[…]. Why is that? “Since the amount of calories you eat determines the amount of weight you gain, and since intermittent fasting reduces muscle gain, this means that while the overall amount of weight you gain in either situation will be the same, you’ll gain less muscle and more fat with intermittent fasting.” However, bulking is a short-term endeavour. But the following paragraph is very questionable: Or most of them will turn to fat instead, to which IF will balance out the result? I’m curious if in your research you found anything about protein before bed/in the middle of the night? Fasting, of course, has been practiced … As a side note, such a (keto-like) diet is good for anyone even if not fasting and helps hit the right macro ratios. No I don’t because I won’t generalize a group of people (fitness and bodybuilding) to a faceless stereotype. Based on the research to date, I’m left to assume that the robust effect of resistance training on 24-hr protein synthesis is essentially “washing out” the small benefit of more carefully scheduled protein feedings for initiating frequent spikes in muscle protein synthesis. When someone is cutting, there’s no calorie surplus, and thus no risk of fat gain anyway. What’s interesting is that the lead researcher, Ethan Weiss, was a fan of intermittent fasting. This could theoretically make intermittent fasting a good bulking diet… right? (Check out this intermittent fasting and bulking article on Bony to Beastly for more […]. I don’t think this makes a case for skipping meals entirely, such as you’d do with intermittent fasting. With that said, I think the difference would be negligible, so and both sound perfectly fine. All of the research I’ve seen has shown a positive correlation between lifting weights, confidence, intelligence, and emotional well-being. While both groups lost a comparable amount of weight, the intermittent fasting group lost only 1.2 kg of lean mass compared to 1.6 kg in the calorie restriction group. – Dinner at 6:30 pm. IF is not ideal for a short term endeavor of quick bulking. Yes, you can bulk while intermittent fasting. What we see is that eating protein in the morning increased muscle growth by around 37%. It’s also probably the most feasible eating schedule to follow. I would really appreciate you gut feel opinion please. Longterm health is about going back to eating the right amount, lifting a bit less intensely, adding in some cardio, more focus on fruits/vegetables, etc. If you want to experiment with 24-hour fasts, I recommend scheduling them as far after your workouts as possible, where there wouldn’t be much muscle growth taking place anyway. Not sure what that’s about. Now, goals accomplished, I do rather enjoy intermittent fasting… but still I wouldn’t recommend it to someone who was interested in building muscle quickly. Transient increases during a short time of fasting or exercise or fasted exercise or a stressful situation, are not too much for our body to handle. Is That Even A Real Term? On the other hand, most athletes gain their muscle mass and strength by eating several meals per day. Does intermittent fasting make it harder to eat enough calories to gain weight? I think that’s going to give us a clearer visual representation of how intermittent fasting affects muscle growth while bulking. Keep in mind that your results may vary, and may not be the same or even similar. It allows you to dig into a massive calorie deficit for most of the day, and then you can pop up for a bit of muscle growth in that prime post-workout window, like so: Yes, the amount of muscle you build will be small compared to when you’re bulking, but with traditional cutting, you wouldn’t be building much muscle anyway: Again, I should point out the exceptions. 19:00 gymtime Great article, I love your site it has helped me tonne! IF is proven to cause better sleep and that wouldn’t be the case if there was chronic cortisol spike. Intermittent Fasting vs a Traditional Muscle-Building Diet, The Best Types of Intermittent Fasting for Muscle Gain, New 2020 Research on Intermittent Fasting for Muscle Gain, New 2020 Research on Protein Distribution for Muscle Growth, New 2020 Research on Intermittent Fasting for Cutting, here’s our article about how to eat more calories and gain weight more easily, the more often you eat (up to a maximum of 5 meals per day), the more muscle growth you can stimulate, https://bonytobeastly.com/skinny-changing-set-point/, https://bonytobeastly.com/muscle-building-myth-5-thinking-you-need-to-eat-every-2-3-hours/, The best protein powder—a super-guide on which type to take, how much, when, what brands and more. **If you need ideas for muscle-building meals and easy meal prep, you’ll want to read my post: 200+ Bodybuilding Meals. Is is then the same if I eat 2 or 3 times a day in a 8 hours window (16:8)?? I’ve been testing out intermittent fasting for my first month of bulking and my muscle gains are tiny and slow going! This lines up with previous research and expert recommendations fairly well, giving us more confidence that intermittent fasting isn’t ideal for building muscle. So does intermittent fasting allow you to make leaner gains while bulking? I’ve since started weight training and increased my protein intake to prevent the muscle loss. When they’ve gained the 20+ pounds they’re after, then we can transition into a healthy long-term routine. That’s going to limit your muscle gains, big time. That means that if you eat three meals per day, you’d be having muscle growth spurts that look something like this: Already we can see that skipping a meal is a missed opportunity for muscle growth: This Nortonian model of muscle growth brings up some questions. It’s more a case of acute short term increases while the hunger pangs come (which are less frequent as one does more IF). Inspiring that you found YOUR confidence and some passion through doing this, Shane. While there are still some questions about this theory, most of them are finer details, not issues with what we’ve discussed above. After reading this I now wonder… Let’s say you have only protein shake(s) for ‘breakfast’ and you do all of your day’s cardio before your first real meal of the day(lunch)… Would your body still be in “fat burning” mode while also building muscle? Just make sure to be in a surplus overall, i.e., gaining weight at the intervals you’re aiming for. In a controlled study of intermittent fasting versus a calorie-restricted diet, scientists found intermittent fasting is more useful for maintaining lean mass. I WANT to do IF, even just 12hours a day I was able to gain another 10 or so lbs after that. After that, I’ll give you a meal plan you can use. Intermittent fasting, also known as time-restricted eating, is the “in” diet right now, but a new study revealed surprising results.Dieters achieved minimal results during a three month period and lost an average of just 2 pounds, slightly more than those who did not follow the diet — and most of the weight shed was not fat, but muscle. For example, what if we could do something like this: Unfortunately, catching up is not possible. Dieters achieved minimal results during a three month period and lost an average of just 2 pounds, slightly more than those who did not follow the diet—and most of the weight shed was not fat, but muscle. And since I like the benefits of IF so much, I just wonder how to fit IF in a daily life when bulking. This raises another question. Intermittent fasting, the most Googled diet of 2019, focuses more on … And you’ll get that extra spike of muscle-protein synthesis. Intermittent fasting isn’t ideal for building muscle, so we don’t want to introduce intermittent periods of fasting into our bulking routine. To quote the guy who created it, Martin Berkhan: The “gain” in Leangains can therefore be a bit misleading, as most of my clients wants to lose fat, while retaining as much muscle as possible in the process. If such a minor stressor (fasted exercise) was so detrimental, we would not have evolved to where we are today. Intermittent fasting is an extreme example of calorie cycling. There are two reasons for this: If you train on an empty stomach, especially after a 16 hour fast, you’re not going to have the energy to get a good workout. With intermittent fasting, this can’t be achieved. tiny stomachs, raging metabolisms and small appetites, The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Muscle Gain. Because the effects of calorie cycling are so minor, I would consider it a bonus technique, not a foundational technique. No, we don’t want to be chronically stressed all the time. They might be able to get results that look something like this: However, to say that their programs are designed for this would be to sell them short. What I would say is that if you want to build muscle and get your masculine hormones raging again, then go for the bulk. Hey Myers, good question. 3. This is the same problem that we see with intermittent fasting and ketogenic diets. I don’t know which world you live in, but most physically-fit men I know become too into themselves, cheat on partners, shark their way in corporate and cut pushed back down, or even end up in the sex industry as masseurs and escorts, etc. The body reverts back to its original shape and form within 2-months of stopping the bulking focused work. “Most skinny guys wake up without much of an appetite, making breakfast more of a chore than a treat.” Now if only I could match my stomach capacity with my appetite, I could eat a lot more than I do. This site is a favorite, and incredibly thorough! Trouble is, in addition to losing fat, a study by Wilson et al (1) shows that you could also be losing muscle, or at the very least, not building muscle. On #3, the study I referenced found that overall levels of cortisol were higher in the intermittent fasting group. It was extremely good and thanks for that. This is true. While eating 40 grams of protein per meal will get you the absolute ideal amount of muscle growth (100%), eating just 20 grams of protein will get you most of the results (80%). Hey Eric, I’m sorry to hear about your rough run of luck, man. On #1, I agree with you on the bulking part. The differences weren’t dramatic. A Recent Study on Intermittent Fasting Links Skipping Breakfast to Muscle Loss Move over keto, there’s a new eating plan creating controversy: Intermittent fasting (IF), … I don’t want to make it seem like I’m thrashing intermittent fasting. Intermittent Fasting Research Weight Training. Real quick, before we get into the meat and potatoes let’s define what intermittent fasting really is. So let’s talk about meal planning. This seems to show that, at least with slower rates of weight gain, intermittent fasting doesn’t reduce our ability to build muscle while bulking. It goes against the premise which you’ve also stated that IF is best for cutting. That was also disproven. There are some interesting long-term health benefits to fasting, but the main reason it’s so popular is because it helps people eat fewer calories with less suffering, allowing them to drop into a calorie deficit and burn fat. I have a question about the “4 hour” muscle protein synthesis. But again, it’s not like it’s the end of the world if you do, it’s just not ideal. This may or may not work for you, but it’s something that has worked for me. Note: 20 grams of protein still stimulates a lot of muscle growth. looked into the results of using intermittent fasting for muscle gain. The most accurate definition of intermittent fasting is from Jim Stoppani: Intermittent fasting (IF) is a technique where you fast for an extended period of time, then follow that fast with a period of eating, and cycle back and forth between these fasting and feeding periods. How Often Can We Stimulate Muscle-Protein Synthesis? You’ll notice that on the intermittent fasting side, I’m referencing guys like Martin Berkhan, Brad Pilon and Dr John Berardi, all of whom I have a tremendous amount of respect for. I’ll start taking my 20 g protein shakes 4 hours before and after my normal meals. 12:00 2nd meal It also helps to have at least 20 grams of protein with each meal, and to have 3–5 meals each day. The title of the study is Time-restricted feeding in young men performing resistance training: A randomized controlled trial. It won’t be perfectly optimal, but that way you’ll spend most of the day with boosted muscle growth. Props for committing to improve even in the midst of it all. So you might consider your ideal workout day to look something like this: This is a pretty classic bodybuilding diet, where you eat 4–5 meals per day and have an especially big post-workout meal. However, bodies do revert or become ‘fattier’ in lieu of the muscle that once was perhaps more pronounced when the program or routine ceases…consider it an appropriate reaction and homeostasis to the *inflammation* that the work causes when the routines can’t be upheld. The fasting window should ideally be around 16 hours. 1pm – Lunch (30g of protein) I’ll talk more about that as well and show you how to avoid muscle loss. It’s not the only way to build muscle, but it makes for a good default, especially if you’re a skinny guy who has a hard time gaining weight. I did mention that intermittent fasting has some interesting possible longterm health benefits. Note: articles on this website may contain affiliate links, through which the website owner receives some compensation from purchases made. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Considering that an optimal synthesis requires at least three servings of protein everyday and a minimum of three hours between each meal, intermittent fasting can pose quite a challenge for muscle gain. 100 grams). The results of the research “suggest that an intermittent fasting program in which all calories are consumed in an 8-h window each day, in conjunction with resistance training, could improve some health-related biomarkers, decrease fat mass, and maintain muscle mass in resistance-trained males.” Here’s Examine.com giving a mainstream definition and summary of the research on intermittent fasting: Our bodies are well equipped for long periods of time without food. There are three benefits to doing 24-hour fasts. First, you won’t be gaining muscle on the day that you’re fasting, and so this will reduce your overall rate of muscle growth. Mild exercise is ok, especially for ‘Depression’ which academics suffer from frequently. I’m not even trying to bulk. (This is how Jared gained 33 pounds in three months, as shown above.). Don’t snack. As a life-long ectomorph (slowly moving towards meso :P), and a certified personal trainer, I can see this info is spot on and very well analyzed! So, while I feel confident in the “what” and “how,” I feel like I’m missing part of the “why.”. 4. All of those will be quite easy to digest, they aren’t very filling, and they can contain at least 20 grams of protein. The last time I tried bulking I had several meals throughout the day and gained weight like crazy (until I went back to running long distance and lost it lol) I really struggle to find that perfect balance. 3. However, what if it were possible to stimulate muscle protein synthesis while fasting? – Lunch at 3:30 pm What’s interesting is that these women were bulking on a modest calorie surplus of around 200 extra calories per day, and there were no differences in muscle growth between the groups. The most famous version of that is Brad Pilon’s Eat, Stop, Eat approach, and that’s also the approach Dr John Berardi used when testing out an extreme bulking plan on the fitness blogger Nate Green (Bigger, Smaller Bigger). As you can see, this is the opposite of traditional eating. One solution is to have a protein-rich breakfast that’s smaller and lower in calories. On #1, I think we’ve found the disagreement and mended it. That last meal will usually be a heavy meal containing red meat and other lower digesting foods so that I have the energy the next morning to train. Intermittent fasting is … If you consider that you’re going to have extra growth potential immediately after training, does that mean you should be eating extra protein post-workout? Fasting just once per week? Casein can be super handy to have around, yeah. Also I need to adress diminishing testosterone, fatigue and really no motivation what so ever to do, well… Pretty much anything…. Realistically, you’re probably going to gain a few body-fat percentage points. So for my questions.. So it’s about balancing low carbs and some IF, with adding some energy and weight… heck I battle to find that sweet spot man! And if I misunderstood anything (maybe a lot lol), don’t hesitate to correct me! That’s a bizarre case for sure. And that could even lead to injury if you’re trying to lift heavy with no sustainable energy. It has gone so far that I am starting to feel less of a man, and more of a “unisex” or asexual… ofcourse this will have a negative effect on the lovelife, so I really want to “get back to” myself. 11am – Breakfast (24g protein) Until recently, however, there weren’t any studies that investigated Intermittent Fasting, in the way it’s typically practiced, in a group of people who actually lift weights. **Speaking of workout, here’s the pre-workout I’m taking: Alpha Lion Superhuman. My goal was to simply give you the facts on how you can still build muscle while doing this. If your goal is to get as big as humanly possible, you’ll need to be in a caloric surplus, consuming protein every 3-5 hours. Finally, us skinny guys are notorious for having tiny stomachs, raging metabolisms and small appetites—all of which can make bulking up much harder. There are also types of intermittent fasting where you only fast for one 24-hour period each week. 08:30 1st meal And that may work for some, but for building muscle, you have to up your game. However, research has turned up some genuine advantages to eating frequently: Let’s dive deeper into that fourth point, about trigging muscle-protein synthesis. I don’t understand how growth hormone works and the benefit of having a huge boost during this period. Studies also find that the best way to distribute that protein is relatively spread out, with at least 20 grams in each meal, rather than having it all at once. 8pm – Dinner (45g of protein) The short answer is yes, it’s possible, but there are some caveats, which I’m going to share with you in this post. Thank you SO much for putting this together… Half the participants were given a breakfast that was extremely low in protein, whereas the other half were given a normal breakfast containing an average amount of protein. On #4, yeah I see your point. No. Hi Shane. After a lifetime of training, “adultlife” came knocking. Bony to Beastly—Is Milk Good For Bulking? Yes, guys with naturally high testosterone may be more likely to cheat, but again, that has nothing to do with going to the gym or building muscle. Ideally, you will want to schedule your workout times to be within your feeding window. It depends on one’s priorities. Just have breakfast early, have dinner late, and make sure that all of your meals have at least 20 grams of protein in them. That could be from a series of spikes. Always know you’re doing everything right when the steroid accusations roll in , This is EXACTLY what I needed. When it came to bulking, bodybuilders worried that if they spent a prolonged period of time fasting, then their bodies would begin to eat away at their muscle mass (catabolism). Intermittent Fasting is Extreme Calorie Cycling, How to Make Leaner Gains with Intermittent Fasting. That lines up with all of the research I’ve read. This means that if you eat a large calorie surplus (blue line), you’re going to gain a maximal amount of muscle (red) but you’re also going to gain quite a lot of fat (yellow). I am now doing IF, trying to lose fat to below than 15% before bulking up again. Fairly simple, and fairly ideal. Maybe you anticipate this, so you start your bulk at 11% and then stop bulking when you notice that your body fat percentage has climbed to around 15%. I got your eBook; keep up the fantastic work, dude! Sex industry? I don’t even think it will substantially slow progress. Plus, intermittent fasting really does increase growth hormone, and it’s a viable way to lose weight. For most people, that’s a HUGE benefit. You’ll build a bit more muscle. I am now beginning a new regime to get back to my comfort zone weight of 92-95kg’s and I am concidering bulking vs or with TRF (due to the seemingly great health benefits, while maintaining a slow, steady growth). We explain all of this in our article about why intermittent fasting is bad for bulking. This is important for muscle recovery and muscle growth. Is that a good idea? There are just so many... Skipping breakfast is pleasant and productive. So what if we just have one scoop of whey protein with some water? The problem that a lot of naturally skinny guys run into when trying to bulk while intermittent fasting is that it becomes hard to get into a calorie surplus, but if you aren’t having that problem, then no worries . But I’m most days struggling with energy. Very thorough article as always. It can work, but this study suggests that we’d be able to gain muscle 37% faster simply by eating a protein-rich breakfast. **This is actually my personal eating schedule when I’m intermittent fasting. Second, it can be extremely unpleasant for some people. In this case, with such a small overall surplus, you miss out on the extra testosterone, nutrients, and cellular signalling, so your growth potential slows down, like so: You won’t be able to build muscle as quickly, but you may still prefer this approach. Intermittent fasting focuses on the time window that you’re eating. This means eating so many damn calories that there’s no way to invest all of them into muscle growth, causing the extra calories to spill over into fat storage. Why? This is what we recommend to our members, and this is how I managed to gain 55 pounds over the course of a couple of years: A new study by Tinsley et al. Or could you suggest a better diet? […] guy trying to bulk up, you should be eating more often to help you get calories in. All of these are crucial to building muscle. Thank you very much. Bony to Beastly is a project created and maintained by Foxhound Ltd, registered in the Province of Ontario, Canada from 2013–2019. -Lunch at noon We’re going to get into that below…. Myth 5: You can’t gain muscle while intermittent fasting; Here’s what you need to know about intermittent fasting for building muscle: If 16/8 sounds unrealistic for you, following the 14/10 intermittent fasting routine may be just as effective. Or I guess the bigger question is are the behaviors you focus on in this article changed at all during sleep? Low-fat milk is higher in protein […], […] the opposite of what you’ll want to do as an ectomorph trying to build muscle. And continue to workout…. Total beginners, obese people, and guys on steroids can build muscle and lose fat at the same time more easily, so they can expect better results than are shown in these graphs. It shouldn’t affect fat loss at all. What’s nice about this study is they measured how much lean mass was gained, giving us an idea of what the differences are likely to add up to in the real world. And obviously, as […]. […], […] Intermittent fasting isn’t designed for guys who are trying to bulk up. 5pm – Workout (M,W,Fri only) Hey XM, given the current research, we don’t really see any benefit to intermittent fasting for lean muscle growth when in a calorie surplus, so I’d imagine that the second option would be slightly better, given that the protein distribution is a little wider. G protein shakes 4 hours before and after my normal meals,.. Even think it ’ s a benefit to doing fasted cardio too hard to get into that below… i.e. gaining! 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