Anthony Cardell Haynes Obituary, Articles D

Outside of a niche application of flushing out small game animals, it is a joke weapon that is rarely, if ever, offered for sale in serious hunting shops. In terms of foreign relations and strategic considerations, the Ukraine is run from the US embassy in Kiev. Second, the Ukraine is a rich source of immigrants, having lost around a third of its population since independence. To quote Dimitry, from above: Thus we have a mostly Russian-speaking, historically mostly Russian territory where most of the people speak either Russian (some of them with an accent) or a sort of Ukrainian patois called Surzhik, which is Ukrainian-sounding but with mostly Russian words (the overlap between the two languages is so great that it is difficult to draw the line between them). The Hermitage collection started out as her personal collection. , , , , . The question of his ethnicity is irrelevant. Tomorrow is full dress event in Balaklava. And if you are able to plant a lot of trees, please do so at your earliest convenience. I even provided a worksheet which readers could use to track their progress in freeing themselves from the technosphere's clutches. If so, we should expect a strong emphasis on continuity, with Putin maintaining some measure of control over national politics as a senior statesman. I have no doubts that with time Novorossiya will become if not part of Russia then certainly so intertwined with Russia that to all intents and purposes it will be Russian again. Take it as it comes. This one from D Orlov also a MUST read.5 stars.Enjoy. Just as an aside, your candid insights into life within Crimea are very welcome. Overall, the structure looks like a matryoshka doll. People are infinitely better, friendlier, nicer and better looking than Americans. All the original content published on this blog is licensed by Saker Analytics, LLC under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 International license ( My premise in that book was that financial, commercial and political collapse are inevitable in many of the severely overextended countries around . A military coup? The easiest way to defeat the Outlaw US Empire is to decapitate the most important members of its 1% while disrupting the entire communication system. Thus, the image of the USSR as a typical empire is simply wrong. He correctly translates the meaning of Ukraina as At the end of the land, meaning Polish land. Putin must be quite sure the US is an empty bag. After him, with the new managers (that have office in Moscow but brain, heart and wallet in Paris, New York or London) of the old Russia there will be nothing left. Comprehensive representation of the current givens. It is symbolic that Russian jets arrived on the 20th anniversary of NATOs war against Yugoslavia Unlike in Yugoslavia. If thats true, its depressing. In essence, its a tragic population that will never survive their Empires disintegration. English) the extraordinary Renaissance art collections that are held in the Hermitage and other museums. It causes people to lose heart and leave. The applicability of the concept of collapse is predicated on the existence of an intact, stand-alone entity capable of collapse, and with the Ukraine this is definitely not the case. The certificate is only valid for the following names: *, Error code: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN. Spin: The veteran blueliner wasn't expected to have a prominent . As collapse intensifies, these Anglo American entities led by the USA will surely lash out in even more aggressive wars to maintain their unipolar world order that they have ruled over since the fall of the Soviet Union. The US, beyond the grips of the deep state is also the cradle of progressive movements and many progressive ideas in many fields, and patriotic citizens resistance, however tiny, Not sure if extensive Lavrov interview earlier in April was reported on saker..extract. It gets messy when rats turn on each other-but is entertaining when they are the human sub-species. They did make an anti-Russia out of Ukraine. Lets look at men. There may be something to this belief: when we suddenly In particular, all the benefits currently enjoyed by retirees, such as reduced public transit fees and reduced property taxes, will be extended to those nearing retirement age. Later, when it became clear that without appealing to Russian patriotic sentiments the task of prevailing against Nazi Germany was unlikely to succeed, Stalin brought back the Russian Orthodox Church and made other efforts toward the restoration of Russian ethnic identity that were previously decried as retrograde and chauvinistic. sheeple have been tricked into thinking like corporations (glorified psychopaths) instead of humans. They arent enraged or even embarrassed by the fact that their country is pretty much run from the US embassy in Kiev. After listening to that, I see the John Batchelor show as being anti-Russian,he uses all the code words that the anti-Russians use, Putin regime,grabbing of Crimea,Russian aggression,etc. Correct, I went to test your statement thinking that my firefox using noscript will have easy job dealing with it. Russian and foreign investments could do the trick. Especially if Europe is pushed too far .. Khrushchev was born on April 15, 1894, in Kalinovka, a small Russian village near the Ukrainian border. Also Crimea came into Russian possession only under Katherine the Whore, not before. The steps are obvious and unfortunately, maybe definitive: zioimposed religious schism, forceful and exclusive use of Ukrainian from 2020 on, denial to belong to other country different from Ukraine (a patchwork assembled through land thefts). My attempt as astrologer is, to show the parallels in the symbolic mirror of the zodiac, exactly telling, what we are and will be witnessing. Continue reading [on Patreon] [on SubscribeStar], p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120% }. It takes a 15-20 years to build up a new generation of nationalists and defenders of their heritage, so this could easily take 50-100 years to change if ever. Interesting times ahead. That's what they think. Dimitry + Saker, the ultimative analysts on historic level. What mattered was his loyalty and his political debts. I think if they wrote about us, they would present these facts emotionally. does not sound good in any way anywhere west of Russia so options: Tardigrades, lichens and cyanobacteria may survive, but more complex life forms will perish in droves, in a short period of time as the plant becomes uninhabitable for higher life forms, like horses, whales, turtles, orange trees, ferns, lilacs, ducks and parrots. Yes, it does not make any sense to potentially provoke a nuclear war unless you are insane. I really take exception to Orlov saying how nuclear war will never happen. It would be useless against Russia, but it can pose a credible threat of violence against the occupied populations. The right mental image of the USSR is that of a prostrate, emaciated sow (Russia) being suckled by 14 fat, greedy piglets (the other Soviet Socialist Republics). The Ukraine, its natural gas pipeline system decrepit and beyond repair, will continue to import natural gas from Europe, only now the methane molecules will actually flow to it from the west rather from the east. They are simply copying the liberalist West in everything. If the best an Imperial Defender can come up with is a spray of octopus ink saying gee, that author could really do with peer review, thats a pretty weak argument at this stage of the Imperial game (late). Yeah, a little too late, though. He lays it bare. polite substitute for the term (pizdts), which is Every now and then he writes a piece that is so incisive and sums up the reality of the whole situation so clearly. He is an engineer who has contributed to fields as diverse as high-energy Physics and Internet Security, as well as a leading Peak Oil theorist. Dmitry Orlov was born in Leningrad, USSR, into an academic family, and emigrated to the US in the mid-1970s. At worst, you become a sucker for insanities like "Open Borders" which is nothing but infinite growth inflicted upon a finite country. This was, as was to be expected, to no avail. Is it not always a good idea to analyze? The name originated from Polish not Russian. Orlov played on the right side of the third pairing with Derek Forbort. Russia needs Russian population growth and there is no way it will refuse any Ukrainian or Slavic region that wants to hop on board. Dmitry Orlov Born: July 23, 1991 Birthplace: Novokuznetsk, RUS Shoots: Left Draft: 2009 WSH, 2nd rd, 25th pk (55th overall) View Player Bio + Follow NHLBruins Watch Dmitry Orlov Highlights. The hunting was sparse, so, the possum would have to do. He looks at the dire situation facing the U.S., its dollar status, and the disintegration of the political system. I helped win Reagans cold war in the mid 80s in germany mainly by drinking large quantities of good german and Czechoslovakian beer. Dmitry Orlov: The first round of the elections was an outright fraud. Good point about the returning, disillusioned vets. Elpidios, Video & Transcript), Communist Infiltrators Planted Pedophiles in the Catholic Church, EPIC - Russians Singing the Book of Revelation (English Subtitles), Fr. A whiff of World War III hangs in the air. world, and this makes references to them particularly potent in this Everything he said in almost an off-hand way proved true all the time. b) that its possible to achieve truly prodigious results without slavery, mayhem, and murder even as the West launches extermination campaigns against your country. A proper empire functions as a wealth pump that sucks wealth out of its imperial possessions, be they overseas, as in the case of the British Empire, or part of the periphery, as in the case of the Russian Empire. Whats the point of guesswork? Kind regards sacrum again!) These are facts of life in Ukraine. And women were emancipated for the first time in Chinese history. It lays claim to the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk but not to the people who reside there. "The United States are making sure-footed strides directly along the path of the Soviet Union. From some of the previous interviews (including this one) Dmitry mentioned the dangers of glyphosates and non-ionizing radiation. Dmitry Orlov's salary is $3,300,000 and his cap hit is $5,100,000 for the 2022-23 season. Orlov does understand the US, just like I do, as I have lived in the US. There arise and this rather spoils the solemnity of the occasion. Make snippets of Doak talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. An Incident On Simonka March 2014. NATOs gender-ambivalent military technicians would not want to get in their way at all.. Most Russians refuse to acknowledge what a disaster his reign was, including that he murdered his one and only heir and son, put an end to the whole dynasty of Rurik or Ihor,and following his death and all his depradations came the time of troubles when the whole Muscovite realm almost ceased to exist. Exceptional, indispensable Pindos and their Euro-trash kith and kin have an inbred sense of entitlement to the worlds natural resources and labour output after half a millennium of premeditated genocide and ecocide around the planet. They are also tactically important. Dmitry very kindly agreed to reply to my questions in some detail, for which I am most grateful. Like I said, I am not arguing, just making a point. people also involuntarily utter sacrilegious profanities (theres I am more inclined to believe those who are censored and suppressed; those with more to lose; those with skin in the game. Thanks to both Saker and Dmitry. Are you excited yet? > Quotes. Dmitry Orlov: The term "Novorossiya" (New Russia) goes back several centuries, to the time Catherine the Great expanded the Russian Empire to include Crimea and other southern possessions. The whole idea is to kill the bastards. His major thrust in domestic politics seems to be in maintaining very strict discipline within the government in pushing through his list of priorities. the advent of the arctic fox but will, with any luck, be reborn into Quite the to do which is understandable and demanded. He was an eyewitness to the collapse of the Soviet Union over several extended visits to his Russian homeland between the late 1980s and mid-1990s. No arm-twisting, bribery or other persuasion has been able to force a single sale. Just so. He is very smart and he knows what he writing about this is my opinion of the man. They are taking their families, wives and children, with them and going home. Then theres the other assumption that the US is run by illogical idiots (I prefer delusional and educationally challenged). Sure, it is a big step, but doable. These multinational corporations gotta keep the profits up for their shareholders. They will continue to see poison as good food, lethal enemies as trustworthy friends. Just an excellent education from gentlemen and scholars. In my latest interview with best-selling author Dmitry Orlov, we. As this came to be recognized, Leon Trotskythe great exponent of world revolutionwas first exiled, then assassinated. Here I could launch into a lengthy historical discussion of why the US went nuclear in Japan, why US plans to destroy the USSR using a nuclear first strike never came to fruition, why Reagan's Star Wars failed and much elsebut I won't bother and simply assume that you know all of that. What Lenin reassigned to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic were Russian lands, Donetsk and Lugansk regions among them. context. Peace. Lower their expectations. Everybody wants to know how the story ends, but that sort of information probably isnt good for anyones sanity. Sam: Have your views become somewhat darker since you published The Five Stages of Collapse a few years ago? Gidday. In this essay he also speaks about the potential of Americans emigrating to other countries, including Russia. I would like to direct your attention to the following video (the second part is very interesting): translationos sacrumof the Greek termhieron osteon (holy Meanwhile, the two eastern regions, which are highly developed economically and have a lot of industry, have been integrating ever more closely into the Russian economy. If they cant keep their hegemony and rape and pillage a volont, they happely use nukes and worse to destroy the world. Never The Last One A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation. and evocative yet polite when referring to financial, commercial, As a whole, or as its constituent nations, it is no longer capable of the exercise of its full sovereignty, having surrendered it to the US. I do not doubt this or that the West will recognise this election. Second training, training, training. The professor is Jerry something, the lecture can be found at, a valuable archive. On Thursday, the Capitals sent defenceman Dmitry Orlov and energy forward Garnet Hathaway to the top team in the NHL, the Boston Bruins, who add depth, experience, grit and an important minute . Shiny globo-homo eyes having Europe in their heart. Time alone will tell. Membership has its privileges, and members dont care at all what life is like for those who are in the country but arent members of the club. They were always a transcendent bunch, actually, in a culture founded on spiritual independence despite all the overlay of consumerist crap. The US media can make the great bulk of the people believe absolutely anything, if given enough time. All the other Soviet republics had their own communist party organizations that developed cadres to send to Moscow, while Russia itself lacked such an organization. one. When the miners finally said screw this and joined the opposition it was over for Ahkmetov and the orcs. The TRUTH dear Saker is EUROPE , which is the coveted Prize over which the fight is ongoing .. and it is a brutal War , where all means are used .. by all parties implicated ..and only made possible by a corrupted European Elite ..enslaved to an even more sinister Global Elite so far sitting in the driver seat .. but most likely to be replaced in the years coming if I can judge the ANGER smoldering among European populations an Anger which just needs the right Spark and the right Persons to materialize . Well see how that pans out, but it aint gonna be pretty either way. But it was not because he himself was Ukrainianbecause he wasnt. I have been told that all the little towns along the Queensland coast have their quota of similar dropouts. They whine like snowflakes about the foreign outsourcing of jobs or illegal immigrants stealing our jobs as a chauvinistic demand for a greater share of the economic spoils of imperialism. Is that true? collapse, the Russians tend to make references to the white furry Giving up a first-round pick for a rental -- or even two. And whod be willing to endure shelling for a monstrosity like contemporary America? * Stating that Russia cannot absorb Novorossiya is bullsht. His argument on the one hand makes total logical sense. Quite contented, Interview with CEO of Gazpromneft Bitumen Materials LLC, Dmitry Orlov - Hermes Oil Trading A professional player 30 March 2015 Interview with CEO of Gazpromneft Bitumen Materials LLC, Dmitry Orlov Gazprom magazine Dmitry Viktorovich, why did you set up a separate subsidiary for the bitumen business? The US has illegally invaded E. Syria and is daring Russia to do something about it. The only part of the US which probably will emerge as a cohesive force will be the old South, Dixie land, which has history and tradition behind it. Check out American Nations, by Colin Woodard. Washington Capitals | Dmitry Orlov | Orlov registered an assist, two shots and two hits during Friday's 3-2 loss to the Nashville Predators. The applicability of the concept of collapse is predicated on the existence of an intact, stand-alone entity capable of collapse, and with the Ukraine this is definitely not the case. . the virtues of the American people. When the civilization collapses around them, as it is doing, they do not waken from the trance and suddenly see the factual reality. They all needed to at least go through the boot camp. NATO vs. Russia, Explained In One Picture, EPIC FAIL: Why Most US Weapons Systems Are Worse than Russia's, Trump Lied to the American People Last Night, 23 Times in 7 Minutes, Destroying his Presidency. The thought of Odessa, in particular, in the hands of the Ukronazi vermin, remains sickening, particularly given the massacre that the Western fakestream media vermin refuse to acknowledge even happened. The overwhelming realization that daily hits me and which so few commentators mention is the universal and very effective mind control of the entire population. Lastly, there is a significant amount of fatigue in Russia with the Ukrainian subject. Make snippets of Dmitry talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. Will they be fooled by the Wests propaganda? If we drop the conceit that the Ukraine is a country that can be viable if separated from Russia, what can we say about its chances as part of a Greater Russia? And so he just stood around gawking until it flew back and hit him. Watch the following 2 videos (French but with English subtitles), theyre really interesting:, They dont. Not a single buyer has taken an aircraft for delivery, despite 5000 orders outstanding for this model. Locating potable water? Nature-like technologies, a phrase coined by Vladimir Putin, is a focal point of discussion in this recent interview with Dmitry Orlov. Perhaps theres something to add, later, after review. Saker and Dimitri Orlov, thank you both for a real insight on some global happenings. how it might continue shrink and what the consequences are going to be. His excellency said: It is terrible for morale to have rockets falling out of the sky and exploding sporadically among your civilian population while your military stands by helplessly. $$$. Throwing large sums of money around will not fix or even patch the problems. We also dont want the Europe of Conchita Wurst infecting the Russian nation. Americans strut around but feel powerless and dont have a plan or think they can have a plan because they lack the conceptual frameworks to understand that their leadership is thoroughly rotten. It happens on US soil, and it avoids nuclear weapons from either side. Interestingly enough Russia offered to rejoin PACE and hand overall the due past payments if it reasserts its principles on an equitable basis for all members.this puts EU in a spit.continue with the pretence of russophobia in the consolidating presence of say Italy and Austria getting rather cheesed off with that..or the big prize and split perhaps finally from USA dependant on Merkel and co and Mogherini going(considering failing influence over the Venezuela affair)- must be the recognition of Crimea. Dmitry Orlov trade details: Bruins bring in Capitals defenseman to add depth to blue line | Sporting News WIN NYI 4:00p -113 CHI DAL 6:30p -400 CGY ARI 6:30p -220 LAK NJ 4:00p BUF TB 4:00p EDM. I believe this phenomen is the tip of an iceberg. [12] [6] [4] In the summer of 2015, Orlov's heirs sold their shares in the bank to Promsvyazbank, owned by the Ananyev brothers. An Android App has been developed by one of our supporters. In my latest interview with best selling author Dmitry Orlov we discuss lifestyle and how your lifestyle decisions may dramatically impact how your family will fare if times get tough. of a person's head, which Petrov and Boshirov swallowed with genitalia, motherhood and God. In fact, the elites in Kiev are currently all aquiver over their ingenious plan to sell off all of Ukraines land to foreign investors (no doubt pocketing a hefty fee). Why Monarchy Is Better For Christians than Democracy, Want to Be More Masculine? tingling sensation centered on the sacrum. The author resides in US becasue its where he picks up his paycheck. Decades, even. 00:00. too abstract and too technical to do justice to the visceral The Saker: Lastly, a similar but fundamentally different question: can the USA (as opposed to the Empire) survive Trump and, if so, how? fires in the dead of winter, bleaching of the Norfolk Island coral reefs (the most southerly)and mass fish deaths in our one major river system, the Murray-Darling. Even if the Western Elites wanted to which they dont they cant keep up the Wests living standards when imperialism are facing mounting resistance from without. Paw, at looks like road kill! without missing a beat hunter says, Hey, it aint bad, once you pick out the little rocks., Moral of story, Sooner or later, the people of Ukraine are going to demand fresh meat on the menu, and they arent going to put up with road kill no more., Mr. Infinite growth on a finite planet can be visualized from several examples off-hand.The concept is common among teenagers trying to find their place in the world: "My God, it's so big. Never in its history has it been able to stand alone as a stable, self-sufficient, sovereign entity. Trump, can flounce around Washington and the rest of the country and do and say outrageous things and it has no effect on life whatsoever. RG: The only thing that Ill add, and it really isnt much, is that Americans (for the most part) do not have the skills nor the will to be able to survive a post-consumer world.. It was Lenin who lumped in its eastern regions (Donetsk and Lugansk specifically) who previously were part of Russia proper. The trainers were then replaced with CIA types who simply collected intelligence on how to fight a high-intensity ground war without air supportsomething that no NATO force would ever consider doing. Start with learning the language, and a short trip. Many weapons that the USA possesses are not publically acknowledged such as weather warfare (HAARP), biowarfare targetting certain genotypes, and other exotic technologies. The hunter tosses it onto the table and everyone gawps at it. You can sign up to support him by clicking on the below: Very sad. Dmitry left Russia with his family in 1976 and settled in the Boston area to pursue an education in computer science and linguistics. The Russian defenseman is likely to play on a few different pairings as head coach Jim Montgomery figures out which partner. Saker I am just a common West European .. Danish in fact I am a bit unusual for a dane I admit , as I have lived outside my Country for most of my life , and the reasons for that being ,partly circumstance partly that I wasnt happy about the state of affairs in my Home country , mainly due to usurious taxation but also of other reasons . It is a purely negative identity: Ukraine is that which is not Russia. The use of tactical nuclear weapons, bio-warfare, and other exotic weapons should not be ruled out. Training is what gives the young men the chance to survive. If Catherine was a whore because she liked men and like to dancewell, we should then all be such Russian whores. Thanks again. I have sublet one of the bedrooms to a young Czech couple who are on a working holiday. THe way to explain this is as follows: first of all luck (as they say whatever is written in the book of life for you. Usually it is as simple as clicking on the adblock icon in your browser, and choosing the disable on this page or domain option.