And the authors of these bills have ambitions beyond their home states—each bill is a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that established a constitutional right to abortion. Who would have helped me? I was incredibly scared of letting him down and that his opinion of me would be forever changed. I wonder if these policy makers who are putting bans on abortions, would be okay with their daughters suffering through my situation without the option to terminate? Both are are strategic, women-run non-profits that have been helping women fund abortions and even travel in Alabama and Georgia (as well as other southern states where access is limited). Because no one is telling them. It didn’t work. I can’t imagine the pain and trauma of not having these advantages—of not having access to a safe, legal, or affordable procedure, of being forced to carry a child as the result of rape or incest, of being even younger than I was and being forced to stay pregnant. I didn’t want my father to know I was pregnant. That I wasn’t ready physically to bear another child. He was my boyfriend. It wasn’t an easy decision, but it was a logical and important choice. The fear was that other families might disown my family for my ‘mistakes.’ Teen pregnancy wasn’t a phrase you wanted associated with your family name. I was astonished but also relieved that I was not alone. There are still days when I wonder if this horror story really happened, or did I actually dream it? The issue of abortion is being discussed everywhere. So, it’s no surprise that only a small number of abortions take place in later stages. I was 23 when I decided to have an abortion... © Preterm 2018 | 12000 Shaker Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44120 |. My 20 Week Abortion Story (D&E) by Gail June 23, 2020 Content Warning: rape, later abortion, suicidal thoughts. I d... âI had an abortion when I was 16 years old. I found out I was pregnant while I was home from West Virginia University for the summer. Any "positive" abortion stories? Within a few weeks I would be heading back to West Virginia University to start the fall semester. My mother suggested I go to the same clinic she went to herself exactly 20 year ago in Pittsburgh, Planned Parenthood. Everyone deserves a right to choose. The abortions exacerbated what was already a difficult time, but in no way caused it on its own. In ELLE's November issue, features director Laurie Abraham wrote a trenchant, honest essay about her abortions. It is how every woman deserves to be treated. I had spent almo... âToday is Mother's Day, and yesterday I completed a medical abortion at home. Before I got pregnant, I had just finished a demanding two years of graduate school, was deeply unhappy in my job, and depressed. How could this be happening? It normally takes about 10 to 20 minutes and you're usually able to go home the same day. I don’t remember much, except for apple juice and having to leave through the back door because of the protestors outside. Seven Women Share Their Personal (And Very Different) Stories Of Abortion. It was a pivotal moment in our relationship. More or less. If you find yourself judging a women’s choice or believing that she shouldn’t have a voice at all, you need to take a long, hard, logical look at what it is your saying; are you really ‘Pro Life,’ any life? Abortion Stories Personal testimonies from women (and men) who have gone through an abortion. It is incredibly hard to give two infants what they need. I am 22 years old and in a very happy and loving 5-year relationship. All you women are the same.’ ‘You don’t know shit about me,’ I replied, shaking. Abortion ‘Sharon’s story’ - I buried the abortion for 23 years, then one day I just lost it. And I’d only ever had two partners. Having an abortion was deeply sad, but it was the best of two bad options. If you are unsure about whether or not to go through with an abortion, one of the best things you can do is to read about other women's experiences. It is imperative that women AND MEN take action against bills attacking women’s reproduction rights and defend a woman’s right to choose and have full autonomy over her body. I had two kids already and I was barely able to support them. Also think it would be interesting to hear stories about women who kept an unplanned pregnancy even though it was scary and felt overwhelming, along with women who were forces to make the decision based on the health of the babe (like the other comments mentioned). Those are lines from just a few of the powerful abortion stories featured in a new video campaign called "Draw The Line." "When I had my abortion I was only 18. We published this woman‘s story a few weeks back—she also found out her baby had a fatal genetic condition and had an abortion. Created by the Center For Reproductive Rights, "Draw The Line" features seven actresses sharing other women's abortions stories to bring awareness to women's reproductive rights and health. I had lost over 20 pounds in the course of a few weeks. Reproductive care is health care. I lived with her until I was 17 and have been on my own since. On … ‘Noelle’s story’ - He said he’d beat the baby out of me unless I had the abortion. I also think we need to be talking openly about this more, and it would be hypocritical of me to try to educate people on abortions without admitting that I had one myself.”, Jacqueline’s Story:“I had an abortion when I was 23 and I had the advantage of access to a clinic that was affordable and a safe procedure that I recovered from quickly and without complication. We have highlighted stories which may be particularly helpful in the bar on the … Me. Would you have been willing to go to those appointments with me? Having a child would have been devastating to me if I had been forced to carry to term. That’s when an older male doctor walked in and slut shamed me. No. By anonymous on 01/09/2014 I had an abortion over a year ago, and I still think about it to this day. unborn baby at 20 weeks, at the typical age when this type of abortion is performed. We set the date, and a few weeks later I found myself walking into a clinic that would haunt me for years. Content warning: child abuse âSo, I had to collect change from my couch and car to buy my pregnancy test. I wasn’t ashamed. Here's what happens during each of these steps in a D&E. It was pain free and the staff was emotionally supportive. The important aspect of this is choice. Second Trimester A dilation (dilatation) and evacuation abortion, D&E, is a surgical abortion procedure during which an abortionist first dilates the woman’s cervix and then uses instruments to dismember and extract the baby from the uterus. The Alabama law that was signed by the governor last week bans abortion in nearly all cases, with no exceptions for rape or incest, and carries up to a 99-year prison sentence for doctors who perform the procedure. I didn't really want it. I'm 23 now. Hi Alisa, Thanks for your comment and sharing your own heartbreaking story—I am so very sorry you had to go through that. I was filled with panic. I've kept it to myself until this point, but with restrictions tightening and a... âAt 21 years old, I was on hormonal birth control and it failed. An. I ‘was just like all the other sluts,’ he wanted me to know. On the day of the abortion, the abortionist uses forceps to dismember the child and pull her out, piece by piece. What would I do if we had another set of twins? Another concern was if someone saw me coming in and out of the clinic that could bring shame on my family. I can’t remember the shock of becoming pregnant a second time but know that it shook me. Because they are experienced by all types of women, for all types of reasons—not a single one more valid than another. I remember standing naked in front of a mirror in the bathroom and crying. We published this woman‘s story a few weeks back—she also found out her baby had a fatal genetic condition and had an abortion. It wasn’t to say I never wanted kids–just that I didn’t want kids then. Instead, I had autonomy over my own body and my life, I was able to finish graduate school, get my masters degree, and start a practice helping others to have autonomy over their bodies and their reproductive health. She had a positive experience there and knew it was a trusted place. Chances are you know someone who has had an abortion. Donate to these two abortion funds: Yellow Hammer Fund and Arc Southeast. Finding out I was pregnant so recently after giving birth was a total shock. Be aware that these laws will serve as a tipping point for further systematic inequality, affecting those in marginalized communities the most. WOMEN'S ABORTION STORIES. You do not usually need to have any other tests or appointments after a surgical abortion, or a medical abortion in hospital. Abortion is healthcare, and treating it as anything but that is only perpetrating further oppression and violence against ALL uterus-owners. Content warning: childhood sexual abuse, abusive relationship, rape âWhen I was 4-6 (not sure when) I was sexually abused. Not once did I ever question or feel badly about my decision, and I have never regretted my choice. We found a clinic in Charlotte that we thought would be a safe place where no one would recognize me. You don’t have to agree that I made the right decision. I went home to my parents afterwards. The nurse and the doctor got word of that and came back into the examination room. Every time I see a baby, hear someone talking about babies, hear joking conversations about pregnancy scares and making light of not using protection, it’s triggering for me. I was a 22-year-old single mom living with my 2-year-old in New York City. If I could give my younger self advice, I’d say, ‘Don’t be frightened. Women helping women. This is obviously very painful for the preborn baby. I do not regret my choice. We were happy but had been through a lot during o... © Preterm 2018 | 12000 Shaker Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44120 | For women who have a later abortion, the most common method is dilation and evacuation (D&E), which involves removing the fetal and placental tissue with a combination of suction and instruments. Hire me to work from home? As I looked in I saw that same doctor finishing up an abortion. I was a star athlete. I had no support, no family, but both times, I had a boyfriend who was willing to drop his life to help support my decision. Take the time to educate yourself on the risks associated with these bans. My boyfriend did not. I didn't really want it. It’s my body, not theirs. Even with these advantages, it was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. xo, Rae, ALL MATERIAL © MOTHER LLC. The vast majority of abortions in the United States —nearly 92% — take place during the first trimester of pregnancy. I was breastfeeding nonstop, hadn’t had a period since becoming pregnant, and was still recovering from a vaginal delivery and a C-section. Causes like Sister Song, Access Reproductive Care-Southeast, National AsianPacific American Women’s Forum, and Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity (URGE) are doing the vital work of focusing on women of color, who are often the most endangered by abortion bans and restrictions to reproductive rights. It was the first moment I saw my mother as her own person in her own life journey, instead of just the mother I knew. ‘I’m still pregnant.’ I was running out of options and time. Though not all women regret their abortions, these stories demonstrate that countless women do. Champion autonomy. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I want to share my story because when I don’t, it feels like I’m hiding this huge secret and a huge part of who I am, and that feels icky and unauthentic. More than anything I’m thankful there was a safe place to end my pregnancy, and my hope is all people will always have a safe place and access to choose what’s right for them. I was urged not to leave as my cervix was already thinning from the gel and I could risk a miscarriage. Not my anti-choice OB-GYN. My fat... âIt was 2009. I’ve shared why I made that choice before—today’s not the day to share it—today’s the day to stand and protect our rights to make our own medical decisions. I checked in. Elizabeth’s Story:“I shouldn’t have been one of those teens who ended up pregnant. I had an abortion after being raped. In political action, in internet memes, tweets, debates, and even, on a not frequently enough occasion, from the pulpit. I’m thankful I went to Planned Parenthood. I’ll work tirelessly to defend abortion rights for all women—including my own daughter—and urge you to do the same. What’s happening in our country is mortifying—immigrant children sleeping in cages, women and doctors and rape victims being faced with potential felonies. The right to choose is a human right. The pregnancies, even in their very early state, affected my body differently; the first time, it was weightless with fear, and the second, I was too exhausted to move, out of fear or any other emotion. D&E is usually carried out under sedation or general anaesthetic. Both before 8 weeks. While some of the stories here are of desperation, some are of level-headed women that simply preferred the more private, less invasive nature of ending their unwanted pregnancy at home. And while protests around the country brought out the chanting masses this past weekend, another quieter act of resistance has taken hold: Women are speaking about their abortions publicly, in an effort to make the 1 in 4 statistic (23.7% of American women have had one) hit home for everybody. She walked me through treatment expectations. I was educated in a school system that taught sex ed. This was relayed to me by friends of his—I never heard from him again.” “The past few days have felt like years, and those years have set us back a lifetime. I'd had an IUD for 3 years and thought my birth control method... âReading these stories helped me, so I wanted to share my experience too in the hopes that it will help other women. Had. Abortion Some women who had gone there for abortions were now infertile. I didn’t recognize myself. My father died when I was a toddler and my mother left me with my grandparents until I was 7 years old. As an issue overall, sure, lots of people are talking about it. I couldn’t agree more. As a teen, my life was in turmoil. The good news is if you don’t agree with abortion you should absolutely not have one. We had already had 2 miscarriages, but we desperately wanted to be ... âI was 23 when I decided to have an abortion. I was in no way prepared to have a child. Sorry if the title is a bit rubbish. They knew. Some can’t provide, some aren’t ready, some are sick, some had a stillbirth or their pregnancy is killing them… But guess what? And to all those right wing ‘pro life’ men out there, don’t you forget that a vasectomy will quickly stop abortion!”, Sarah’s Story:“When I was 25, I had two abortions in the span of a year with my then boyfriend—now husband—after the birth control I took regularly at the same time each day failed, twice. ‘How could I let this happen?’ he wanted to know. Abortion. The bills themselves are a direct attack on women—specifically poor women and women of color. There are similar bills pending in Louisiana, Missouri, South Carolina, Tennessee, and bills that have been presented but not yet voted on in Maryland, Texas, West Virginia, and New York. Pay my medical bills? There’s a difference. I originally didn’t want to have it, but after I was told by the dad that he didn’t want anything... May 19, 2019 And because there are many who can’t.”, Abby’s Story:“I had an abortion two years ago. I know, the irony is strong. Women in all 50 states are affected by these measures. It was the hardest decision I ever had to make. Women should not have to defend or explain their reason for having an abortion. Or who has a uterus. Abortion: Stories Women Tell is a 2016 American documentary film directed and produced by Tracy Droz Tragos.The film centers on different women on either side of the abortion debate in the state of Missouri.It had its premiere at the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival on April 18. Challenge heteronomy. What happens during a D&E (dilation and evacuation) procedure? I have been with my boyfriend for over two years and love him very much. I had an abortion because I was barely hanging on. Different atmosphere im pregnant with no 4 2 weeks ago the powerful abortion featured... Was barely hanging on grandparents until I was running out of the clinic that could shame! Attack on women—specifically poor women and women of color or general anaesthetic 'd and e abortion stories of the hardest decision I had... 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