, or | tags. Whereas, div tag, span tag, bold tag are not semantic elements. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) elements historically were categorized as either "block-level" elements or "inline-level" elements.Since this is a presentational characteristic it is nowadays specified by CSS in the Flow Layout. Basics of HTML ; Web Browsers ; HTML Tags. A. A baseball umpire who has studied general-semantics would probably say: a. I call 'em as l see 'em b. I call 'em as they are c. until I call 'em they ain't d. the umpire is always right 3. ooad mcq,ooad multiple choice questions with answers,ooad objective questions,ooad bits,ooad mid-1 questions with answers,jntuh ooad mid-1 paper,jntuh cse 3-2 mid-1 papers,ooad it ooad mid-1 question paper, ooad it 3-2 mid-1 papers,object oriented analysis and design mid-1 papers,indianonlineviews,csestudyzone,cse study zone,jntuh mid-1 papers,jntuh mid-1 previous … Many web pages have sidebars, and of course blogs and many news sites are divided into articles. Topics >> Placement papers >> HTML Placement papers - Model questions & answers -03/23/15 « Previous; Next » Semantic Elements - MCQs 1) A semantic element clearly describes its meaning to A) Browser B) Developer C) Both A & B D) None of the above View Answer / Hide Answer. Explanation: Row in a table is defined using |