images, thinking, associations etc.) For such processes, the recent past gives information about the one-period forecast variance. It has been pointed out that these purportedly distinct processes all share the need for retrieval of concept knowledge (Binder & Desai, 2011). The semantic attribute ) is more likely to be seen or of stimulus detected, thus affects the likelihood of the occurrence of inattentional blindness. Furthermore, patients have difficulty with nonlinguistic tasks such as matching an object to its auditory, olfactory, or tactile properties (Bozeat, Lambon Ralph, Patterson, Garrard, & Hodges, 2000; Lambon, Graham, Patterson, & Hodges, 1999). It is believed that the right hemisphere of the brain commands divergent semantic processing through its coarse grained, large windows of temporal integration. Two experiments yielded the same pattern of ERP results: robust N400 semantic context effects in the AA condition (as expected), null effects in the UU and UA conditions, but a detectable effect for unattended targets following attended context words (AU). Most of this evidence comes from patients with semantic variant primary progressive aphasia (svPPA, formally known as semantic dementia) or herpes encephalitis, both of which affect the anterior and inferior temporal lobes, often asymmetrically but bilaterally. Convergent semantic processing occurs during tasks that elicit a limited number of responses. As in previous experiments with nonlinguistic stimuli, words on the attended side elicited a larger P1 component than words on the unattended side. Spatially, neurons in the left hemispheres occupy mutually exclusive regions, allowing for the more fine-tuned response seen in convergent semantic processing. Since the response time for this task was about 1,100 msec, this would leave time for the generation of related associations needed to solve the task. These estimates suggest that semantic processing might occur regardless of attentional biases toward or away from a word’s color. This effect was interpreted as a reduced grounding in the sensory-motor system for the conceptual-semantic processing of negative action-related sentences, possibly driven by a drain of neuro-computational resources in favor of syntactic processing, given the greater syntactic and computational complexity of negative versus affirmative sentences (Christensen, 2009; Kaup et al., 2007). A large number of neuroimaging studies provide evidence on brain regions involved in semantic processing. Interestingly, it is on the negatively diagnostic conjunctions, like brown apple, that the simple combination-of-typicality model fails most severely. A left prefrontal area (anterior to and overlapping classical Broca's area) begins to show activity about 200 msec after the word occurs. can be recognized as true by virtue of linguistic knowledge alone. This finding indicates that semantic processing can occur without leaving a durable memory trace, a point I return to later under the section entitled Semantic Access and Processing Load. One area that is more strongly activated when generating the use of a word is on the midline of the frontal lobe in the anterior cingulate gyrus. By contrast, sentence-level semantic processing, which requires contextual semantic integration, may recruit additional areas of the dorsal MTL. As expected, these low-probability targets elicited P300s, whereas body-part words on the unattended side did not. The target dimension was semantic: participants were instructed to press a button for body-part words (EYE, ARM, etc.) Several authors have emphasized the profound adaptive value of these processes, which not only enable the attainment of personal goals but also form the neurobiological basis for human culture and technological development (Andreasen et al., 1995; Andrews-Hanna, 2012; Binder et al., 1999). Therefore, we hypothesized that the likelihood of repeating a TOT state would remain the same between conditions (one semantic cue versus two semantic cues). When falling on the attended side, semantically related words elicited a smaller N400 component than unrelated words. The lateral prefrontal area seems to be important in holding in mind the information relevant to the task. The data are ambiguous as to whether the representations coded in these regions contain perceptual information from multiple modalities or are more like ‘amodal’ symbols. Divergent semantic processing occurs during linguistic tasks that can elicit a large variety of responses. State transitions are then factored into a stack shift operation similar to those of a push-down automaton followed by a push of a new preterminal semantic category label. Many recent studies have utilized the Deese/Roediger–McDermott (DRM) paradigm (Roediger Rather, this research suggests that the internal featural representations of the concepts must be used in the combinatorial calculations. Since brake and break both sound the same, phonology alone cannot distinguish which of broke or braked is to be the correct past tense form for the input breIk. These findings suggest this area is important in finding the semantic association. In Glover, Rosenbaum, Graham, and Dixon (2004), participants read words representing graspable objects that are large (e.g., apple) or small (e.g., grape). Moreover, a feature-list model of noun meaning is inadequate to capture the kinds of representational density arguments made above. One study used MRI to measure the brain activity of subjects while they made … self-referential processing may reflect a more specialized mech-anism that is not exclusively driven by semantic functions (Glisky & Marquine, 2009; Kelley et al., 2002), enhancements in seman-tic processing may increase the likelihood that a stimulus may be interpreted as self-relevant and thus facilitate the recruitment of The difference in activation between the two tasks illustrates what happens in the brain when subjects are required to develop a very simple thought, in this case how to use a hammer. In a typical version of this task for imaging, the subjects are shown a series of 40 simple nouns (Raichle et al., 1994). A streams-based architecture raises fundamental questions about the nature of the streams and the interactions be-tween them. Retrieval is the third step in the processing of memory, with first being the encoding of memory and second, being the storage of the memory. In the experimental condition, they indicate the use of each noun (for example, hammer → pound). The HVS model extends the basic discrete Markov model by encoding context in each state as a vector. Semantic grammar, on the other hand, is a type of grammar whose non-terminals are not generic structural or linguistic categories like nouns or verbs but rather semantic categories like PERSON or COMPANY. Much remains unknown about the full range of conditions that elicit semantic P600s and their implications for the neuro-cognitive processes that serve sentence processing (Bornkessel- Schlesewsky & Schlesewsky, 2008; Kuperberg, 2007; Osterhout et al., 2011). Subjects might be asked, for example, to make a judgment about a semantic feature, a category relationship, or some other conceptual attributes of a word in the semantic condition and to make a judgment about the phonological or orthographic form of the word in the nonsemantic condition. The results of this experiment support the hypothesis that the bilateral IFG is involved in lexical-semantic processing under conditions of increased competition, showing increased activation for ambiguous words in the presence of a single disambiguating related word compared to unambiguous words. Studies on brain imaging have shown that, when semantic processing occurs, there is increased brain activity in the left prefrontal regions of the brain that does not occur during different kinds of processing. Figure 1. Even when a single item is presented, it may still be necessary to hold it in some temporary area while other brain areas retrieve information relevant to the response. A similar logic applies to studies contrasting famous against unfamiliar proper names, related against unrelated word pairs, meaningful against nonsensical sentences, and sentences against random word strings. Macaque area PG/7a, the closest monkey homologue of the angular gyrus, receives inputs exclusively from secondary visual, auditory, and multimodal regions (Andersen, Asanuma, Essick, & Siegel, 1990; Cavada & Goldman-Rakic, 1989; Jones & Powell, 1970). In sentential negation, an interaction occurs between a syntactic element (i.e., the negation operator not) and conceptual-semantic information (i.e., the scope of sentential negation containing the negated information) (Tettamanti & Moro, 2012). likelihood of a traffic light in image patch x, p(cjx), and traffic light occurrence prior distribution, p(x). They demonstrate that the typicality of an item as a member of a combination cannot in general be predicted from its typicality as a member of the two separate concepts. It may be serving as a monitor of conflict, but it is possible that it plays other roles as well. As selection criteria, each study had to include a nonsemantic comparison task that provided controls for orthographic, phonological, and cognitive control demands of the semantic task. Second, perirhinal cortex may specifically support fine-grained semantic discriminations, such as required to denote specific fruits or bird species. Consistent with Bartha et al. Past research is ambiguous on the ability of semantic primes to enhance perceptual fluency. On the unattended side, there was no difference between related and unrelated trials (no N400 effect), indicating that semantic relationships were not noticed. Generally speaking, the advantage of more efficient semantic processing for pictures than for Chinese characters refers to general processing differences. The trend to minaturized solid-state electronics has made appliance controls more vulnerable to human electrostatic discharge (ESD). The semantic meaning of a picture can be extracted faster than a word or a Chinese character (Perfetti & Tan, 1998; Potter et al., 2014; Yum et al., 2011). For example, a subject with right hemisphere damage will group the word “deep” with its antonym “shallow,” and have trouble producing the non-literal association of “deep” with “wise.”. The major issue is how the intension and extension of a combination of two concepts relate to the intensions and extensions of the two separate concepts. The left hemisphere quickly selects the most familiar meaning or response, while suppressing other closely related meanings. The essential function of the general semantic network is to store and retrieve this conceptual content, which is employed over a variety of domain-specific tasks. It is believed that the left hemisphere of the brain dominates convergent semantic processing due to the fine grained, small window of temporal integration. In May 2013, full-text articles published in English or Portuguese in the previous 10 years, since May 2003, were retrieved from the databases MEDLINE, Web of Science, PsycInfo, LILACS and Biological Abstracts using the following Boolean phrases: semantic processing AND (schizotypy OR schizotypal personality disorder) (MEDLINE); and semantic processing AND schizotypy (Web of Science, … (2013) postulated a “disembodiment” mechanism of sentential negation, by which the reduced grounding of conceptual-semantic processing in the sensory-motor system for negative action-related sentences leads to a computational load reduction in these brain regions, yielding a reduced interference in concurrent motor tasks. That is, when there are multiple ways to access informa-tion in memory, it increases the likelihood of a match between the … The significance of estimation of missing values in industrial data sets is that different operational situations cannot be describe properly while data sets includes missing values. These variables could, in principle, influence the kind of grounded conceptual-semantic representations reviewed (Bergen & Wheeler, 2010). The neural network underlying normal semantic processing has also been studied widely in functional neuroimaging studies of healthy participants; however, these techniques have produced inconsistent findings and are not in complete agreement with neuropsychological studies. In this respect, some behavioral evidence has been provided showing that grammatical parameters, such as verb aspect or temporal markers, affect the ACE. Estimation of missing values is an essential step in data pre-processing to increase the data quality for further data mining approaches. Experimenter instructs the subject to produce as many verbs as possible for each stimuli. Early studies with nonlinguistic stimuli reported no impact of color-based attention prior to 150 ms or even 200 ms after stimulus onset,1 a latency that is very close to our best estimates of when access to word meaning might begin (based on both the onset latencies of N400 context effects and gaze-duration measures during reading). It can be argued that lexical (word-level) semantic processing may be viewed as an instance of “item-based” (object) processing and may therefore preferentially recruit the ventral MTL. Zwaan, Taylor, and de Boer (2010) asked subjects to read action sentences embedded in a text describing an event as ongoing (e.g., “He opened the bottle”), about to happen (e.g., “He was about to open the bottle”), or completed (e.g., “He had opened the bottle”) while performing a knob rotation task. Examples include physical warmth elicits feelings of social warmth (Bargh & Shalev, 2012; Williams & Bargh, 2008), physical heaviness activates feelings of seriousness, and physical sensations of surface hardness prime more abstract notions of difficulty (Ackerman, Nocera, & Bargh, 2010). trait term (i.e., the name of the trait category) should increase the likelihood that subjects will categorize the stimulus person in terms of the activated category.1 The act of categorization may in turn affect how the stimulus information is processed. However, this experiment also made the important point that similar patterns of behavior can mask distinct attentional processes. Truth-conditional semantics. In a convergent line of work, Tyler, Moss, and associates have used positron emission tomography (PET) and fMRI methods to examine task-dependent recruitment of temporal cortical regions during semantic categorization (Tyler et al., 2004). There is also evidence of the transfer of information from left frontal electrodes to the posterior area at about 450 millisec into the task. Memory is the structure and processes involved in the encoding, storage, and retrieval of information, including both procedural and declarative information. You are currently offline. Vogel and colleagues confirmed the importance of spatial attention for semantic processing with a trial-by-trial cueing procedure (Vogel, Woodman, & Luck, 2005). These results indicate that attentional selection on the basis of visual location precedes semantic processing, so that application of an early spatial filter can block subsequent semantic processing. Subliminal ... have provided evidence of semantic processing in response to masked primes [23]. In either case they begin to give us a handle on how the brain parses high-level tasks into individual operations that are carried out in separate parts of the network. Shoben and Medin have demonstrated such dimensional interactions in judged typicality. To facilitate the learning, we build a new FAshion CAptioning Dataset (FACAD), which Deficits in amodal processing result in naming errors across input and output modalities. An experiment was conducted which varied level of processing of brand names by directing attention to either physical or semantic aspects. The participants then took a memory test after a short period of time. Summary. In contrast, responses to stimuli with other attended features typically differ from their unattended counterparts only after 150 ms, and the attention effects do not always appear to be enhancements of obligatory ERP components. These estimates suggest that. the dog's salivation in response to the bell in Pavlov's paradigm is referred to as the. Cortical regions that showed reliable activation in an ALE meta-analysis of 87 general semantic contrasts. suggest that learning tasks that increase the retention of informa-tion and create multiple retrieval routes in memory produce better transfer. The authors concluded that this pattern of results suggests a perceptual pre-semantic locus of the effect. This finding does not seem to fit with Brown's prediction that more medial regions should be engaged in activation of holistic or “diffuse” representations. Compositional semantics. Two additional areas of cortical activation that are greater in the generate condition are in the left lateral pre-frontal cortex and posterior temporal cortex. inflectional processing (MacWhinney & Leinbach, 1991; Joanisse & Seidenberg, 1999), semantic processes have been included to help explain the processing of homophone verbs (e.g. Based on simulations, they argued that progressive sentences (e.g., “Ashley is stretching her arms”) result in the detailed simulation of the described action (and should yield ACEs), whereas perfect sentences (e.g., “Ashley stretched her arms”) result in the simulation of the action end-state (and should not yield ACEs). However, because this lateral area was often involved in working memory and its time course was early, it is more likely that this lateral frontal area is related to operations such as holding the lexical item in a brief store during the time needed to which to look up the associated word use. Bergen and Wheeler (2010) investigated the role of verb aspect in modulating the motor representations in language comprehension. Conjunctions may be either positively diagnostic (e.g., red apple), nondiagnostic (e.g., unsliced apple), or negatively diagnostic (e.g., brown apple). Building on psycholinguistic evidence (Kaup, Zwaan, & Lüdtke, 2007) indicating reduced speed in the access to lexical-semantic information under the scope of sentential negation, the initial experimental question addressed by Tettamanti et al. When words appeared in uncued locations, accuracy dropped to ∼65%, and the N400 context effect was severely reduced as well. Knowing the meaning of a sentences by putting the meaning of its components together . appearing on the designated side. DON M. TUCKER, ... PHAN LUU, in Handbook of the Neuroscience of Language, 2008. of information and leads to better recall. 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