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Im sorry that you and I disagree on this, my friend but my position is not my own. Unfortunately, thats not the case with everyone. Your email address will not be published. We Are We Label. Martha did not believe that Jesus would raise her brother Lazarus from the dead (John 11:2324, 39), but our Savior resurrected him anyway (vv. If your father is not a modalist, he will be able to explain the doctrine of the trinity and be able to explain how the Son is not the Father, for example. As for did and could, do you really think that its okay to misquote clear passages of Scripture? Any insights with this is much appreciated. Certainly Gods actions are, at times, conditional. But hes sloppy in his enthusiasm. Through His Son, that which was unclean -was made clean-. So #1 is debunked. God did not arbitrarily decide He now longer cared about cleanliness. 9. He's built a church empire with his "feel good" preaching, attractive worship, and excellent packaging. But it and the other quotes slide perilously close. COULD JESUS HAVE HEALED THEM IN SPITE OF THEIR LACK OF FAITH, OR ARE HUMANS ABLE TO STOP GOD FROM DOING WHAT HE WANTS TO DO? No, its simple as hearing; In whom you also trusted, after that you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that you believed, you were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Ephesians 1:13.These scripture tell us God uses faith, as faith is action, or acting on after that you heard the word of truth. You could go to your father and say, Steven Furtick is a false teacher who teaches modalism and you should be ashamed of yourself for listening to him. Thats not likely to get you very far. Thank you for Narcigesis! I thought He could do anything. It said, He could not. He wanted to. This is modalism, the same error that Furtick makes. Steven Furtick is a pastor, Grammy-award winning songwriter and producer, & New York Times best-selling author. I was raised Roman Catholic and went to private Catholic school. why would you call me irresponsible? Once your father expresses that modalism is false, and tells you what you should say to a friend who believes in modalism, you can say it back to him. Im happy to have been even a little bit helpful. We dont hold the magic key that opens the door for Him to work. The word means to wound, trouble, or cause pain. What must I do to be saved,believe. You sound angry. In other words, God mostly withheld His power from the stiff-necked people who held Jesus in contempt.. The book of Revelation was, when written, not part of the Bible. Dont get me wrong: it has always been inspired Scripture. Lessons From Less. Your email address will not be published. Its no coincidence that the book of Jude is just before the Book of Revelation. Its rare to see a young man like Steven Furtick living in a 15 million dollar home with several astronomically priced vehicles in this day and age. Im not a follower of Furtick, and in no sense do I endorse him or his ministry. Thats the question. It is fascinating to watch in slow motion and magnified. My comment is about the comments here. Muslims will say that Allah is perfect. From Scripture, we know that there is only ONE God. JOIN Elevation Church Sunday Service at 11:30AM with Steven Furtick, Live Stream March-05-2023. It might be that the only real problem is that hes watching while young and impressionable children are around and that he just hasnt thought about that. I only do so because people write to me and ask whether this teacher or that teacher can be trusted. In this way, God only APPEARS AS the Son and the Spirit. While you and I would probably be on the same page as to what those things mean, its important to be clear: If you and I sat down over lunch and talked about these things, Im confident that we would find a lot of common ground. Yes. Dont you see? Apparently, in his own words, Steven Furtick does. I really appreciate your conclusion as it shows compassion and love. The passage I referenced starts with (v3) In these lay a multitude of invalidsblind, lame, and paralyzed. There are a MULTITUDE there and Jesus heals one man (later in the passage it refers to him leaving due to the crowd.) Just as a manipulating womanizer can say true things, false teachers can be kind, sincere, morally upright people. If the truth matters, then repeating the errors of others is also a problem. To paraphrase 1 Corinthians 2:14, spiritual things are Spiritually discerned. May God save his soul if he doesnt know Christ and may God give His children eyes to see and ears to hear. This belief isnt like saying that children should be baptized, or like thinking that Christians would be better off being kosher. True, and I hope you dont think I agree totally with Furtick, as they are not the same, but rather one, a big difference! There are two primary ways that people interpret Scripture. Gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15) is important. His father 's name is Larry Stevens Furtick and his mother, Faith Furtick. The only relevant question is whether Steven Furtick responsibly teaches what Jesus taught. Its at the very beginning of the video. At one time, only royalty could wear the gem. From my perspective, the only possible way that this would NOT be deceptive and manipulative is if the volunteers stayed in their seats until Furtick (or some other leader) asked the volunteers to get up and take their positions to help those who sincerely wanted to be baptized. I recently worked with a retired pastor, and our topic was discipleship. Thanks for your work. Zachariah didnt believe he could have a son at his advanced age it wasnt his faith that allowed God to give him John the Baptist. Do your own homework. Its an observation. The trinity is hard to understand because God is triune, but nothing else is. 2. I have had an on again, off again relationship with my faith throughout the years. Quite obviously, God was NOT telling Moses that he was as God is. Instead, God gave Moses a message for the Israelites: he was being sent by I Am. Not only does Furticks teaching not match this passage of Scripture, he contradicts it directly. Thats not who I am. Does he believe Jesus is the only way to heaven ? Instead, they focused on living as disciples, members of the kingdom. Matthew 24 gives us more: But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. I dont say that to say that Im right, but to point to the objective fact that what Furtick teaches, and what youve repeated, simply contradicts Scripture. In Numbers 11, Moses doubted that Gods plan to feed meat to the Israelites would work. Jesus couldnt do many miracles why? Do you see how this patient and gentle approach might be more effective than a confrontational approach? The Christian Post was unable to confirm his age Wednesday evening, but the elder Furtick was apparently in his early 60s. Hes pretty harsh. This is also why Jesus said; According to your faith be it unto you. What youve written makes it sound like you think thats unnecessary. Third: what is this scroll? I appreciate your input: too many simply condemn people for being unbiblical, or heretical, without actually pointing to what they teach. Thanks. Thanks for visiting! I dont mean that you might create a circumstance where God has already made decisions about what will happen, as when someone dies after a lifetime of rebellion. But, why this buffeting? Youve already agreed that God is not limited by a persons lack of faith. Provoking conversation to say the least. Dont you think the disciples were confused when Jesus told THEM to feed the 5,000? Youre right. Please, I beg you: do your homework. Duncan blogged about the baptism guide in a post he titled, " How Steven Furtick engineered a miracle .". Pastor Furtick, 33, founded the Matthews, N.C., Elevation Church in 2006, and the Southern Baptist megachurch averages about 15,000 weekly attendees across seven locations in North Carolina. That notwithstanding, i believe as a human, we should be able to sieve what we are being told, take the good and ignore the evil. For example, in that same passage of Scripture, one might read into the passage the idea that Jesus may have been angry at His old neighbors and at His family. When He tells us, we should pay attention. As this power mentioned in John 1:12 is the same power here in Luke 8:45-48 that is able to save, heal, and deliver. While it is true, we dont observe them anymore, the reason we dont is not that they no longer apply, but there is no longer anything to apply them to. Passion City Church Pastor Louie Giglio also tweeted at Pastor Furtick: "Lifting you up to Jesus and . Christ lives in me: Galatians 2:20. He cant bear fruit if he remains a baby. But also, I think many teachers, Pastors, etc. Apart from this he also a songwriter and a best-selling national author as specified by one of the leading publications in the country. Where the Bible is clear, we should adhere to it. I see yall looking at me like, Is that true? That we should ignore his false teaching is not. Air Presto Off White White Shoes $637. Are you trying to defend Furtick against the claim that hes a false teacher? My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. This is false. Thats not good. The Father and Son are obviously, clearly, biblically, and logically distinct from one another. No, this wont do. I understand you want to have the final say in discussions, but let me share this last thought, then you can put me in my place, so to speak. Its nice to meet you. Narcigesis is a new word. GodWords isnt really about me, so theres not much but you can find some info in the About GodWords pages, and my personal Facebook and Twitter accounts are linked at the top of every page. It seems we agree. Instead, Christ could not do many miracles because the circumstances under which the Lord readily shows Himself were not present.. The laws, regulations, and guidelines we see in Scripture for both ancient Israel and for followers of Jesus are, historically speaking, universally understood to be a reflection of Gods character. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will ishis good, pleasing and perfect will. You make several good points in this response but one that Id like to expand on: b) ignorant of how God has blessed his church. While it is an imperfect term, its the best one we can come up with. This is in line with a common teaching in the Word of Faith movement: that our faith only manifests what is already true in the spiritual realm. Related: Kalani Miller Age, Height, Net Worth, Bio, . Again, he seems to have passed up the opportunity to clarify that his words werent intended to contradict Scripture. Pastor Steven Furtick announces father's death. I see that you dont write to condemn him, but to objectively note his errors. And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll. In this case, those consequences might be only a few minutes of ritual uncleanness, or most of a day. The text gives no indication that it might apply to any other writing by any other author. Ignite God's Vision for Your Life, Pastor Furtick shared that his father had been diagnosed with ALS only a few years after surviving liver cancer. Thanks for writing! Furtick taught as Ive shown that the people of Nazareth lacked faith, and it was their lack of faith that trapped Jesus power to heal. The question is whether you were, or werent and you were. Darnell Jonas spent his weekend in the black churches where he said there are only black.. Normally, I strictly use a false teachers own words to explain why we should avoid them. What other, in your opinion, false teachers have you written about?? You can SAY that youre right, but you cant responsibly use Scripture to show that youre right. Jesus sacrifice paid for us to be redeemed from them all. The word is sozo, and its used here as a future passive indicative second-person singular word. This is pretty basic, and every Word of Faith teacher including Steven Furtick does it. Id say no but recommending Elevations music really is recommending Elevation. Stephen Furtick is of white ethnicity and has American nationality. Buddhists will talk about becoming one with everything by losing your self-identity. Right, good choice, as those scripture about false teachers is true and not to be ignored, but we were speaking of a certain scripture and its interpretation, yet you bring it into the realm of being part and partial to a false teacher. Jesus said the HolySpirit proceeds from the Father. It says And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.. As Paul taught the Romans (Ch. Who Is Steven Furtick. He draws us to Himself, or we could not be saved. Matthew 26 gives us more: My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Gods power was not trapped in their unbelief. That elevates us higher than the Scriptures indicate, and limits God in ways the Scriptures dont. Id probably really like him. The station needed a helicopter because the house sits on a 19-acre lot surrounded by gated communities and similarly sized mansions, posted with no trespassing . Faith is a force, and words contain that force, so speaking faith-filled words gives you power to change your life. I think your all wrong you all a I have religious spirit like the Pharisees because Pastor Steve speak the truth and you cant handle the truth -you water down the word of truth make hard -this is my opinion Shame on all you all one you be judges for accusing your brother in Christ instead of support him -you you dont look good pick part everything that you dont like only have itching ears you are like your father the devil may God help you all. He was prepared to. Questions about false teaching often raise emotions pretty high, so thanks! I called this me-ology, instead of theology. Jesus obediently passed on to us the things that the Father told Him to say. What does the text say? I want to be discerning. What ethnicity is Steven Furtick? I think you all foolish jealous that God can use a young man to reach and touch a younger generation-A godly man will alway get rebutted -shepherd boy David was constantly rejected yet he had heart after God -God see the heart of man so say you everything you want at least pastor Steve is not like Jimmy Swaggers a A womanizer or like Jim jones all these preacher that were manipulators of and womanizersGod said you know then by their fruit! He did not disappear. We dont want to fall into the same kinds of errors that false teachers fall into that is, reading a passage and then drawing conclusions that dont match the context. Look at His actual words, in John 12: For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. Instead, we see in Scripture that God is sovereign, that there are none like Him, that there are none above Him, and so on. No, Thomas I dont want to have the final say. This was about 50% of all the recorded Furtick's in USA. You say, it is not a logical and biblical explanation that He chooses to act under certain circumstances, and to not act in others, as God is not the author of confusion. With respect, you really havent thought this through. Dont give up your frustration is evidence that the real thing is out there waiting. Steven is a popular American Baptist evangelical Christian pastor and a songwriter of Elevation Worship. Anything that contradicts Scripture is false. I just came to this discussion after hearing an amazing worship song on You Tube from Elevation Worship. Apparently he holds the orthodox view of the triunity of God, at least in his doctrinal statement. In my experience, people who are willing to be led by the Holy Spirit into a clear understanding of Scripture will change their minds easily. Youve spent many words pointing out that God can enable us to do things using His power. Okay, I have taken enough of your time. Thats his conclusion. For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. It simply explains the nature of ritual purity. Meanwhile, Furtick has associated himself with other megachurch pastors such as Joel Osteen, James MacDonald, Ed Young Jr., Perry Noble and T.D. Where in the Bible does it say that no one but God has the right to judge anyone? He enables us to believe. The implication, as taught over and over by these false teachers, is that we share Gods nature, and we can do the things He can do. Theres nothing in Scripture that tells us that we can prevent God from doing anything He wants to do. I wouldnt suggest that one add up the number of doctrinal errors to determine whether someone is a false teacher. This week, reports by NBC Charlotte have focused on the financial success of the church's charismatic pastor that has accompanied that growth. Steven Furtick is a pastor. To animals? One of the things cited for Elevation Churchs growth is the atmosphere surrounding baptisms. The passage says nothing about it, but we might imagine it anyway. As for Furtick saying; God is a molecular structure that fills all in all in all, and that thats what it means to say that Christ was from the beginning? That doesnt mean that people cant be confused by what God does the Bible is full of that. Steven Furtick Popularity Most Popular #20766 Religious Leader #20 First Name Steven #24 Born in Moncks Corner, SC #2 42 Year Old Pisces #19 Pisces Religious Leader #3 That what it says. Regular Christians always get to be healed, but Paul was a special case. Thank you for all your help! What gives you the right to say who is or is not of God every Pastor gives there interpretation of what the Bible is saying. Im not sure I can be more definitive than that, without pretending that I know things I couldnt possibly know. We should do certain things, and not do other things, because they are in concert with Gods character or contrary to Gods character. I dont know Steve or anything about him. We dont agree that healing belongs to us in Christ Jesus, because the Word of God does not say that. Theres no limit to what God CAN do, but there are limits to what He WILL do. Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election. Here is an article with detail information on the Mansion. Godly people would never drink alcohol. Thanks for writing! Steven Furtick is a very popular speaker. When Christians talk about Jesus, they acknowledge that He is God. While he was still in his teens, he read a book that inspired him to become a minister. Not trapped in their perspective.? Thanks, Again, thanks. Thats a yes or no question, by the way. I believe he believes what hes saying. Elevation Church was founded by Furtick in 2006 with just fourteen members. Nike Air Fear of God 1 Triple Black Shoes $610. Named one of his sons Graham after Charlotte-born evangelist Billy Graham. Both, in this case, misuse Scripture and claim that it says something that it does not say. Ive removed the link you provided, in case any would be tempted to go and listen to him. Why say that He AND the Father would indwell us, rather than simply saying I?