves range from deepest green to brownish red or deep red. The plant has few demands, but if light is insufficient the lower leaves tend to fall off. They might be a smaller species than most Ludwigias, but they make it up for it through their striking red colour, which is ideal for middle or background aquascape. Ludwigia repens “Rubin“ potiče iz Severne Amerike i najprepoznatljivija je po svojim bordo listovima i stabljikom koja ume da razvije visinu od 20-50 cm i širinu od 4-6cm. TODO TODO Wasserpflanzen sind ein fester Bestandteil der meisten Aquarien. Ludwigia SP Red is very fast growing red aquarium plant. No tiene suficientes ventas para evaluar su atención. Ludwigia species have long been a staple of the planted aquarium hobby.Their attractive wavy leaves and ease of culture have made them very popular. Even a few stems make a big impact as either a neatly maintained mid ground stand or as a group of stems protruding from behind a differently colored plant in the background. Its vibrant red color takes place only under favorable conditions. When fully submerged, leaf color ranges from dark green to brownish red or deep red. Při plném Share this: Twitter; Facebook; Like this: Like Loading... Airlines Partners How to Order Paypal Payment Accepted Full List of Aquarium Stores in US (Click The Picture Below) Angel Fish Stocklist 2016 (click the picture) Betta Fish Stocklist 2016 (click the picture) Ludwigia Repens Red Rubin 6 Bundles Freshwater Aquarium Live Plant Decoration. Ludwigia SP Red will remain red even under low light and will not require Co2. Sold as a bunched plant. A fairly recent introduction by the Danish company Tropica is Ludwigia sp. Comprá online Ludwigia Rubin Red por $300,00. 'Super Red' and Ludwigia Rubin is Ludwigia sp. I was also curious about this, that I why I wanted some Rubin. Stems from 20-50 cm and 4-6 cm wide. Ludwigia is one of the plants that bring out a lot of colors and there’s a whole variety of them, some of them are just green and the ones that we’re gonna concentrate on, are the ones that bring something different to the table we’re talking about the Ludwigia Palustris and the Ludwigia … Ludwigia repens ‘rubin’ A spectacular variety of Ludwigia also know as "Ludwigia Wine Red" and "Ruby Ludwigia" - this fairly new plant takes on a magnificent red color underwater. Sold as a bunched plant, fresh cut with 5+ stems. This cosmopolitan stem plant turns red easier and is smaller than the well-known Ludwigia repens ’Rubin’. +45 86 22 05 66Fax +45 86 22 84 66tropica@tropica.dkCookie Policy. Ludwigia sp. This Ludwigia takes on an intensive wine red colour under water and is less demanding than the more narrow-leaved L. glandulosa, which has a similar colour. Dificultad: Fácil. Ludwigia repens, an aquatic trailing plant, grown either semi-submerged or fully submerged in the water is a well-known species of coloring plant. Of course the more light and Co2 you can give it the more vibrant it will be. Encontrá Ludwigia Red Rubin - Libros en! $34.19. $4.70 shipping. Ludwigia mullertii(nebývají to samostatné druhy), která se od L. palustris liší červenějšími listy. A menos luz su crecimiento será más lento … or Best Offer. A high demand in CO2 is approx. Crecimiento: Rápido, con aporte de nutrientes e … A medium need in CO2 is 6-14 mg/L. Know More About Mini Super Red Ludwigia Known as Ludwigia Mini Super Red, this colourful aquatic trailing plant came from the Onagraceae family and the Ludwigia genus. Ludwigia sp… Stems from 20-50 cm and 4-6 cm wide. Mercado Libre México - Donde comprar y vender de todo. Ludwigia glandulosa has oval leaves that are pointed on its tip. Ludwigia 'Red Rubin' Ivy-like emergent growth. Plant in large groups to enhance the decorative effect, and prune regularly to encourage bushy growth. Ludwigia Repens "Rubin" Ludwigia repens ‘Rubin’ is a variety of Ludwigia repens with regular deep red leaves as the number one defining characteristic. The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0,5 W/L. Great midground for emer. “Super Red Mini”) is a very popular and very striking red plant for the serious freshwater planted aquarium. Be rest assured that the success rate of Ludwigia Repens is very high, and it will do a good job highlighting the focal points, as well as creating an appealing outlook in the mid-ground and background of your tank. Tropica Aquarium Plants 113,464 views. It is now cultivated in Taiwan and leading aquascape and horticulture nurseries. Ludwigia Repens is the species I have kept the longest and it has brought me much joy over the year. Las hojas inferiores se caerán si reciben un aporte de luz insuficiente.Tamaño: Alto 20-50 cm Ancho 5-10 cmSituación en el acuario: Zona media o traseraReproducción: Esquejes. Diamond Ludwigia is a less common ludwigia variation with very unique coloration. Variety of Ludwigia repens from North America with striking dark red leaves and stalk. Because it is a prolific species, it can quickly spread in far edges of the world. Cultivars arise or are bred in cultivation. A variety of Ludwigia repens from North America with striking dark red leaves and stalk. Ludwigia 'Red Rubin' * Ivy-like emergent growth. Tento dotaz byl položen u produktu: Ludwigia repens Rubin 19.10.2020 15:07 Dobrý den, mám rostlinu Ludwigia repens. I have some Ludwigia sp Red now. Hacé tu pedido y pagalo online. ACERCA DE LOS PRODUCTOS; ENVIOS, DEVOLUCIONES Y GARANTÍAS; NUESTRAS OPCIONES DE PAGO; REDES SOCIALES. Stems from 20-50 cm and 4-6 cm wide. Greenpro 3 Bundles Dark Red Ludwigia Repens Live Aquarium Plants Package Freshwater Fish Tank Del tallo principal podado surgirán nuevos brotesAgua: Ph 6-8, preferentemente ácida ; GH aguas blandas a durasTemperatura: 15º-28ºSustrato: De granulometrÃa fina a moderada. Su diferencia principal con la Ludwigia repens radica en el tamaño de las hojas, estas más estrechas y su llamativo color rojo sangre. With proper fertilization, co2 and strong lighting it is one of the darkest red plants available for high and or low tech aquariums. Ludwigia repens 'Rubin' - Duration: 3:34. 'Red', Ludwigia 'Mini Super Red', Ludwigia sp. I have been keeping it about 5 years and don’t ever intend on not having at least some of it around. ... Ludwigia repens és Ludwigia repens super red (low tech növénykalauz) - Duration: 2:39. Plant in large groups to enhance the decorative effect and prune … Suitable as an intermediate or background plant, and most effective when planted in groups. Weinrot, Creeping Primrose-Willow is from North America with striking dark red leaves and stalk. It provides a great colour contrast to the green shades in the aquarium. Ingresa a tu cuenta para ver tus compras, favoritos, etc. A variety of Ludwigia repens from North America with striking dark red leaves and stalk. It makes a fine colour contrast to the green shades in the aquarium. However, it differs from the customary L. palustris. Recent research showed that it is not a L. repens variety but a relative of L. glandulosa, and probably a hybrid. Zbog svoje specifične boje idealna je za stvaranje šarenolike slike unutar akvarijuma i obično se preporučuje da u akvarijum bude posađena u vidu grupa. Flourite substrate is very rich in iron and a very good choice if you want red aquarium plants like the Ludwigia Repens or Palustris. A relatively small Ludwigia that assumes an intensively red colour even under medium light. as Ludwigia repens "Rubin", Ludwigia sp. It is very similar to Ludwigia “Rubin” except that the mini super red has smaller, and thinner leaves. Each stalk becomes 2-4 cm wide and 10-30 cm high. DescripciónNombre común: Ludwigia repens âRubinâFamilia: OnagraceaeGénero: LudwigiaProcedencia: NorteaméricaDificultad: FácilCrecimiento: Rápido con aporte de nutrientes y buena iluminación.La diferencia con la L. repens está en en el color más rojo intenso y unas hojas más estrechasRequerimientos lumÃnicos: Moderados-altos. This Ludwigia species has smaller leaves and easier to turn red compared to the well-known Ludwigia Repens 'Rubin'. Ludwigia red rubin. Ludwigia repens 'Rubin' © O riginaria degli Stati Uniti e del Messico, appartiene alla famiglia delle Onagraceae, ed il suo nome, repens, significa "strisciante". La planta genera voluntariamente brotes laterales, pero el corte aumenta la cantidad. Family Name: Onagraceae Origin: Cosmopolitan Ludwigia Natans Super Red, also known as Ludwigia Palustris, is a vibrant aquatic plant that will add striking dimension and contrast to the mid- or background of an aquarium. Look at the photo, you will see that the plant is nicely wine-red. Variety of Ludwigia repens from North America with striking dark red leaves and stalk. Ludwigia Repens “Super Red ... Esta planta de tono impactante es más pequeña que la Ludwigia Repens. Compra a precios bajos Ludwigia Repens "Rubin - vivir Acuario Plantas Java musgo y más Jardín en la Tienda de Jardín en Ludwigia Repens Red Bunch Fresh Live Aquatic Plants Aquarium BUY2GET1FREE. Country or continent where a plant is the most common. MENU. These plants are definitely attention-grabbing when planted in bunches of 10-12 stems. Ludwigia Mini Super Red Care, Characteristics and Benefit. Familia: Onagraceae. Rubin can be grown low tech but is a little moody about changing conditions. DescripciónNombre común: Ludwigia repens “Rubin”Familia: OnagraceaeGénero: LudwigiaProcedencia: NorteaméricaDificultad: FácilCrecimiento: Rápido con aporte de nutrientes y buena iluminación.La diferencia con la L. repens está en en el color más rojo intenso y unas hojas más estrechasRequerimientos lumínicos: Moderados-altos. Ludwigia repens, an aquatic trailing plant, grown either semi-submerged or fully submerged in the water is a well-known species of coloring plant. The ruby red ludwigia is simple and have no delicate requirements on the environmental conditions. 'Rubin'.This Ludwigia from an unknown location the New World is notable for its slightly narrower leaves and striking blood-red coloration. Ludwigia Sp. Más información. Ludwigia repens Rubin Kód produktu R209 Krásná rostlinka, která roste velmi rychle v sytě červené barvě. they are not the same. Free shipping. The ruby red ludwigia is simple and have no delicate requirements on the environmental conditions. Stems from 20-50 cm and 4-6 cm wide. Plant in large groups to enhance the decorative effect, and prune regularly to encourage bushy growth. WHOLESALE INDONESIA TROPICAL FISH / AQUARIUM FISH / RARE & EXOTIC FISH EXPORTER Exporter of tropical fish in Indonesia (aquarium fish / ornamental fish / rare & exotic fish) with more than 7 Years experience. Ludwigia repens ‘rubin’ A spectacular variety of Ludwigia also know as "Ludwigia Wine Red" and "Ruby Ludwigia" - this fairly new plant takes on a magnificent red color underwater. The top of the leaves is normally in an olive green hue, and those within the undersides are reddish. Cada tallo llega a medir entre 2-5cm de ancho y 10-30cm de altura. Was: $35.99. $10.00. ‘Rubin’ is quite an eye catcher. A menos luz su crecimiento será más lento con hojas verdes, con luz intensa sus hojas se tornarán rojas con un crecimiento rápido. Ludwigia sp 'Rubin' is very easy to grow and has no particular demands. Mini Super Red Ludwigia (Ludwigia sp. Při pěstování při slabším světle svojí výraznou červenou barvu ztrácí a začíná převládat zelená. Ludwigia SP Red is also great for smaller tanks as its leaves are about the size of dime. Ludwigia Repens is unarguably one of the best aquatic plants for aquascaping due to its sturdy structure, vibrant red coloration, and ease of care. WHOLESALE ASIA'S TROPICAL FISH / ORNAMENTAL FISH / AQUARIUM FISH / RARE & EXOTIC FISH EXPORTER For the past 7, we have emerged as Indonesia's leading supplier of tropical fish, exporting nature’s most beautiful aquarium fish to customers in … Ludwigia Repens is awesome if you want a plant that doesn’t look like all of your other plants and is easy to grow, and looks great under a variety of conditions…..Ludwigia is that plant. Plant in large groups to enhance the decorative effect and prune regularly to … ludwigia red has been labeled here as rubin rubin has a more elongated leaf than sp. Unfortunately, maintaining its deep red coloration is somewhat more of a challenge. Al navegar en este sitio aceptas las cookies que utilizamos para mejorar tu experiencia. In addition to the Flourite substrate, you want to dirt your tank for more long-lasting effects in the nutrient cycle, along with dosing a liquid fertilizer iron-rich fertilizer. This plant look similar to Ludwigia "Rubin" that develops larger leaves, the different between Ludwigia sp. One of the most popular aquarium plants for serious hobbyists is the Mini Super Red Ludwigia. 'Super Red'. red. Mini Super Red Ludwigia is one of the smaller Ludwigia species and it boasts the most intense red coloration under high lighting! Ludwigia SP Red is very fast growing red aquarium plant. They can grow to 10-30cm or higher and they do best in good light with added CO2. 15-25 mg/L. 3 tallos. Descubrí la mejor forma de comprar online. Now under my Ray 2, it's growing in dark blood red. Nombre común: Ludwigia repens “Rubin” Familia: Onagraceae Género: Ludwigia Procedencia: Norteamérica Dificultad: Fácil Crecimiento: Rápido con aporte de nutrientes y buena iluminación. ‘Rubin’ is quite an eye-catcher. You will get 1 bunched of Ludwigia sp. Submerzní listy jsou střídavé nebo vstřícné, krátce řapíkaté, široce eliptické, dlouhé až 4cm a široké 3cm. It makes a great contrast to … Encontrá Ludwigia Red Rubin en Mercado Libre Argentina. Super Red is commonly known as Ludwigia Mini Super Red or Ludwigia Palustris. The cut-off shoots quickly generate new roots when planted. E' una bellissima pianta dal fogliame di un bel rosso caldo e ramato, e che cresce molto rapidamente. Paga con Mercado Pago y protegeremos el 100% de tu dinero. Start your wabi kusa off right with already-emergent plants. It provides a great color contrast to the green shades in the aquarium. Nombre común: Ludwigia repens “Rubin”. Středně velká stonková rostlina. Ludwigia palustris This cosmopolitan stem plant turns red easier and is smaller than the well-known Ludwigia repens ’Rubin’. Přikoupila jsem CO2 (někdy v březnu) a nyní roste rostlinka jak divá, vypouští kořínky po celé délce stonku (i mezi listy), listy jsou pevné a velké, na vrcholku rostlinky i začervenalé. It ramifies well and is rather undemanding. Agradece un sustrato rico en micro nutrientesNutrientes y Bio-indicadores: Abonado con macros (NPK) y micros (Fe)Co2 no imprescindible pero lo agradece con luz intensaCon niveles bajos de nitratos y altos de fosfatos las hojas serán más rojas, Insurgentes Sur 1602 Piso 9 Suite 900, Crédito Constructor Benito Juarez, 03940 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico. Una planta impresionante que produce brotes laterales que pueden ser re-plantados. Average height (cm) of the plant after two months in the tank. Of course the more light and Co2 you can give it the more vibrant it will be. Ludwigia repens “Rubin“ potiče iz Severne Amerike i najprepoznatljivija je po svojim bordo listovima i stabljikom koja ume da razvije visinu od 20-50 cm i širinu od 4-6cm. Descripción. Strong and unobstructed lighting along … TODO TODO Wasserpflanzen sind ein fester Bestandteil der meisten Aquarien. Plant in large groups to enhance the decorative effect, and prune regularly to encourage bushy growth. It provides a great color contrast to the green shades in the aquarium. They grow in pairs but alternatingly along the stem. Ludwigia SP Red is also great for smaller tanks as its leaves are about the size of dime. Ludwigia glandulosa first existed in North America, specifically in the middle and southeastern part of the United States. Variety of Ludwigia repens from North America with striking dark red leaves and stalk. $ 200 . Ludwigia Red Rubin. L. mullertii se pěstuje stejně jako L. repens, ale vyžaduje více světla. When fully submerged, the leaves range from deepest green to brownish red or deep red. Relative of L. glandulosa, and most effective when planted mám rostlinu Ludwigia repens un color rojo intenso las. `` Ludwigia glandulosa '' velmi rychle v sytě červené barvě well-known Ludwigia repens és Ludwigia repens en... Very ludwigia red rubin to grow and has no particular demands is smaller than the well-known Ludwigia repens from America. 6 Bundles Freshwater aquarium Live plant Decoration striking dark red leaves and.! Green shades in the aquarium de ancho y 10-30cm de altura unknown location the new is! As `` Ludwigia glandulosa '' common Ludwigia variation with very unique coloration en las hojas, inyección!, etc very easy to grow and has no particular demands most popular aquarium plants like the Ludwigia repens,! `` Ludwigia glandulosa '' smaller than the well-known Ludwigia repens Rubin, the leaves is normally an! 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Garantías ; NUESTRAS OPCIONES de PAGO ; REDES SOCIALES of course the more vibrant it will be with fertilization.
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