It also provides rules for creating characters who are students in one of its five colleges. umn notes which side of the perfection-expressionThe curriculum overlaps with Lorehold in the field conflict a scholar more likely aligns with.of art history and with Silverquill in the literary arts,and some students divide their time between Pris- PRISMARI SCHOLARSmari and one of those other schools to pursue these d12 Scholar Principleinterdisciplinary fields. WELCOME TO STRIXHAVEN 5STRIXHAVEN S WORLD a place of great magic, such as the site of a greatStrixhaven bills itself as the premier institution of mages birth or the location of a time-lost spell.magical learning in the world, but the question that Other folk believe these arches are connected withraises for your campaign is this which world? The Loreholdof Lorehold College, reading every book on the col-leges recommended reading list for prospective stu- Personality Traits table suggests a variety of traitsdents. In than for defeating monsters. She turns her crumbling section of the ruins, sometimes withbrilliant mind to constructing increasingly efficientmechanical helpers, with the goal of one day being disastrous consequences and sometimes finding deliverance when a spirit statue appears from no-able to do anything she wants without standing up. Social Share. spell. wise, giant, long-lived beings with an innate talent for magic. check succeeds or fails. This conflict revolves around theover archaeological sites, calling forth magical en- forces that underlie and drive history. CH..Represented by: Hasbro. At the end of each academic year, players lose If any players exhibit trepidation, err on the side any Student Dice their characters have earned of caution and dont use these rules for some or all from an Exam. Some of them use a Prismari-spe- cific stat block from chapter 7. These titles are a somewhat abstract way of Witherbloom-specific stat block from chapter 7.framing the core division in the colleges philoso- LISETTE, DEAN OF THE ROOTphy: is growth or decay the driving force in nature? Bottle of Boundless Coffee Common 100 gpVORTEX WARP 100 gp2nd-Level Conjuration Cuddly Strixhaven Mascot Common 300 gp 300 gpCasting Time: 1 action Lorehold Primer Uncommon 300 gpRange: 90 feet 300 gpComponents: V, S Prismari Primer Uncommon 50 gpDuration: Instantaneous 100 gp Quandrix Primer Uncommon 300 gpYou magically twist space around another creature 300 gp Silverquill Primer Uncommonyou can see within range. The tavernshead like a smaller echo of the Dawnbow, and a manager is a kind but strict ore named Tulk thelush park, Archway Commons, marks the site. Characters can explore the setting over the course of four adventures, which can be played together or on their own. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is your choiceYour spellcasting ability for this spell is your choice of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. Both the scholarly focus 2 A stoppered glass bottle that, when opened , plays a brassy orchestral piece of wizards (especially those who study the Schools of Abjuration, Illusion, or Transmutation) and the 3 A quartet of hovering water motes in a vial metamagic manipulations of sorcerers are welcome in Quandrix, and many druids explore the patterns 4 A bandolier of watercolor paints of nature in Quandrix as well. Just add Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos of That D&D place to My Favorites. The player can wait game, consider holding a session zero to introduce until after rolling the d20 before rolling the Student the rules to the players. The typical life span of a player character in D&D is about a century, assuming the character doesntStrixhaven Backgrounds presents a background meet a violent end on an adventure. have in our world. do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a spell slot of 2nd level or higher to do it again. Professors convey fantastic secrets to eager students, and life on campus is frenetic. SCHOLARS OF LOREHOLD The Lorehold Scholars table offers examples of the scholars in Lorehold College. Check 2 flipbooks from That D&D place. Check 26 flipbooks from DasKnguru. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos introduces the fantastical setting of Strixhaven University, provides rules for creating . Not only can he perfectly recreateentire legions of ghostly apparitions to reenact his-torical events for her lectures. Strixhaven is the multiverse's biggest and most prestigious magical university, first appearing in Magic: The Gathering's Strixhaven: School of Mages before crossing over with Dungeons & Dragons in its newest sourcebook, Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos.Based in the plane of Arcavios, budding wizards and academics come from far and wide to hone their skills, explore their potentials, and find . At the end of a provi- whatever they study. Silverquill and rupt institutions to accountPrismari see overlap in the area of performing arts, 5 Shadewing, forming weapons fromwith Silverquill emphasizing verbal performance darkness to slice and stab at foesand Prismari focusing more on dance and other 6 Silvertongue, bathing others in theforms of movement. Some students have even seen an arch In the multiverse of the MAGIC: THE GATHERINGTrading Card Game, Strixhaven is located on a come to life with magic in an archaics called Arcavios, which (according to legend) Both snarls and star arches are subjects of magi-formed from the collision or merging of two other cal research for students and faculty at Strixhaven, who also study wild and dead magic zones, floatingworlds. He offers his students standing bounties on campus.on any of his unsolved equations. Item Weight : 1.25 pounds. Bards thriveto enter one of Strixhavens colleges. Chapters 3-6 provide a campaign meant to ad- orator, a scientist, or some other profession whilevance characters from 1st to 10th level as they prog- using magic to enhance ones studies. 145Melwythorne 55 Advanced Arcane HistoryMina Lee 55 Exam: Unearthed Arcana 145Nora Ann Wu 55 A Starlit Night 146Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III.56 Midnight at Lorehold 149Rosimyffenbip Wuzfeddlims 52 Aftermath 154Rubina Larkingdale 57 Advance to 8th Level! SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 ZIP download. A master of literature, she oftenlanguage as sunlight emanating from the speaker quotes obscure passages from famous texts. More. Prismari studies focus on visual arts to randomly determine the scholarly focus of a Pris-(including architecture, painting, and sculpture) and mari student or faculty member. If a student quits tant, equipment assistant, groundskeeper, refresh- ments expert, ticket taker, usherduring the academic year, they stop earning this Coworker: Aurora Luna Wynterstarr, Greta Gorunnmoney at the end of the week in which they quit.RELATIONSHIP POINTWhile a character works a Job, they gain a positiveor negative Relationship Point (the players choice)with one student NPC at that Job. Valentin is a kind of sangromancer he re-The decay philosophy sees life energy as a resource ceives visions from the blood he consumes, whichto be consumed, rather than a good to be nourished he uses to learn things about a creature or place.for its own sake. Previous Page. Three Strixhaven students find distractions from their studies in Magali Villeneuve's cover illustration. The character thus loses weight, and making this integral part of student life any benefits from Extracurriculars or Jobs, and a more significant part of the game. acter failed, having gotten fewer than half the Dont forget to have each player mark the results questions correct.of an Exam on their tracking sheet! You choose thepoint buy. PDF download. In addition, each campus has versitys main library. It is situated in the northeastern portion ofa continent called Orrithia, also known as the Vast- earth motes, and other weird locales.lands, which is populated by a tremendous variety FOUNDER DRAGONSof peoples. RUXA, PATIENT PROFESSORADRIX AND NEV, TWINCASTERS Ruxa (neutral good Quandrix professor of sub-The twins Adrix (neutral good triton Quandrix stance) looks like a bipedal brown bear and knowsprofessor of substance) and Nev (neutral goodtriton Quandrix professor of theory) grew up that wild new theories, though exciting, are worth-literally swimming in magic, in an ocean region less without a deep understanding of the basics.near a powerful magical snarl. Check Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos from Bob here. sciousness of a snarky sage 5 A sheet of parchment embossed with tactile letter- ing, glowing red 6 A broken dagger with a wavy blade and a serpen- tine hilt CHAPTER 2 | CHARACTER OPTIONS 31PRISMARI STUDENT PRISMARI SPELLSYou are an artist, and you have been preparing to Spell Level Spellshone your craft according to the traditions of Pris- 1st Chromatic Orb, Thunderwavemari College. In addition, if you study the primer at the end of In addition, if you study the primer at the end of a long rest, you can choose one lst-level spell froma long rest, you can choose one lst-level spell from the bard or cleric spell list. Each of these mascots is dethird of their classes in other colleges, continuing tailed in chapter 7.the breadth of their first-year education and looking STRIXHAVEN MASCOTSfor places where the perspectives of other disci-plines can bring new insight to their studies. Just add D&D 5e Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos of DasKnguru to My Favorites. Auto Flip. A student can switch Jobs whenever they INTRAMURAL FIELDSwish, even in the middle of the academic year, as Jobs: Cleanup crew member, crowd manager, equip-long as they dont work more than one Job at a time. The metaphorical power of words to illu- students range from cocky and cutthroat to over- whelmed perfectionists. ters first year, you make college-related decisions The easiest explanation is that you met as first-year for your character, such as a background choice. The cafes name comesinterior of the Biblioplex is vast, with long hall- from its trademark beverage, which the manager, anways, archive chambers tall enough to have their elf mage named Ellina, brews with her fire magic.own weather, and even pools and moat-passages The Firejolt has a reputation as a hangout for first-crossable only by boat. Players enhance the flavor of life at a university of magic. most beautiful thing imaginable. level druid or wizard craft, guidance, and mage hand. my goals.SILVERQUILL SPELLS 6 No one knows about the all-nighters Ive pulled to Spell Level Spells keep my magic looking effortless, and Im going to keep it that way. First-year students live in dormitories located on A students course of learning at Strixhaven in- the central campus and often form close friendships there that last throughout their educational careers, volves exploring the tension between these oppos- even when members of tight-knit groups of friends ing principles, which typically involves late-night arguments in residence halls and study rooms. Similarly, if you are uncomfort- Players should note any Student Dice they gain able engaging with the roleplaying encounters these and the skills those dice can apply to on their tracking sheet. From theInside, Torus Halls architecture is mapped to an outside, the Arithmodrome looks like a large cubeever-changing three-dimensional grid, which slowlyevolves. They can cause entire WITHERBLOOM SCHOLARS Principleforests to blossom out of nowhere or call down Decay d8 Scholar Decayold curses that scourge flesh from bone. STRIXHAVEN PERFORMING ARTS SOCIETYJOB BENEFITS Jobs: Cleanup crew member, general assistant, re-While a student has a Job, they earn a wage and a freshments expert, stagehand, ticket taker, usher Coworker: Larine ArnezaRelationship Point, as explained below. The Principle col-performing arts (such as dance, music, and theater). Download PDF Share Related Publications. of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. Characters have the opportunity to exploreGYOME, MASTER CHEF Sedgemoor in chapter 3.Anyone who thinks a troll cant be a great chef has WlDDERSHINS HALLnever met Gyome (neutral troll). 1st Dissonant Whispers, Silverquill Trinkets. The five Founder Dragons are thought to for the more specialized work to follow. 8 Vivifier, conjuring fractal creatures based on biological lifeSUBSTANCE AND THEORY QUANDRIX FACULTYQuandrixs two deans carry the titles Dean of Sub-stance and Dean of Theory, reflecting the philosoph- This section describes noteworthy members ofical division within the college. You have proficiency in the Stealth skill. Its extensive grounds includeserves as a hub for university life.See the appendix residence halls for first-year students, dining halls,or the poster map for a view of the entire university. There are five brand-new magical spells that you can find in the new Strixhaven book. Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. What is the purpose of art? Though shes an elite mage who characters take over the course of chapter 4.can easily hold her own in a fight, Breena prefers todefeat her foes with words alone. On the Cover. Interested in flipbooks about Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos? Strixhaven: A Syllabus of Sorcery is a companion book to Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos.This book expands upon the content provided in Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos in order to provide DMs with more ways to customize their Strixhaven campaign.The information contained in this book is completely modularized and can be added wherever you see fit to enhance your game. Someof study he so greatly enjoyed. Regular shuttles large carriages where in the book: Aerojaunt Field (see chapter 4)drawn by horselike automata run on an hourly and Captain Dappiewings Manor (see chapter 3).schedule between a station near the Biblioplex and THE BIBLIOPLEXeach of the satellite campuses, making the journey The center of Strixhaven is the Biblioplex, the uni-in about 15 minutes. The other are occasionally forced to intervene. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos, which was released in the US earlier this week, is a sourcebook based on the Strixhaven: School of Mages expansion released for trading card game Magic: The Gathering. Mages use this space to explore the-hall, lest its geometry eventually turn itself inside oretical numerical possibilities.out while students are still within it. Each adventure tells other words, when you see a name in bold type, you you when the characters advance to the next level. Lorehold mages use their reckless discovery and the spirit of adventure inmagic to unearth secrets and share illumination. Once you teleport in this way, you cant shunted to the last unoccupied space you occu- pied, and you take ld8 force damage. You cant use If youre starting a Strixhaven campaign with the intro- ductory adventure in chapter 3, that adventure gives all this flying speed if youre wearing medium or the advice you need to bring a party of characters to- gether. It individual actions, personal bonds of families and friends, and the disruptive force of lone, passionateoverlaps with Prismari College in the field of arthistory, with some students splitting their studies people in history. You may use the table to randomly determine the scholarly focus of a Lorehold student or faculty member. discover and preserve magical knowledge, to In your second year, you choose your preferred disseminate that knowledge from one generation specialty at one of the five colleges. With subjects rang- Quandrix Trinkets. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos PDF? CUDDLY STRIXHAVEN MASCOT Wondrous Item, Common Representing one of the mascots of Strixhaven, this .soft, Tiny, magic toy is perfect for cuddling If you press it to your arm, shoulder, or leg as an action, the toy stays attached there for 1 hour or until you use an action to remove it.2 | CHARACTER OPTIONSThis toy can also be used to fight off fear.