L’interrogation indirecte est une phrase dans laquelle la question n’est pas posée directement à quelqu’un. These are statements, not questions. - Direct or indirect interrogative clauses - How and What ... like - Direct or Indirect Clauses - Reported speech and present continuous - Indirect speech > Double-click on words you don't understand: Reported speech and If - Whether Find the end of the sentences. In sentences composed of a main clause and an object clause, the main clause cannot usually stand alone: Was möchte Nico wissen? In German gymnasia, or high schools, the subjunctive in that dependent clause was required, “[a]ccording to the rule in Classical Latin – a rule which teachers stamped into the memory of their students, [that] the subjunctive stands in all subordinate interrogative clauses” (Wackernagel, Lectures on Syntax, 1929, I, … Look at the examples. Interrogative content clauses. In an indirect question, the question-word comes before the subject. See lots of examples of indirect questions and do our interactive exercise. Look at the examples. Question words. An example of an indirect question is where Jack is in the sentence "I wonder where Jack is." Je me demande s’il vient. If it is an interrogative, there is a question mark at the end. [The clause who saved the child is a relative clause, for it makes a distinct assertion … 1 - C'EST QUOI , UNE YES / NO QUESTION? Twitter Share English exercise "Reported speech and If - Whether" created by necroboynonoss with The test builder. Apart from these common rules, there are a few specific rules which apply according to the type of question in … “wann er geboren ist” is the subordinate clause. Change in reported speech While converting any interrogative sentence into passive voice all the following changes are made quite similarly as defined in the … Indirect question clauses [423] An indirect question (or indirect interrogative) is a question inside a main sentence. he said or she said) in direct speech is replaced with verb such ‘ask’ or ‘inquire’ (e.g. If it is an interrogative, there is a question mark at the end. As you already know from other subordinate clauses, the conjugated verb in the direct W-question "migrates" to the end of the subordinate clause. Write complete sentences. I wonder + interrogative term + subject + verb => I wonder where he lives. wh questions. The embedded question is a noun clause and can be used in a similar way to a noun. Also, do not use a question mark with a statement containing an indirect question. Quand introduire l’interrogation indirecte par si ? L'interrogation directe/Le discours direct/Le style direct. Just ignore the main sentence and look at the adjective clause when deciding whether to use "who," "whom" or "whose." Where isn't a relative pronoun in my English, what is. Quelles sont les phrases qui contiennent une subordonnée interrogative indirecte ? Comment s’appelle-t-il ? Direct or indirect interrogative clauses When using the interrogative form, one of the main difficulties is to choose between "direct interrogatives" ("real questions" ) and indirect speech (or reported speech ) which will NOT use the interrogative construction [verb - subject ?]. Crée des questions indirectes introduites par un mot interrogatif. There must be no question mark at the end of the sentence. 331) and molestu’s (< molestus es, Mer. Interrogative content clauses, often called indirect questions, can be used in many of the same ways as declarative ones; for example, they are often direct objects of verbs of cognition, reporting, and perception, but here they emphasize knowledge or lack of knowledge of one element of a fact: I know what you did. 20 sentences of direct and indirect speech Direct speech is the ones that the person establishes himself / herself. The what-clause is a subordinate nominal clause. Reported Speech. #2 is not a question, indirect or otherwise. It uses the word order of a statement and it is a noun clause. See my page about indirect questions for more information. The yes-no questions can be answered with a "yes" or a "no", i.e. Normal question: Where is the station? Avec Lingolia Plus, tu as accès à 6 exercices complémentaires sur le thème Interrogation indirecte et à 591 exercices en ligne pour t’entraîner en français pendant trois mois pour 10,49 Euros (≈ $12,69). 10. (Auxiliary TO BE + subject + V ?) La structure de l’interrogation indirecte est différente de l’interrogation directe - le sujet et le verbe ne sont pas intervertis. In the example above, the adjective clause tells us about "the man." We use cookies to improve our service for you. Si le verbe de la phrase introductive est à un temps du passé (par exemple il demanda), il y a modification des temps du discours. Direct and Indirect Speech! test--> Discours indirect et questions en WH. “how that was built” is an interrogative clause; The sailor who saved the child is a Portuguese. Interrogative content clauses, often called indirect questions, can be used in many of the same ways as declarative ones; for example, they are often direct objects of verbs of cognition, reporting, and perception, but here they emphasize knowledge or lack of knowledge of one element of a fact: I know what you did. Le mot interrogatif est donc suivi de la même structure que celle de la phrase affirmative simple : sujet – verbe – complément. Direct or Indirect Clauses . Le mot interrogatif est donc suivi de la même structure que celle de la phrase affirmative simple : sujet – verbe – complément. The conjugated verb is usually at the end of the sentence. The main clause can be a declarative clause or an interrogative. Reports of indirect questions: I asked them if they had seen my dog. For example ‘I am watching TV’ is an example of direct speech however ‘she said that she was watching TV’ is indirect speech. Indirect interrogative clauses report a question in an indirect manner. Transferring the sentence that someone else says is called indirect speech. L’interrogation totale (appelant la réponse oui ou non), c’est-à-dire une question sans mot interrogatif, est introduite par si. Quand on pose directement une question à quelqu'un, on emploie l'interrogation directe/le discours direct/le style direct. Cochez la (ou les) bonne(s) réponse(s). This is only true if 'that' is used to introduce a noun clause in the middle or at the end of the sentence. An interrogative word or question word is a function word used to ask a question, such as what, which , when, where, who, whom, whose, why, whether and how. Direct speech is a form of speech where the speaker gives first hand information, whereas indirect speech is reported on behalf of someone else. The two patterns of the sentences are opposed... That's why it is fundamental to know how to recognise them in order to be able to use … If reported speech is in interrogative change it into indirect narration by following the directions below. Indirect questions are used in formal situations where we may need to ask something from someone we don’t know well or to request something in a more polite way.. We start with the indirect question phrase followed by the wh-question word and an affirmative clause (the sentence ends with a question mark).. Learn how to use Direct and Indirect Speech and Tense Changes when using Reported Speech in English with useful grammar rules and example sentences (reported speech is often also called indirect speech.) The main clause can be a declarative clause or an interrogative. We use them when talking to a person we don't know very well, or in professional situations, and their form is a little different. In Japanese, whenever there is a quantifier that follows ka か, it will refer to the noun phrase embedded in the indirect question.. 17. and in indirect questions (I wonder where he is going). Dès que certaines journées commencent, on sait qu'elles se passeront mal ! They may be used in both direct questions (Where is he going?) Transferring the sentence that someone else says is called indirect speech. There are two types of direct questions, the yes-no questions and the question-word questions (w-word questions). Exercice n°5. In an indirect question, a subordinate clause is formed from a direct question: Direct question: Wie lerne ich schnell Deutsch? (Compare this to a "closed interrogative", a question which accepts yes or no, limited answers).A wh-question may be restated within a clause.. MAIN CLAUSE: QUOTED SPEECH: My friend always asks, Indirect question: bouvletai eijdevnai pou` ejstin oJ Swkravth~ HE WANTS TO KNOW WHERE SOCRATES IS. if, whether – marker of subordination in interrogative clauses (Huddleston 956) You make take the following as synonymous in my last few posts: embedded interrogative, embedded interrogative clause, indirect question. . A.) The Indirect Question is a noun clause introduced by a verb of saying, thinking, asking, remembering, doubting, etc. L’interrogation indirecte permet d’introduire une question dans une phrase, de rapporter des propos interrogatifs. Lorsqu’il s’agit d’une interrogation indirecte, on supprime le point d’interrogation et on utilise un point à la place de celui-ci. The verb in the indirect question is always in the subjunctive. Adjective clauses are used to describe a noun in the main sentence. In sentences using the auxiliaries TO BE / TO HAVE (GOT), and modal auxiliaries: you just have to do the subject / verb inversion: Interrogative word+ Auxiliary+ subject+ verb + ? Usually used in writing language such as novels, stories etc. Ici, les questions ne sont pas posées directement à quelqu’un. Direct and Reported Speech - QUESTIONS. Note the punctuation at the end of the sentence: if the main clause is declarative, it has a full stop at the end. )- la suppression de la forme interrogative (place des mots, ponctuation)- des changements de temps et de pronoms personnels. the truthfulness of their entire content needs to be confirmed or denied. (6) … Il y a élision de si (s’) devant les pronoms personnels il et ils. Style: if is slightly more informal than whether: We asked him if he was going to be a little late. a) What happens to the original verb? 11. CalifJim; CliveThe bottom line, of course, is that any of these systems is OK as long as it provides a tool that someone finds useful in learning to speak good English. Reported speech: indirect speech - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary De plus, tu trouveras dans les réponses des explications et des conseils pour comprendre la réponse correcte. We don't need to use inversion. It is also called reported speech. 'Wh' Questions In the same way as with reported 'wh' questions, we use the question word and the word order of a normal positive sentence to make indirect 'wh' questions. In indirect speech certain grammatical categories are changed relative to the words of the original sentence. An indirect question, on the contrary, has an interrogative sense which may be seen by turning the question into the direct form. Father inquired of son if he had seen his mobile anywhere. It is therefore a dependent wh-interrogative clause. Or again, in the following examples: (5) It’s amazing what he can hide up his sleeve! An indirect question is a question embedded inside another sentence. Indirect questions are structures used in formal situations where we may need to ask something from someone we don’t know well or to request something in a more polite way. the truthfulness of their entire content needs to be confirmed or denied. Elle voudrait savoir …. L’interrogation indirecte. Look at the examples. Examples: I wonder how that was built. Here are solution for above mentioned interrogative sentences: He asked if I was coming to concert. Können Sie mir sagen, welcher Bus zur Sprachschule fährt. That indirect question-clauses containing indicatives mark an informal style goes together with other findings on Roman comedy: one study, for instance, shows that contractions like currendum’st (< currendum est Ps. What is an indirect question? La subordonnée interrogative indirecte peut toujours être transformée en interrogation directe. La transformation de l’interrogation directe en interrogation indirecte entraîne des changements grammaticaux  : Si le verbe de la phrase introductive est au présent (par exemple il demande), les temps du discours restent les mêmes. Usually, it is used in spoken language. Question mark (?) There are three types of interrogative sentences: yes/no questions, question-word questions, and choice questions. So, this sentence is ungrammatical. A direct yes-no question can be turned into an indirect interrogative clause introduced with ob. Word Order in Formal and Informal Wh-Clauses "When the wh-word is (the first word of) a prepositional complement as in (a) [It's a complex problem, which we all have to live with], there is a choice between a formal and an informal construction. The verb such as ‘say’ or ‘tell’ (e.g. In a DIRECT INTERROGATIVE CLAUSE (questions), you must very careful about the word order: 1. The verb 'is' should be changed to 'was' as per the tense of the main clause, and 'was' should be placed after its subject ("the government's intention"). 山 (やま) 口 (ぐち) さんは 誰 (だれ) が 歌 (うた) ったか 大 (だい) 体 (たい) 知 (し) っているでしょう。 Yamaguchi-san wa … Il te faut un compte Lingolia Plus pour avoir accès à ces exercices supplémentaires. She asked what was the schedule for next concert. Rules for conversion of Interrogative Direct Speech Sentence into Indirect Speech Sentences. Exercices. you MUST use the indirect interrogative form. Indirect questions are a little more formal and polite. Direct questions are the "normal" questions that we can ask friends, family members, and people who we know well. Jun 14 2007 05:59:53. By Chabelina Types of indirect questions. As for your sentence, in my grammar the clause in bold is an indirect question, not a relative clause. There are two types of direct questions, the yes-no questions and the question-word questions (w-word questions).. Ask yourself if the adjective clause requires a subject, object, or possessive form. By the way, the Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary agrees with me on defining what as a relative pronoun in some contexts: "8. Indirect question: Ich möchte wissen, wie ich schnell Deutsch lerne. If you can't, its probably a nominal relative clause. By eunique317 This worksheet contains context clues preliminary activity followed by activities for direct and indirect speech that contains questions ... 2,674 Downloads . Direct : Mahesh said, “Sir, may I go home?” Indirect: Mahesh respectfully asked his sir if he might go home. Again, we also don't usually need to 'backshift' (change the tense of the verb) as we do with reported questions. In my contribution, I test Levinson's (2012) social economics of questions based on a sample of 4108 tokens of interrogative clauses taken from the International Corpus of English, British Component, that encode various direct and indirect questions.. Tense Changes in Reported Speech Indirect Question) - Duration: 6:13. Declarative clause + indirect interrogative clause: As we already had explained in the article interrogation in German, there are 2 types of interrogative clauses … 20 sentences of direct and indirect speech Direct speech is the ones that the person establishes himself / herself. So it should be an indirect question. This type of question is reported by using 'ask' (or another verb like 'ask') + question word + clause. The second clause is introduced by an interrogative word (who, when, where, what, how, whether, ...) and THE VERB-SUBJECT INVERSION MUSTN'T BE DONE. The yes-no questions can be answered with a "yes" or a "no", i.e. References to questions in indirect speech frequently take the form of interrogative content clauses, also called indirect questions (such as whether he was coming). Indirect Questions in English. QUOTED WH-QUESTION; An interrogative pronoun — who, what, where, when, why, or how —is used in an "open interrogative", a question which accepts a wide range of answers. They are sometimes called wh-words, because in English most of them start with wh-(compare Five Ws). Instead, after the question-word the word order remains the same as in a main clause: question word + subject + verb + object. GreatKidsLearning 13,290 views. The subordinate clause in this case is also known as the object clause. SYNTAX OF CLAUSES 297 4. As in other subordinate clauses, a comma separates the main clause from the subordinate clause. There are some rules to change direct to Indirect speech of Interrogative sentence: Doit-on utiliser un point ou un point d’interrogation ? Quelle est la structure de l’interrogation indirecte ? Indirect interrogative clauses report a question in an indirect manner. It is also called reported speech. (interrogation directe) Je ne sais pas quand il revient. Je ne comprends pas …. Les interrogatives indirectes selon la norme grammaticale dominent. Mes modestes conseils, que vous n'êtes pas obligés de suivre, avant d'aborder cette fiche : - SAVOIR ce qu'est un « reporting verb », - CONNAITRE ( un peu ) le phénomène de « backshift tense » et savoir ( un peu ) l'utiliser. Noun clause / indirect question: I'm not sure if they have lived there long. → Je ne sais pas La structure de l’interrogation indirecte est différente de l’interrogation directe – le sujet et le verbe ne sont pas intervertis. … Interrogative content clauses. The word order of an indirect question is the same as for a statement, not a question. Declarative clause + indirect interrogative clause: Bitte sag mir, wo eine gute Sprachschule ist. test--> Interrogative indirecte et If - Whether . In my contribution, I test Levinson's (2012) social economics of questions based on a sample of 4108 tokens of interrogative clauses taken from the International Corpus of English, British Component, that encode various direct and indirect questions.. is an indirect interrogative in (2) but a free relative in (3), and the same main clause (I know) is followed by an indirect interrogative in (2) but by an indirect exclamative in (4). Note the punctuation at the end of the sentence: if the main clause is declarative, it has a full stop at the end. Nous demandons d’où il vient. Special Case of 'That' The noun marker 'that' which introduces noun clauses is the only marker that can be dropped. - Were you strong enough to carry this box? Remerciements Je tiens à exprimer toute ma reconnaissance à Florence Lefeuvre, directrice de cette thèse, pour avoir encadré et dirigé mon travail. Indirect Questions are Noun-Like. -where interrogative content clause 'what he desired' serves as a direct object, identifying the sentence as an indirect question -----… I believe the existence of so-called 'fused relative pronouns' is completely unecessary as they overlap with the functions of interrogative pronouns in indirect questions. For instance: • Direct question: pou` ejstin oJ Swkravth~… WHERE IS SOCRATES? The above rules are common for all question-sentences. Comment passer de l’interrogation directe à l’interrogation indirecte ? L’inversion est pourtant fréquente lorsque le sujet est un nom (et non un pronom) et que le verbe n’a pas de complément. is an indirect interrogative in (2) but a free relative in (3), and the same main clause (I know) is followed by an indirect interrogative in (2) but by an indirect exclamative in (4). Elle est souvent introduite, entre autres, par les formules suivantes : Passer de l’interrogation directe à l’interrogation indirecte provoque des changements grammaticaux et de ponctuation :- la subordination par la conjonction si ou par un mot interrogatif (quand, pourquoi, comment, etc. Karena merupakan reported speech, indirect question tidak menggunakan question mark (tanda tanya) di akhir kalimatnya.. Rumus Indirect Question. Sentences with Question Tags (i) In the indirect speech the question-tag is usually left. Or again, in the following examples: (5) It’s amazing what he can hide up his sleeve! So, it's not a wh- interrogative clause. Le tableau suivant présente les règles de la concordance des temps  : Nos exercices en ligne français sont conçus pour que tu puisses apprendre les règles de grammaire relatives à ce chapitre de manière interactive. À l'oral, c'est seulement le ton montant de la voix qui marque l'interrogation. Apprends comment construire les questions indirectes en français avec nos explications simples et claires accompagnées d’exemples et entraîne-toi à les utiliser avec nos exercices ! A statement that has an interrogative clause but does not ask a question is actually a declarative sentence. When changing from direct to indirect speech, you need to change the grammar in certain ways. Interrogative indirecte et If - Whether - cours. Note the punctuation at the end of the sentence: if the main clause is declarative, it has a full stop at the end. Interrogative content clauses Interrogative content clauses, often called indirect questions, can be used in many of the same ways as declarative ones; for example, they are often direct objects of verbs of cognition, reporting, and perception, but here they emphasize knowledge or lack of knowledge of one element of a fact: I know what you did. A direct W-question can be turned into an indirect interrogative clause introduced with a question word that starts with W . Dans certains cas il faut changer la personne du verbe (1re personne → 3e personne). Quand revient-il ? Dans les questions indirectes le sujet est donc précédé du mot interrogatif. L’interrogation indirecte – exercices généraux, modification des verbes. Exemples : Vous voulez savoir quand il vient. The subordinate clause, which is introduced by an interrogative, is often the object of the main clause. If it is an interrogative, there is a question mark at the end. As you already know from other subordinate clauses, the conjugated verb in the yes-no question "migrates" to the end of the subordinate clause. I. Are you sure you want to reset your exercises? Cette phrase est au style indirect. Declarative clause + indirect interrogative clause: Indirect interrogative clauses are often used to formulate questions especially politely: Ich möchte gerne wissen, wann der Kurs beginnt. Questions can be asked directly or indirectly. A reported wh-question begins with a main clause that mentions: (1) the speaker; (2) a verb expressing inquiry, mostly the verb ask; (3) the interrogative pronoun; (4) the the content of the quote as it relates to the speaker in time, person, place, and direction, at the moment of speaking. Il demande …. The second clause is introduced by an interrogative word (who, when, where, what, how, whether, etc) and THE VERB-SUBJECT INVERSION MUSTN'T BE DONE. The main clause can be a declarative clause or an interrogative. Interrogative sentences are of two types: Interrogative with auxiliaries at the beginning. Κeywords: indirect interrogative clauses, indirect exclamative clauses, introductive verbs, ambiguity, ambivalence, modality . Change in reported speech While converting any interrogative sentence into passive voice all the following changes are made quite similarly as defined in the … Interrogative + indirect interrogative clause: Weißt du, was dieses Wort bedeutet? 2: We can also use embedded questions as part of statements. Er möchte wissen, wie er schnell Deutsch lernt. L’interrogation indirecte permet d’introduire une question dans une phrase, de rapporter des propos interrogatifs. If it is an interrogative, there is a question mark at the end. Qu’est-ce qu’une interrogation indirecte ? (also known as interrogation point, query, or eroteme in journalism) is a punctuation mark that indicates an interrogative clause or phrase in many languages.The question mark is not used for indirect questions.The question mark glyph is … Dans la phrase 3, le sens du verbe principal (vois très bien) n'implique pas une question mais une certitude. #1 is an indirect reporting of the question in the speaker's mind: "What made her do it?' Interrogatives with who, where, what, when, how etc., i.e. An interrogative sentence is one that asks a direct question and ends in a question mark. Können Sie mir sagen, welcher Bus zur Sprachschule fährt? Remember that subordinate clauses have very special rules: Verb at the end, with a comma separating the main clause. We usually put indirect closed questions in the yes/no form (closed/polar questions).. Le point d’interrogation ne reste que si la question indirecte est comprise dans une question directe. You can find more information in our data protection declaration. If reported speech is in interrogative change it into indirect narration by following the directions below. The clause contains the question, in normal … The term interrogative sentence is another term for question. Indirect question (that includes an embedded question): Could you tell me where the station is? À mon fils Grégory . Word Order in Formal and Informal Wh-Clauses "When the wh-word is (the first word of) a prepositional complement as in (a) [It's a complex problem, which we all have to live with], there is a choice between a formal and an informal construction. Contrairement à la phrase interrogative qui pose une question directement et qui appelle une réponse, l’interrogation indirecte rapporte une question au sein d’une phrase. Indirect questions (or interrogative content clauses) are subordinate clauses used within sentences to refer to a question (as opposed to direct questions, which are interrogative sentences themselves). Cependant les interrogatives indirectes en « est-ce que » sont bien représentées et elles apparaissent chez des locuteurs de toutes les origines sociales montrant que le corpus CFPP2000 ne se confond pas avec ce … ex : … All your results will be lost. Elle est souvent introduite, entre autres, par les formules suivantes : Exemples : Je ne sais pas …. Dès que certaines journées commencent, on the contrary, has an interrogative sense which may be in. Ws ) of them start with wh- ( compare Five Ws ) choice questions conseils pour comprendre la réponse.... Yes/No questions, question-word questions ( w-word questions ) called indirect speech, indirect or.... ): Could you tell me where the station is, le sens du verbe principal ( très. 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