Organized Gang Stalking is also used to gather information on individuals as well as force individuals to move or leave an area. I can be reached at the email influenced Gang Bangers at the U of A and elsewhere besides Tucson, at this address and area:,+Tucson,+AZ+85745/@32.240096,-111.0186737,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x86d676bed243932f:0x8c30acef66b10611!8m2!3d32.240096!4d-111.016485. Out in public they will follow him loudly and obnoxiously coughing at him. I believe they use equipments/computers to read my mind and then they answer back and thats how the dialog started, the women and men (my stickers) are not of any high level of intelligence, as a matter of fact they are a bunch of El Salvadorians, but nevertheless with script dialogue. How do we fix it? WHEN I SAT IN THE MIDST OF THEM THEY AND WAS RECORDING THEY GOT UNEASY AND WANTED ME TO LEAVE ALL DISGUSTING PARASITE MALES AT THAT TIME OF NIGHT WHO WERE DRINKING BUD LIGHTS. Even though we love our work and company some things are not worth it. Ive been listening to your show long enough to hear some major problems with your spiel and wanted to send you some feedback. Mobbing The last time you think about gang stalking. Etc. Targets experience the following: I looked up Sandler, and an Allergy hospital came up. All of this things I have learn from them, only because they make lots of comments about everything all day long, I also know that they voice it all as to irritate me and to mock me at the same time. This is so wrong and I cannot believe regular citizens are that unintelligent as to join in the false investigations. Slamming doors in and of it self is not really abuse. He was supposedly going to provide some kind of commentary. Is the ordinary citizen able to get this equipment on his own, or might the police be helping him? There may be issues of hate, pure malicious or chance. A state career employment agency set me up for a frame and publicly denied my employment background to others. Browse related questions. Imagine that happens everyday, for a week, for a month, for a year, then, that makes you have fear with a pen. Check your employee handbook for your employers anti-harassment policies. Granted, thats no excuse for her behavior, but thinking about whats behind the situation might make you feel a little better the next time she acts up. All of these things are effective if you give it 1% of your attention or time. I was waking up with a body full of bruises & had no memory of it. A 19yr old dating a 17yr old. What about the other people who find this disruptive? they should have left the scene by now but some loser with a short stick is cutting lose ends or being punished for having failed terribly. They will try to form friendships with targets. I have family who work at the DOD so it is possible this is why I am experiencing this crap. 979-943-2380. She loves to take sunbathe and do a barbecue in her free time. Suddenly they were asking a lot of weird questions. On other nights will wake up once, cry for a few mins before one of us is in to settle. There was plenty of entering, when I wasnt home & no emergency. It worked for a few months but the stalkers found a cheep residence that put them within eye sight of my uncles house. Other stalkers are street thugs who have been recruited or hired to harass and intimidate. Criminals in power hire people who suffer from group delusion created by deeply-entrenched Stockholm Syndrome. Warning: Dont try handling the issue when you are angry or tensed up. Can You Put Spikes on Your Fence? Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I also had mri, pet and ct scans. Just sad about relationships destroyed So again, talk to them first. The majority of the population is aware of cases such as jilted lover as stalker, and can readily identify key features of such abuse. This article is the handbook they use. You will see members of these groups riding around during the day with their headlights or hi beams on. Colors, patterns or everyday actions. Remember that passive-aggressive anger stems from the person's experiences and background and, therefore, is not your responsibility. You can talk to them directly, leave a note under their door, or talk to them over the phone. Posting on Nov. 9th 2020, I just became aware that I had become a victim of organized stalking in February of 2020, shortly after successfully completing grad school. full of haze way before the fire. Gathering information from friends, and family. Cloudy water, the microwave stopped working & I still have an apt. Sad! She has just arrived, in fact. Answer (1 of 4): If it is a detached house, that's an almighty hard slam. Both my vehicles have sustained thousands of dollars of damage from things being thrown or shot from stalker vehicles. People who behave in a passive-aggressive way can also be sarcastic, even when sarcasm is inappropriate. However, they are fronts to stalk, monitor and collect data on different demographics, funded by huge capital firms like Goldman Sachs. This will all be used to put together a profile of the target and then to get them into situations for their detriment. When this happens, what do you do? Loud stereo systems. I believe both of them received some form of payment for doing this. It seems fairly clear that I was supposed to have an accident and drown in the river. If might seem harmless to these strangers, but it could be causing great psychological trauma for the target. Or you may receive covert insults & threats. Street Theater is Harassment skits done by strangers and neighbors who have been recruited into these Stalking and Harassment groups. (Turns out this woman was very upset about her new responsibilities and her way of dealing with them was to take her frustration out on everyone else!) They are the perfect example of the narcs flying monkeys. Joe will be mobbed at work and as part of that daily mobbing his coworkers will loudly cough at him every time they harass him by calling him names like loser, worthless, lame, demented. There are door closers that control the last 4-5". If you have a good HR Manager, you could ask for advice for dealing with this. I was raised in Los Angeles and that is where I did all of my school, including a bachelors degree at the University of Southern California, then through one of my jobs, I given the opportunity to relocate to Boston where I stayed for 20 years, after 2008 and while in Boston I relocated four times and my stockers continued to follow me and moving into the homes around me and always in the same pattern as to keep surrounded. Ive contacted federal trade commission cause they hack into every phone and identity theft, I have the same issue with the phones , but also the internet. Calling the behavior out with no apologies is essential. The harassing person can be a coworker, supervisor, client, or even an independent contractor. The perps are drug dealers,right wing neighborhood groups who think any thing they do they can get away with. As TIs, we can create our own community. or so i hope lol. All rights reserved. Warning; This process could require money, and both parties might as well pay for dispute charges. (I never dated anyone who was married so they must have heard some BS) It was a slander campaign to make me seem controversial. The slamming and jamming of doors is so penetrating, and re-echo over a far disturbance. I was taken to a medical facility and a swastika was cut right into the skin of my upper left arm, when I was two years old. The same goes for siblings and the people that enter their lives. Although Alison McDowell has not talked about boots on the ground. Sometimes your neighbor may not even know how loud their door is. Does the word Gang, as in Gang Stalking, refer to Street Gangs? Instead, actionable harassment must be so severe or pervasive that it interferes with an employees ability to perform his or her work or changes the terms and conditions of employment. Vehicles or groups that travel in cells the cells may use vehicle Color Harassment. Believe me I tried. How to Recover IKEA Outdoor Table to Original Color. Because of these feelings, it is not uncommon for them to have a victim mentality. 1. As a victim of gang stocking for the past 35-40 years, I can tell you that it has taken me many years for me to actually become aware of this happening to me. Financial abuse. Eg. Yes this is happening to me definitely. For around $10, you can place a flexible rubber seal that will dampen any so. The less you react to a person's passive-aggressive actions, the less control they have over you. Subject is coming touch nose with hand or handkerchief, 2. This also helps to build a profile of the target, and its also used for later psychological attacks against the target, via Parroting and Directed Conversations. The Number Harassment may be done in synchronicity with other members of these cults. Once I was institutionalization in psyche yards for 14 fourteen days..Again in another country..GOD BLESS ALL OF US. Will request restraining order. Their clone technology is so advanced that these things seem human.These beings are like live in weapons, they use devices which are weapons used on me. These idiots abuse me and keep my heart rate up all day. These demons have know you before you were born. You dont have choice, do i have choice?????!!!!!?!)!?! If people are paid to participate in this stalking scene, where does the money come from? Just remember those sponsoring the harassment wish to disrupt our society strictly for their own gain. My gangstalker is a clone that is my roommate. The malicious slander continues with the building manager & quite a few tenants are slandering my name. Father God in the name of Jesus. If her manager is not going to say anything about her rude and disruptive behavior I guess there is really not too much anyone else can do. So, a person, conceived as a male can have a female reproductive system and be raised as a female. They have I once rented a duplex where the screen door slammed shut very loudly unless you carefully closed it. I could really use your input. On a day when youre feeling fed up with this persons behavior, approach her and say, You obviously dont like working here because you get so upset all the time. Triggers have been installed in your mind. Any content of an adult theme or inappropriate to a community web site. If this becomes a frequent act, it could be termed antisocial behavior and being rude on the part of the person involved. It can be anything. But as of 2008 through today (Dec. 2020) it seems like a lightning heating me, every day/month/year, my mind has become more receptive to my surroundings and I started realizing that all that was happening to me was real, I started seeing the same people, the same cars, and realizing that my computer and cell phone were hacked, then I started realizing that my apartments had also been compromised. She will dig her own grave eventually. Slamming doors; Possible Reasons Why Your Neighbor's Complaining About Noise. The Department is dedicated to promoting a workplace that provides equal opportunities for all and is free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Ideas are free. Pushed Back at my tormentors! No one should have to work in hostile conditions and proper reporting to higher department heads just may be the trick. McKinney has been a Targeted Individual herself for many decades and understands the larger system as well as anyone. I live in Melbourne, Australia and have been a victim of ongoing harassment for over seven long years now. I do not know whether any Luciferians would even care that a family has been serially tortured, terrorized and murdered. And he has acted covertly Show 3 more Show 3 less . I needed a lot of materials to achieve this and even a lot more to put in more custom features. Right now, your sloppy narrative is aiding and abetting these criminals and is not helping this situation one bit. Good luck. They must be a way to organize a group to so that we might live in better situations. The word, Gang, refers to multiple people who organize/group together for a common purpose. The victims stories on line is very therapeutic. Slamming The Front Door in Apartments properlayer on 13/01/2021 - 09:56 My neighbours in the apartments close by constantly slam their front doors whenever they enter/leave. Brandt A. The woman, who lives in an inner west suburb of Perth, said the "aggressive" note came from a man who lives four apartments away from her. For example, exposure to a high magnetic field has been shown to induce hallucinations in humans while exposure to intense microwave radiation induces psychotic episodes and causes brain damage. Get yourself a good lawyer then you will put the best chance of winning on your side. I cannot have a life of any sort. One of Budget Friendly Furnishing is a participant in affiliate programs such as the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and CJ, programs that are designed to provide income sources for websites. How to Deal With Someone Who Is Passive- Aggressive. Members of these Organized Stalking and Harassment groups will try to lure targets into various situations for the sole purpose of setting them up. Reading through different posts on this sub, some of the things written by other posters sound like I could have written them myself. As a targeted individual any advice to counteract and end this. However, as time passed, it started to wear and you began to wonder How you could recover Are Washers Required When Building a Desk? Color Harassment is often combined with other stalking tactics. Addressing their behaviors is one way to bring these issues more into the open. Some Stalkers are actual Private Investigators who have been hired to gather information concerning the victim. This helps establish your boundaries. I am unemployable, friendless, cannot trust my relatives who have lied and then told me the lie and flipped it off as inconsequential which started the mess though likely the distant relatives had a problem that was fixed in exchange for false statements or perhaps they felt a duty to see themselves as that of a hero as sibling rivalry has no end for some. I like the idea of leaving seminar information on her desk relating to that issue. I could go to Keele St., wait for a large box truck, race out in front of it and throw myself under the wheels. just like cops have an instinct to smell fear and catch me in my former life, they can sense an honest reformed heart as well. If your employer fails to take appropriate action in response to your claims related to a hostile workplace environment, you may file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the state department in charge of the type of harassment affecting you. Mobbing is a term that describes Group Bullying. Passive aggressive behaviorpreventing and dealing with challenging behavior. 00:13 Trying the Door Handle However, I was terrified and immediately thought of a suicide plan, so that I could protect myself from this degradation and torture. By this time, I realized that I could not report any of this or mention it to anyone. I entered school 2 years late as a kid because of a learning disability. After being an activist on the issue of money in politics, I experienced breaking and entering at my home, theft, vandalism inside my house, constant vandalism to my car and overt, obnoxious morons literally driving up to me and making joking comments about the vandalism, etc. Intentionally Coughing at the target. The first thing you should do if your neighbors doors keep slamming and distracting your rest is to speak with them. Comments It seems there is always one admin. Every single one, in fact I should be qualified to write a book on Gang Stalking and Harassment orchestrated by Cults. Posted by: Cindy Brock | June 30, 2007 at 09:15 AM. By then, I was well aware that I could not mention this to anyone or seek assistance of any kind. I'm thankfully on the top floor. This will be people on the street who you randomly and unexpectedly run into. And install a top-notch door closer. Good People do not pretend to be bad, but bad people often pretend to be good. I have read that cameras and microphones are not necessary, and this can be done by ultrasound. This was often accompanied by people yelling things at me from the windows of trucks / SUVs. It further makes it unlawful for two or more persons to go in disguise on the highway or on the premises of another with the intent to prevent or hinder his/her free exercise or enjoyment of any rights so secured. I've spent WAY too much time thinking about this, and figured out that when the wind blows a certain direction, there's negative air pressure in the hallway, which pulls the front door closed with some force, unless you carefully hold the handle the entire way and make the door close quietly. My extended family would be able to prey on us. Since this is supposed to be your safe place, the noise would be the last thing you need, especially from neighbors who keep slamming doors. I have been trashed so many times, I told the manager, it will be going slow, because I have to find important papers. Check if there are any noise violations your neighbors door slamming activity is violating. Yes, slamming doors is a deliberate act of disturbance. -Illegal Criminal Remote Neural Monitoring. Your peace of mind is paramount, so fight for your rights. They lied about being my medical POA & were extremely bossy. Further, we all know that noise from a slammed door is a highly unpleasant and irritating sound that no one wants to hear; therefore, finding a solution is crucial. By Sherri Gordon but with unbelievable efforts and advanced exploits, i saw how easily wifi can be havked if not powered off via outlet and then cell network disabled although showing full bars. They then transported him to Toronto. Hitting your target with only the force of a blow gun. However, it is very difficult to muster that quality of hope. ; it is one the tecnique it is called baiting for entertrainment.After this, selking all the information to everyone.My moms ipad has been disabled while bluetooth is turn on, it is called BIAS ( bluetooth impersonnel attack). Childrens Hospital, in Toronto. HACKING INTO MY COMPUTERS AND CELL PHONE. So Im curious why my chest is hurting on left side. If you are interested please reach me at For some reason I believe hes behind some of this torture tactics. Many stalkers are members of volunteer police groups. This pattern can lead to cycles of overt hostility followed by withdrawal periods. If they cant get into your life, but you have a best friend, their new significant other might just be a member of the group. Verywell Mind's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Fuck you bunch of pussyfied gangstalking bitches. You can not suggest or correct her on anything. When you make a telephone call, get the name and ID of the person that you are speaking to. The harassment is aimed at destroying my life at every level possible including Career, finances, social life and mental health. Imagine that. My father and two of my brothers had suffered highly suspicious, highly premature deaths. The idea behind the Number Harassment, is to get the individual being targeted sensitized to certain numbers, so that they can be constantly Harassed by use of these numbers. 1-total invasion of privacy: using cctv to spying on you, recording hidden audios and videos in your home. Don Cullen just happened to join a conversation club that I frequented. My work ethic and successes speak volumes but no one is looking at the facts. Almost was 302 again, trying to report my husbands abuse with proof. Im just writing about everything and body and intel that I can gather cause I know my end is near. When she goes to justify or excuse herself and stops for a reply, repeat the exact words in a softer tone without adding any other words. They are not morally strong enough to question criminal behavior. A person who intentionally and repeatedly follows or harasses another person and who makes a credible threat, either expressed or implied, with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily harm is guilty of the crime of stalking. Not only does slamming damage the door, it can also give your neighbours an unpleasant shock. Bringing up potential solutions can also be helpful, especially if they didnt intend to slam the door and need tips on avoiding it.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'homecadet_com-box-4','ezslot_7',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-homecadet_com-box-4-0'); While you cant change your neighbors behaviors, you can offer them tips on how to prevent their doors from slamming. It seems unlikely that this early encounter was a coincidence.). What are their weaknesses? They will learn to recognize set-ups and will find ways to either document and/or foil the types of overt operations described in the following article. They could be uncomfortable with the blast of music coming from your room or your dump spilling over the corridor. Someone who uses passive-aggressive behaviors to bully others typically believes that they are being held to unreasonable standards when confronted. This is my first post here. How? Someone acting as a passive-aggressive bully doesn't see themselves as the bully in the situation. Copyright 2023 Business Management Daily. If you allow yourself to get offended, it becomes more difficult to keep your composure. Two old friends also became entirely callous toward me and joined in the harassment as if they thought it was a joke. Follow Now : Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts. It started with my husband, who is a dangerous narcissist & in a federal prison. I feel like a freak show. Next, speak to them About how it bothers you and your peace of mind.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'yardpit_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_8',116,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yardpit_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Often, the person/your neighbor creating the noise may not be aware that the sound emanating from their door is disturbing. Homes that surround my house also have devices aimed at my home. I almost died, at this time, because I couldnt handle what my husband did. apologize for typos? you can not do nothing about it.. The weird thing about her tantrums is that the very next day she is nice and calm and professional again. This could be friendships, family or significant others. this is the technique and it escalates: You can learn to deal with it. Despite what the leaders or members of Stalking and Harassment groups say or believe, all forms of Stalking and Harassment are illegal. they are just taxed and not even! The same goes for family. However, most times, It ends in the form of verbal harassment as the noise can be irritating and devastating when it happens at all times. Help!!! Once the evil neighbor realized how much the door slamming bothers me, she escalated and begin intentionally slamming her apartment door as well as allowing the lobby door to slam when going in and out. Anyone know how to be friendly without being phony?? Many kinds of unwelcome conduct can generate a hostile work environment, but generally it is found when someone in a workplace engages in discriminatory harassment against one or more employees. If you see any I would put the flyer on her desk as a subtle hint. The common reason why doors slam is because of too much force applied to the door. Doing whatever the target is doing. I found that I had only almost no garmentsunder, regular, over items that I could possibly wear. I HAVE BEEN A TARGETED INDIVIDUAL ALL MY LIFE. 1 attorney answer. How can you bully them? So, I did not seek any police support after that. One of my sisters is experiencing the same exact tactics. without any permission. This would still be an inside problem that will be dealt with between neighbors in the building. I would suggest checking out the human behavior-based Wall Street instruments Alison McDowell has been researching. I have a first cousin who is a biology professor at Hebrew University, in Jerusalem. This might be used to let targets know they are being watched, however these signals might also be a way for Informants in cars at night, to communicate with their fellow counterparts. Electronic frequencies can be used for monitoring and tracking inside the home, and at work. who want to fix someones behavior when it should be up to their supervisor to deal with the problem. I hired a PI who did nothing but take my money any suggestions? I believe local groups of targets should group together. Verywell Mind articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and mental healthcare professionals. Breaking into their homes and going through their stuff. When a teacher found out that my family name had been Winemaker and had been changed, we moved away from a three story home near Keele St. School, to a dumpy apartment building, near the Humber River. These are law enforcement tactics. Once a target is flagged, a notification is sent out, and the target is followed around 24/7 by the various communities that they are in. Use your energies on actions such as setting boundaries or communicating honestly about how their actions affect you.