This appearance of Zeno seems to be his true form as it remains consistent throughout the series. copyright 2023. For all the technique and abilities the highest angel can potentially dish out, they're useless against an entity who has no conceptual link to things like "damage" or "pain". if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'coalitionbrewing_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',146,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coalitionbrewing_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Zeno embraced and internalized this philosophy, becoming a highly successful and influential teacher of the Cynic school. Originally there were 18 universes, but six of them got destroyed, so now, there remain 13. Zeno closes his hand while saying "Squish". He founded the Stoic school of philosophy which was heavily based on the Cynic teachings, though he also developed and expanded upon their ideas. He is the ruler of all universes and is said to be the embodiment of absolute power. But Zeno is on a Beyond Multiverse Level of Power, I believe it but theres nothing to confirm it. His super dragon balls can OVER DO the erasures of the zenos and bring back deleted universes. In the Dragon Ball anime series, Zeno is undoubtedly the strongest, and he remains one of the strongest anime characters in the history of animation. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Grand Priest stops each of their final punches with his finger. You cant surprise attack him because hed be aware of it. He is primarily focused on one task at a time and becoming overwhelmed by multiple tasks can sometimes cause him to lose focus. How Do You Get Rid Of Hiccups In 5 Seconds? Zeno is not really a fighter he simply like a spoiled kid with a lot of power as a god of destruction. With this power, Zeno can destroy entire universes or timelines, and he can also selectively erase objects or people. Am I missing something? These characters possess enough power to challenge and possibly even surpass that of Zeno. As the head of all Angels and personal attendant to Zeno, the Grand Priest is incredibly powerful. Use those YouTuber official source, to put Demigra on that level? He possesses the power of erasure, which makes him one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse. In fact, Beerus himself clearly stated that Whis is far more powerful than him. Who is Buddy in the Elf Movie and Does He Make Fun of Disabled People? Whis was afraid of Zen'o when he said he want to see Goku; No he isnt. Zeno is the strongest being in the dragonball lore. In the Tournament of Power arc, the Grand Priest is shown to possess the ability to eradicate beings from existence. He not knowing how to fight does not mean a punch will hurt him. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This wasnt even up for debate; Zeno is just too untouchable as he is right now. Sometimes its not about strength, sometimes its about the fact that some little germline has free access to the cosmic delete button. Also if you look at a basic level, Whis is stronger then Beerus. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. His emphasis on the human capacity for rational thought and the pursuit of virtue transformed the existing philosophical discourse in the ancient world. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'coalitionbrewing_com-box-4','ezslot_5',147,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coalitionbrewing_com-box-4-0');Zeno of Citium is an ancient Greek philosopher best known as the founder of Stoic philosophy. Similarly, characters like; Bergamo, Lavender, Basil, Hyssop, Oregano, Sorrel, Chappil, Comfrey, Roselle, and several others were erased for losing the tournament. Grand Priest is featless and Zeno can't even see Dyspo moving fast. As the ruler of all universes, and the one who created everything that exists, he is an incredibly powerful and incomprehensible being. Crack of time is completely outside of the countless timelines in the DB multiverse. The Future Zen-oh is shown to have the same level of power and authority as the current Zen-oh, making him one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse. The only one who can even compare is Gohan in his Calvo form, Zeno has infinite power (in db terms). Sure you could try to wail on him all day, but if his body doesn't even acknowledge such things as happening to him, it's useless. That means each timeline has a zeno. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. What is 250 percent of federal poverty level? Though it was only a passing comment, perhaps intended to be a jab between siblings, Vados stated she was stronger than Whis. Should Dragon Ball Super fun long enough, its entirely possible Goku (and Vegeta) will fight Whis but definitely dont expect him to win or put up a serious fight unless Goku does some crazy training over the next few years. Cool stuff that I upload here because Youtube will copyright claim it: Observing at the intra-universal level, the god of the universe is found to be weaker than the respective angel of that universe. This is seen during the Universe Survival Saga in the Dragon Ball Super anime, when a group of assassins known as the Pride Troopers from Universe 11 is shown planning to assassinate Zeno in order to prevent the destruction of their universe by Zeno. canon zeno and GP get fodderized along with the verse. In the ancient literature, Demeas is described as an marketplace merchant from Citium, which is a Phoenician port city located in modern day Cyprus. While Zeno has a great deal of power, there are other characters, such as the Grand Priest, Beerus and Whis, and the Hakaishin who are even more powerful. by FiReFTW Sun Feb 25, 2018 6:26 am, Post He has absolute power over all creation, rendering him unbeatable. In manga Super characters are also stronger. Aside from his obviously more powerful father, his sister has implied she is stronger. If the manga stated The Grand Priest as being more powerful than Zeno, would you be surprised ? But behind his tremendous power, Zeno is depicted as a short and chubby being with a childlike personality and a dangerous dichotomy that many people are curious to understand but must face their doom before they ever really understand him. No, Zeno is not the most powerful character in existence. I know Archie Sonic is OP as hell (MFTL, ripping universes apart etc) but he's against someone who scales above universe-level fighters and another who can casually erase multiple universes at once. 4 Is the grand priest the most powerful God in the universe? Key distinction. Zeno was highly influential in his approach to ethics, logic, and natural law. Each of them possess immense power and strength, and have the capability to completely obliterate planets and even universes. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Data can be used to build or improve user experience, systems and software; provide customized ads. Goku is a truly powerful being, many times more powerful than several gods in his own universe. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Additionally, with the introduction of Dragon Ball Super, the power levels of characters have steadily increased over time, with some of the most powerful characters having only recently been introduced. While the Dragon Ball Super Series gave no power comparison between Zeno and the Grand Priest, the Grand Priest, like Zeno, is also known for his incredible powers and abilities in the multiverse. He is remembered as an important wellspring of knowledge in the Stoic school of thought and beyond. Since the events of the Future Trunks Saga, Zeno has co-ruled over the entirety of the universe with a future version of himself known as future Zeno. I think that's like saying a trained martial artist is stronger than a hurricane because the hurricane doesn't know how to fight. This is a difficult question to answer definitively since it relies on a subjective evaluation of power levels. by Lord Frieza Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:50 pm, Post Zeno is the most powerful being in the entire series, and is an entity that is truly above all. It does not store any personal data. How is he powerful enough to one-shot a multiversal character? With the help of his Ultra Instinct, he can sense danger and can avoid nearly all the damage. Zeno may have a lot of raw power but he isnt a fighter, which is why he is seen with two guards and the grand Priest by his side at all times. The Real Story of Donovan Lamb and Vivian Kent from Inventing Anna. Chi-Chi is the wife of Goku and is one of the most powerful characters in the series, having trained Gohan to his highest possible level. This will imply that Zeno has ruled as the Omni-King for approximately 8.6 million years. Zeno is not really a fighter he simply like a spoiled kid with a lot of power as a god of destruction. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. No, Zeno is not a Zeus. He is the ruler of all universes and is Omni-King, Zeno has the ability to teleport himself to any location in the multiverse. Although his exact age is unknown, it has been suggested that he existed since the beginning of time. In the Dragon Ball Super Manga, Zeno used his power of erasure to erase an entire timeline after he witnessed Future Zamasu and Goku Blacks destruction of the Future Trunks timeline. by darzap Sun Feb 25, 2018 3:08 am, Post His full power has a significant effect on the Dragon Ball multiverse, from causing destruction to altering the fate of the multiverse and causing chaos on an unprecedented scale. Ok listen, So obviously Grand Zeno is like God and he Controls and destroys planets and universes cuz he owns the Multi-Verse which makes him strong but not fighting-wise as in the power he holds is usually not used against people (not counting the participants in the tournament of power) but destruction of tons of microcosms and he's literally just a spoiled kid who has the power far beyond the gods kinda like your run-of-the-mill spoiled kid who's usually childish and baby-ish and has power and not like energy and that type of stuff I mean Money. This means that his assistant Whis could do it much more easily due to his strength level being much greater than his, as shown and stated multiple times in the series. After the fight ended and Zamasu was defeated, Zeno once again used his teleportation powers to return to his palace in his timeline. In addition to pioneering a style of philosophical debate, Zeno also helped to foster significant dialogues between ancient Greeks and the expansive world around them. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. So, even if you bring him up against someone like the Grand Priest (who happens to be an advisor to Zeno on some occasions, strangely enough), there is still no comparison between the two. It would make sense, but i don't want it to happenOfcourse i would not be surprised. His teachings are still studied and practiced today. Of course, he was bound to win. People have joked about the tori-bot, I feel Zalama=Toriyama. A post shared by DRAGONBALL (@il_mondo_di_dragonball). Demigra is weaker than Beerus. Which seems to be the actual reason everyone is on edge around him and serves him, to preserve their own concepts of life not because his is ever in any danger. @cromulor: I know it's a year later but DBH characters are way above DBS. Zeno believed the only way to inner peace was through understanding and acceptance of ones fate, whatever it may be. Zeno, also known as Grand Zeno, Omni-King, King of All, and the Lord of Everything, is the co-supreme ruler of the entire Dragon Ball multiverse and the most powerful of all in existence. And he has Zenos favor, being the one to counsel him. In fact, the God of Destruction once said the Grand Priest is the most powerful warrior in the entire multiverse more so than any god of angel. I could imagine the Angels actually working for a higher god, maybe Zalama, maybe Zeno's dad or something, and Zeno really is more akin to a "king" of the multiverse than a "god" of it. As far as weve seen, most angels are far more powerful than their respective gods of destruction. This topic is locked from further discussion. You Might Also Like: Will Rudeus Find His Mom In Mushoku Tensei? So there is absolutely no chance that Beerus can beat Whis. He wrote numerous books on themes such as logic, morality, and the nature of reality. Who is the strongest character in Dragon Ball? Zenos strength and abilities are so great that even the gods of destruction, who are considered the strongest being in their respective universes, revere and fear him. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. One of Gokus goals in Dragon Ball Super is to surpass Beerus, but its possible that the Saiyan hero already has. In a fight I would 2 Is anyone stronger than the grand priest? The oldest archangel; the only one who could stop Lucifer. Zeno was a powerful figure in his day, a respected teacher who influenced a large number of his contemporaries, including the well-known philosopher Epicurus. 90 Hard Bible Trivia Questions and Answers, Complete List of John Grisham Books In Order, 60 Crazy and Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends or People Around. His mere presence and authority are enough to make other gods tremble with fear and bow before him. Zeno can just earase both of them from existence -Trepza- However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. His power is so immense that he is considered the most powerful being in the Dragon Ball Multiverse. Unlike his canon counterpart, this Grand Priest is unbound by Angel law, overseeing all events across all timelines, and acts as a bridge between the Dragon Ball multiverse and Beats Real World. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Zeno is an anime character from the popular anime/manga series, Dragon Ball Super. Although some Dragon Ball characters have caused destruction and claimed countless lives, Zeno operates on a whole new level. I mean, if Zeno is so undefeatable, why is that so? It is also strongly implied that he is the strongest angel, as Whis himself, the most powerful being in Universe 7, openly admits that even his power is nothing compared to the Grand Priest. So far we only know that Zeno can destroy universes, similar to how Beerus and other Gods of Destructions can destroy things in their own universe, but we have not seen any other feats or proof that Zeno has any other strong capabilities. His power was so immense that he could effortlessly erase even the strongest beings in the Dragon Ball Universe, including gods of destruction, angels, and even Grand Zeno, his alternate-timeline counterpart. We all know our goku is not even the strongest in his universe. Grand Priest is Stronger than Zeno. Chizitere is a writer and editor with over five years of experience in producing articles on various subjects. That's not even a question. Whis has said that the grand priest was stronger than him So that's whis gone. Now we have Zeno. Zeno is said to be str @tabbender: There is no difference in volume/power between 3-D and 4-D in most fictions, as 4-D is a mere temporal dimension. Terms It would be surprising, befitting, but unlikely. With the Kings Aura, Zeno has the potential to instill fear and respect in the characters in the anime series, including the gods of destruction, and even the Infinite Zamasus is shown to be terrified of Zeno like all other deities. But, even with all this power, he isnt on top of the food chain. According to Whis, the Grand Priest has one of the top five battle powers in all of the universes, even Whis who is the strongest fighter in the 7th Universe is no match for him. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Will Rudeus Find His Mom In Mushoku Tensei? Both of them are featless and only have scaling, none only that but people ignore the version and just use canon versions. For instance, yes, Goku is a Saiyan, an alien warrior race, who has the ability to enhance his strength by transforming into a Super Saiyan. Zenos power is not limited to physical destruction alone, it can also alter the fate of the multiverse. Oh and the only thing we know is that the gap between Mechikabura and Grand Priest is (literally infinte), What we do know is that DBH characters are 18x stronger than baseline infinte multiversal beings (ignoring scaling chains). What priest founded the Knights of Columbus? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He is the major supporting character in the 2015/2018 Japanese martial arts fantasy anime television series, Dragon Ball Super, and its manga series, having made his initial appearance in Dragon Ball Super during the Universe 6 vs 7 tournament arc. leave Whis , let's debate with grand priest and zeno , Now for me Grand priest is the winner here because zeno haves child like personality and no Zeno the Omni-King has knowledge of everything that happens in the multiverse, including events that occur in different timelines and dimensions. a run for their money.